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Everything posted by Lammie

  1. He was 18 and dating a 14 year old. He's quite clearly scum. As if this wasnt enough of a clue that he was mentally unstable: "I love sooo many movies! Favs are: Underworld, Equilibrium, Blade, Chronicles of Riddick, The Pacifier, White Noise... " Plus he thinks he earns 250 grand a year. Lock him up Cheif!
  2. I'm pretty sure vitamins are good for you, as without them you generally die. I spoke to a regular at the pub who is also a GP, and he says dosing up on vitamin C helps avoid colds. So somebody is lying.....
  3. Emma Watson is most definately jail bait.
  4. Spring Gully Worcestershire Sauce would be nice. Send the whole bottle since Bi-Lo don't seem to stock it anymore.
  5. Looks like most of us will be safe... From Wired.com: "Sony BMG, yielding to consumer concern, said on Wednesday it was recalling music CDs containing copy-protection software that acts like virus software and hides deep inside a computer. Sony BMG has used the XCP copy-protection software on 49 titles from artists such as Celine Dion and Sarah McLachlan and produced an estimated 4.7 million music CDs. Around 2.1 million units have been sold on to consumers. The software, developed by a British firm, First4Internet, installs itself on a personal computer used to play the CD in order to guard against copying, but it leaves the back door open for malicious hackers."
  6. Next Ashes series back here in Aus, we'll quite literally slaughter you Poms. Like we just did to those useless bunch of West Indian rastas. Back to the pavilion with the lot of ya.
  7. If Australia wins even one game at the world cup I will eat my shoe.
  8. Ok ok........stop pissing on my bonfire!
  9. It's not necessary to connect the WOL cable. It's only if you want to remotely wake up your computer out of sleep mode (Wake up On Lan). Chances are you'd never use it anyway if you connected it up.
  10. The CPU in my iMac regular reaches the high 70 degree mark. I'm guessing it's not a dust problem because the machine is only about 4 months old. Should I be worried?
  11. Napoleon Dynamite. One weird movie. Plus it has more catchphrases than you can shake a dog at. [lisp] That's what I'm talking about [/lisp]
  12. I'm sure there's a country out there where 15 is the age of consent...
  13. Pah. No one did this for my birthday.
  14. Greenday vs Oasis with Boulevard of Broken Dreams mashed with Wonderwall is also pretty darn good. You can get it on P2P.
  15. Cockslapping where I'm from means something different. Basically, it involves slapping someones groin with your hand with a wrist-flicking motion. Hurts-a-plenty.
  16. If you like Mashups you gotta check out this site: http://mashmix.com/xoops/modules/mydownloads/topten.php?rate=1 The Mashup of Toxic by Britney Spears and Faint by Linkin Park is effing awesome!
  17. Lammie


    For example....... I use UTP cables to network my Mac with my PC. This makes the reception for ABC TV go all fuzzy and annoys my mother to no end. And it makes my speakers hiss and pop .
  18. Lammie


    Yes. Lets all be fat and die of heart disease/bowel cancer/stroke/heart attack. It's not just about not being fat, its about being healthy.
  19. Seriously though..........get your own style.
  20. Imagine a house designed by eBaum.... It'd be a random collection of building material stolen from other peoples houses with the words "BUILT BY eBAUM" written all over it.
  21. Ableton Live is pretty good for mixing all your stuff together. It's like Acid Pro.......but better.
  22. Hang on......eBaum actually makes money from his site? Bastard!
  23. How long has it taken you to accumulate this cash?
  24. Lost your serial! Ha! Heard that before.
  25. You gotta love 'constructive' criticism.
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