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Nintendo expects profits of $862 million; total net assets equal $10.86 billion!!!


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Recent financial figures released by Kyoto's most successful hanafuda manufacturer explain just how sickeningly rich the company is. NCL's total net assets as of September 30th, 2006 stand at US$10.86 billion. Do you know how many Rares you could buy for that? Too many!


Nintendo's net sales (nothing to do with this here internet) for this fiscal year, which ends on March 31st, 2007, are forecast to be US$6.378 billion, while net profits (after the taxmen have taken their pieces of the sumptuous pie) for this financial year are expected to total US$862 million. That's quite a lot of money.








2006 - $4.348 billion

2005 - $4.812 billion

2004 - $4.899 billion

2003 - $4.797 billion

2002 - $5.280 billion

2001 - $4.401 billion

2000 - $5.05 billion


And Nintendo is currently estimating $6.378 billion for fiscal year 2007.



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they could just make gaming a bit cheaper and stop being so greedy.

Nintendo has a pretty healthy DS software market.. while I think £29.99 is a bit pricey for a portable game which could have as few as 6 hours gameplay in it.. translators cost £££.


I am hoping someday Nintendo UK will become an independant from Nintendo Europe meaning we will get games faster and hopefully the savings will be past on to us. It's a dream.


With the blatantly going to be huge, I think software and pre-owned sales will cause prices to drop.. of course AAA titles will hold their value.

But I see Wii games being less than £30 soon after launch new.

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Just to make sure you all know. That 10bn figure isn't how much money Nintendo have, it's just their assets. All their buildings, factories, stock - all stuff like that goes into that figure. So, that figure being huge doesn't nessesarily mean Nintendo have money to splash - though they probably do as they are make HUGE net profits.

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Nintendo's advantage is they own game development, control production of hardware and software, and they market the product.


It's a one stop shop which means everything is streamlined, super fast and super profitable.


It's like Take2 Interactive + Sony Computer Entertainment + The factory that makes PlayStations. To put it into perspective.

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I think buying SEGA would be a better move than Capcom.....or maybe they're equal.

Sega have SO many franchises, yet they're usually made single format (Virtua Fighter, Shinobi etc etc etc) I think Nintendo could go a long way with SEGA under their belt (and maybe Nintendo could make them make only good Sonic games)


I still don't get why Nintendo sold Rare, I mean, sure nothing good came out of them for XBox, but the 360's been getting some pretty good games.

I think Nintendo should have just 'bought' Rare as a whole, rather than keeping is as a 2nd party. (I assume you can do that)

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I think 2nd party means they're just not exclusive.


Buying Sega would make sense, but despite them churning out some shitty ass games lately in Japan they have a huge stake in the arcade market.


I'm not sure it would be a friendly take-over as Sega are pretty chummy with Sony right now. There's that Dragon game coming out.


I was pretty pissed when Sony Europe and Microsoft bought out every UK design house. Nintendo has virtually no creation presence in Europe.

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I still don't get why Nintendo sold Rare, I mean, sure nothing good came out of them for XBox, but the 360's been getting some pretty good games.


Many of Rare's staff left to form a new developement studio: Free Radical (Timesplitters). And I think we all agree that the Timesplitters series had the best FPS controls this generation.

So Wiimote + awesome FPS controls + exclusvie awesome FPS = $$$³


conclusion: buy Free Radical

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the dream is for miyamoto to work on a sonic game.There is nothing i would love more than for sonic games to compete with mario games in quality again


given the quality of the last few sonic games... i'd be happy for anybody BUT sonic team to make sonic... the gba /ds games were by dimps.

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Would we ever see a decent game from Nintendo ever again once Miyamoto retires?



Off course we will. Anyouma is perfectly suited to take voer Miyamoto's tasks for Zelda, and Miyamoto is training several people to take over his tasks. Nintendo won't go in demise without Miyamoto. And I seriously doubt that Miyamoto will have nothing to do with Mario games after retirement. I think that it's going to be great, even with Miyamoto gone.


On Topic: Nintendo won't use it's assets to buy exclusivity. That's what Sony does, that's what Microsoft does, but not Nintendo. Nintendo has powerfull franchises and those are mroe important to them. And of course; the shareholders want their part of this... So no money to throw around, I guess. Lucky Yamauchi, he's filthy rich. So rich, he can wear leather as skin.

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Nintendo should buy Konami and Capcom.


Would we ever see a decent game from Nintendo ever again once Miyamoto retires?


Yeah, totally. Although Miyamoto is responsible for some of the best games ever, it's not as if he's the only one who comes up with ideas. Plus, with someone else in the future, it'll bring in new ideas, and we'll still be able to get our Mario and Zeldas, just produced by someone else.

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You guys do know that 'net assets' are a thing you don't actually own, do you?


Net assets is a number that displays the amount of money that has gone through the company that year. Only Nintendo's profit is there to make investments with, and only if they haven't given away the profit among the shareholders.

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