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Circled is the target range that Twilight Princess should be in after 20+ editorial reviews [accounting for HD biases and people that dislike the control scheme giving the game lower scores]. THE BARE MINIMUM it should surpass Resident Evil 4.


which rankings are more important gamerankings.com or metacritic.com?


Gamerankings.com definitely more important, but ideal to have the best of both worlds and be on top or close to it in both. Theres also http://www.gamestats.com as well.

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Could this be the OOT beater?


I dunno, it will all depend on the reviews it gets from larger sites like IGN and Gamespot as well as our very own personal opinions whilst playing. Everywhere seems to agree that Twilight Princess is the best Zelda game ever made so it could well take Ocarina's crown and if things keep going as they are now it's going to be holding onto it for a while.

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Could this be the OOT beater?


It won't be the OOT beater. Too many HD biases and some reviewers will not like the fact controls ain't 1:1. Expect some much harsher reviews within the next few days. Taking into account these criticisms that will hammer the games average down, above in my previous post I refer to the range I believe this game can fall under. 2nd spot if its VERY LUCKY, but I am predicting a 4th place finish behind Metroid, Soul Calibur and OOT. It will surpass Resident Evil 4 and hopefully Tekken 3 though and sneak into the top 5.

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Do all of our opinions have to be strictly defined by what others think, or are we going to be allowed some wriggle room here?



Its just a bonus having this high average score. A true acknowledgement of the greatness of the game and a real kick in the butt for Gears Of War fans and PS3 fans in general. This games rating is of absolute critical importance to attract more people to buy Wii and show that gameplay really does outshine graphics.

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I think the review scores should be the deciding factor. History is made by those who write it down. The magazines will be here in decades or centuries to come. Our opinions is like the wind. And so we are ultimately doomed.



I never played OOT but acknowledge that it must be the greatest game since the disc drive. My autobuy trigger has been determined by metacritic.

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How can it beat nostalgia?


I don't think OOT is just nostalgia, ive been back and played it in the last few months and it is still incredible to play, and whilst the graphics are simple by todays standards they still hold up. Normally when you get nostalgic it isn't as great when you go back.


I hope TP does overtake OOT and become the best Zelda ever I really do, but its gotta be pretty F**KING amazing to do so.

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no surprises for either.Excite truck should be split screen four player.its a combination of smugglers run and f zero and both of them were 4 player.



As for tony hawk....the game looked shit in the first place.im not surprised with any of the reviews on ign so far.

i await rayman and red steel.Cmon ubisoft

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yeah interesting to see no reviews for red steel yet, call of duty 3 has got varying scores:


IGN 11/14/2006 7.7 out of 10 77.0%

GameZone 11/15/2006 8.3 out of 10 83.0%

GamingTrend 11/15/2006 83 out of 100 83.0%

PGNx Media 11/14/2006 9.3 out of 10 93.0%



of course not sure as to the reliabily of these websites. one review from gamezone summaried things like this:


Overall: 8.3

Again, the Wii controller makes this a laborious, intense experience. The game mechanics and general feel of the game are not overly different from what gamers are used to, but that this is brought to such vivid life on a console is a tribute to the diligence of the developers. The game still looks great and sounds terrific, and the game advances the historical time frames of the franchise.


labourious!??!!!???!!! lazy some gamers i tell you.

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Red Steel, CoD 3... even Excite Truck, all getting horribly average scores.


Is Zelda the only killer app we're going to see for this console for a long time? At the moment I'm not interested in a single other title on the system, launch or future.

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the lesser games tend to offer the shortest review period to the media if any. It is shocking with the wii out on sunday that not many revews of some games are available (hello red steel). I would not be very confident in those games that have not been released for general review. You got to wonder what they are hiding. Remember the surprise of Turok on gamecube.

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