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Everything posted by somme

  1. I played this for a few hours when it first released on PC and really enjoyed how it felt more like Diablo 2 than Diablo 3 did. Will definitely pick this up.
  2. He does this all the time and has done for years.
  3. I agree. There are hundreds of other options for games if you don't have the time for a 50+ hour title. And even with AC games you can always stick to the main missions and reduce the playtime significantly.
  4. somme


    It's on NBC once a week. Netflix air it as soon as they can. Blame NBC!
  5. Don't forget that us gays finally got some Trek representation too! I guess all those women and two gay men is just too far-fetched for a show about an all-inclusive, near-Utopian society.
  6. Yeah, I've done the same once or twice which is why I decided to just not get bothered by it. Now I just play games through the most fun ways possible. If I really like a game I'll go for the trophies - but then again, if they're absurd I just won't bother. But I'm very glad they're there. Extra options, choices and goals is always a plus.
  7. You can turn off notifications for any trophies achieved and at no point are you forced to look at the trophy list. They're optional extras. If they hamper your enjoyment turn them off.
  8. It's the Aim Controller that really sells it. It's so accurate and really adds to the immersion.
  9. For any FPS fans with a PSVR they definitely want to check out Firewall: Zero Hour. One of the most fun experiences I've had with an FPS since Goldeneye! Posted a write up of my thoughts: https://psvr-reviews.com/2018/09/11/firewall-zero-hour/
  10. Considering there's a whole load of loud naysayers spread over the Internet, giving the impression, "No one wants VR," I'd say it's pretty good. It's still very much in its infancy, with the headsets fairly primitive and the game developers still working out what works and what doesn't. When you do get a good VR experience there's nothing quite like it. With the upcoming MediaMolecule title Dreams being VR-compatible, we could also have a lot of great user-created VR content on the way too.
  11. Same here. I enjoyed Beyond but I've only seen it the once. Barring First Contact and Generations I'm not really much of a fan of movie-Trek. I've always felt it works better on TV.
  12. Always loved Patrick and his love for Picard, the show and the fans.
  13. I started over.. and then my new save got corrupted. Don't do any freighter/frigate missions for the time being. There's a weird bug which corrupts your save though they're working on it and have been releasing bug patches every few days. First few weeks are normally a bit buggy. I wasn't that bothered really - it's all just so much better I don't mind starting over somewhere completely new. I've stuck to first person for the ship as I thought third felt weird. But I'm a sucker for third-person on foot. I'd normally choose first but there's something about seeing your character in this. Makes it feel more like a sci-fi story for some reason.
  14. Haha, yeah that was great. Wondered where you'd gone. It did feel strangely lonely after you left! Getting quite a lot of crashes on my PS4 Pro... but they normally sort out those bugs by the first weekend.
  15. The Sony Gold / 2.0 headset is the one many of us are sporting, usually found around the 50-60 quid range. A great all-round wireless headset really. Cheers. I'll check that one out.
  16. Thinking about getting a headset for the PS4. Any recommendations? Cheaper the better but I'm open to paying more if it's worth it!
  17. I'll be starting from scratch too. If anyone wants to add me on PSN it's: somme_uk I'm hoping that this finally means your friends will show up on the new and vastly improved galactic map. They've already launched the browser version which helps you find out where you are in the galaxy and easily share your location online. https://galacticatlas.nomanssky.com/
  18. I don't have a £900 phone, though thanks for assuming I'm much richer than I am. And a phone is very different to a gaming console - I'm not even going to go there. And I said it has two games for me - not overall.
  19. I didn't even see the release list. Only Smash and Overcooked 2 interest me and I'll get Overcooked on PS4 as I've already got the controlllers. I mean, I loved the first Overcooked but it's not a system seller.
  20. Great. And I'd rather not risk a 300 quid machine being lost, stolen or broken! Also, I hate small screen gaming so I'd rather take a more powerful home console over a less powerful one I could lose. But ultimately, I'm not paying 300 quid for 2 games - even if I can go and play them in the shed.
  21. Only if you care about gaming on the go. Just got a tax rebate and seriously thought about getting a Switch. But I still can't justify 300+ quid on two games (Mario and Zelda). Smash Ultimate almost tipped me over the edge. Then I remembered how much I'd have to spend on controllers to actually be able to have people over to play and decided against the whole thing. I'll probably just wait for Prime 4, though I'm slightly worried it'll end up having some awful gimmick to "set itself apart".
  22. https://www.eurogamer.net/articles/2018-07-20-no-mans-skys-big-next-update-is-big
  23. There's also a thirty-hour story now. If you like classic sci-fi novels then you'll enjoy it - gets pretty meta. I had a sort-of game breaking bug happen through my playthrough, which they've fixed now. I teleported from a space station too many times and lost a mission planet across the other side of the galaxy. Had to fly there the old-fashioned way. Took me a week! Most people probably would've hated that but I rather enjoyed it. And terraforming planets is a great idea. You should email them the idea. They love community feedback (as long as its not death threats) and a couple of things I suggested were changed. It's very likely others suggested the changes too but good nonetheless.
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