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Everything posted by somme

  1. Placebo - Pure Morning - http://youtube.com/watch?v=jQQmAP9Poo4 Nearly won a Brit award back in the day but Robbie Williams beat them to it - and his video was shite. Haven't seen a decent video for years, bands tend to just perform in their videos now which is lame.
  2. I enjoyed it! I want mooooooore.
  3. Fusion had too much of a plot. Metroid's never really come across as something that needs an intricate plot to me.
  4. I'd be quite happy with Wind Waker 2.
  5. Not fair? But that's what smash brothers is about, learning to cope with random stuf happening and winning regardless.
  6. Rob would be much better if they renamed him "Johnny 5".
  7. Well I can understand people's dissappointment as the newer more interesting characters were unveiled first but still... It's going to be one addictive game.
  8. I much prefer being in the "thick of it" with my friends whilst playing split screen than a lap ahead whilst they're battling it out. Much more fun.
  9. I wouldn't really be bothered if Wolf or Krystal weren't in it - both seem fairly lame. Lylat Wars and the original were good games, everything since was pap. Don't need Falco or Wolf really. But anyways - I'm still looking forward to this. If this is the final roster then it's stil better than it's predecessor's so that can only be a good thing.
  10. Maybe we should all threaten to rape Sakurai's mother if he doesn't release in next month in Europe? :P
  11. Peach cos then all the attention would be on me. And I'd be a Princess heehee
  12. Every You Every Me by Placebo is great when driving down a freeway
  13. 'tis a normal stage. It scrolls slowly.
  14. I like the new music. Sounds like a proper song.
  15. They haven't taught their fans grammer properly: "there, their and they're".
  16. First one was better. The 30 day thing added something.
  17. Elysia was my favourite part.
  18. Well got it a week ago and finished it this morning. Found it easier than both the other Primes, 2 especially. Was a good game and well worth the money.
  19. I didn't get any Pm's, I feel left out.
  20. The closest thing to faint I've ever done it get concussion whilst snowboarding down some mountain, I hit my head and blacked out for a few seconds.
  21. I can play a real guitar, don't see the point in learning to play a fake one. :\
  22. That's a bit of a generalisation. I personally like both - i prefer being top but receiving induces the better orgasm.
  23. I've had it several times - it is indeed quite scary.
  24. 17.9 Around about what I thought.
  25. You scored -47 (-52 being completely gay, 0 being bisexual, and 52 being completely straight) As of right now, you are interested in the same sex. You have very little to no sexual interest in the opposite sex. If you are sexually inexperienced at this point, it is possible that you have latent heterosexual tendencies that you have not yet discovered.
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