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Everything posted by Lammie

  1. Ok, to participate you're going to have to listen to Foxtrot Uniform Charlie Kilo by The Bloodhound Gang or at least read the lyrics. But it's a great song, so I suggest you hear it. Basically for anyone who's yet to hear it, it's comprised of innuendo. For example: Vulcanize the whoopee stick in the ham wallet Cattle prod the oyster ditch with the lap rocket Batter dip the cranny ax in the gut locker Retrofit the pudding hatch with the boink swatter So I thought it could be interesting to see if anyone else could make up some weird ass innuendo. So go ahead. Keep it original too. I'll get the ball rolling... 'Hyperdrive the cruise sausage in the fish bucket'
  2. Regardless of the ad, if you click it you are a fool. Fool!
  3. The only parallel between cancer and videogames is probably from being bombarded by radiation from shoddy TV screens. You know you've played too much Donkey Kong Country when your face gets really hot and stingy.
  4. *awaits George W Bush jokes*
  5. There's absolutely no decent screens/wallpapers or anything for Ragdoll Kung Fu. So I went creative.
  6. It's kinda ironic that Arnold Schwarzenegger wants to ban violent videogames. I remember playing with Terminator 2 figurines when I was 5. Great movie to be marketing to kids.
  7. I find great satisfaction that all the douchebags that gave me a hard time at school are now cleaning toilets, lugging garbage bins, or dole bludging.
  8. Teletubbies, much better from behind.
  9. Looks like you used a strong Radial Blur for the background.
  10. Reminds me of a quote on BASH.org... Something like "Why don't we remove warning messages from everything and let the idiots take care of themselves".
  11. Nope, Safari is doing it too.
  12. Awwwww damn! *puts pants back on* Anyway, thought I'd stick some work up by possibly one of the greatest artists of the 21st century....Banksy... Stencilled on the wall separating the Palestinian and Israeli settlements.
  13. What! That wasn't funny at all! I bet old_gregg is the kinda guy who still yells out "ARGH GIRL GERMS" whenever a girl touches him.
  14. t.wat the hell? Is it only the smileys we added that don't work? Or is it the standard vBulletin ones?
  15. I had a friend once. Then I stabbed him in the brain with a screwdriver. Oh Terrance........
  16. As Sega Rally says "Winners Don't Use Drugs".
  17. If you have DRM encoded WMA files, just burn them to CD and rip them back as MP3 or whatever format you like.
  18. EEvil, such a tactful thread title........
  19. Yep, the Don is right.... Movin' on over to: http://www.revo-europe.com/forum/showthread.php?t=961
  20. Hogans Alley for the NES. Pity my mate is borroring my NES.......
  21. Man, it is so tempting to Photoshop a giant peen in his mouth.....
  22. MMMMmmmm messy.
  23. Does that mean you have a 27inch display set at 1280*768?
  24. WTF mate. Worst flash ever.
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