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Saddam sentenced to death!


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Guest Ford Prefect

what i want to know is when we're hanging the fucking human rights toss pots who are all coming out of the woodwork now saying its wrong to kill saddam...... either that or we put them on that fucking green peace ship and sink that one too.

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what i want to know is when we're hanging the fucking human rights toss pots who are all coming out of the woodwork now saying its wrong to kill saddam...... either that or we put them on that fucking green peace ship and sink that one too.


ha ha your funny..

as for me hangin some one anit a problem as long as every one is treated in the same way...............i have two extra nusses for blair and bush...shit i can wait another 10 years to see it happen just as long as it does.

if one should die for war crimes then so should all:idea:

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what i want to know is when we're hanging the fucking human rights toss pots who are all coming out of the woodwork now saying its wrong to kill saddam...... either that or we put them on that fucking green peace ship and sink that one too.


Either this is a joke post or you really are an idiot.

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Either this is a joke post or you really are an idiot.


It seems not everyone learned from the mistakes in the past. Humanity, tolerance are not as accepted as they should be nowadays. Wether it is stuborn idiots which let their emotions carry them away, fanatic religious believers or similar people.

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just because some one has an extreamist view does not mean they have extreamist actions. for every thing that is their is every thing that is not. we need to start learning that we need both sides not just one as it is the way of the univers and excistance as we no it even in the unknown knoledge. if you follow me. and no, people do not learn from the past they just find better ways of getting away with things. if we truly learnt from the past we would all have to accept war and meaning less death as a part of our lives and excistance on this planet. as the coin has two sides im sure many people would have a problem with this. but does also maintain a little truth.

any who these are just ramblings of a mad man, a mentalist, one of those who belives we dont excist.........so nothing realy matters if you like it so in your reality.:zzz:

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Either this is a joke post or you really are an idiot.


Two posts before you. One saying Saddam Hussien ishould be killed the other Blair and Bush. And the one you pick on for the joke account is the Sadamm one. Well what a suprise its not ok to make psycho remarks about Saddam who just for the record I dont think should be killed but when it comes to Blair and Bush yep tehy should be killed. Because when all of you people exercise your freedom of speech on this forum to insult them they are going to gas you then bury your bodies, oh wait!

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Guest Ford Prefect
ha ha your funny..


cheers, you're a real fucking bundle of laughs yourself.....


Either this is a joke post or you really are an idiot.


yeah, fuck off yourself too, got better things to do than be judged by some prepubescent little shit from fuck knows where, i've got a multi million dollar printing machine to build and commission here. i'll express myself where and how i feel, if you don't like it, don't read it.


at any rate, i hope no one on here is stupid enough to agree with the human rights idiots moaning on about it being wrong to kill saddam after all that he did. its not like he even really needed a trial. that was all just a show to try and inject some moral into the iraqi people and to let the victors gloat over his demise.

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yeah, fuck off yourself too, got better things to do than be judged by some prepubescent little shit from fuck knows where, i've got a multi million dollar printing machine to build and commission here.


Ford ... the big man that can use swear words and has a job ... oooooohh.

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Two posts before you. One saying Saddam Hussien ishould be killed the other Blair and Bush. And the one you pick on for the joke account is the Sadamm one. Well what a suprise its not ok to make psycho remarks about Saddam who just for the record I dont think should be killed but when it comes to Blair and Bush yep tehy should be killed. Because when all of you people exercise your freedom of speech on this forum to insult them they are going to gas you then bury your bodies, oh wait!


I don't think Bush or Blair should be killed. I have severe problems with them both, but I don't think they should be executed. I don't think anyone should be executed. Why did you think I think they should be killed?


yeah, fuck off yourself too, got better things to do than be judged by some prepubescent little shit from fuck knows where, i've got a multi million dollar printing machine to build and commission here. i'll express myself where and how i feel, if you don't like it, don't read it.


at any rate, i hope no one on here is stupid enough to agree with the human rights idiots moaning on about it being wrong to kill saddam after all that he did. its not like he even really needed a trial. that was all just a show to try and inject some moral into the iraqi people and to let the victors gloat over his demise.


Saying "there didn't even need to be a trial" just makes you look like even more of a goon. Execution without trial was one of the things that the Coalition went to war to stop from happening. If the West wants to bring democracy and freedom to the Middle East, what better way to do it than by putting a former dictator on a fair and just trial? If the trial's got more holes in it than a mass orgy video, then what does that look like to the people whose country has been attacked?

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Guest Ford Prefect
Ford ... the big man that can use swear words and has a job ... oooooohh.


please dont you start up too, you've never done owt to piss me off ever, on my list of good members. i don't want to change that. ask for the swear words or the english, you should try hanging onto a full grasp of english when you're only spoken to in VERY broken english while having to learn another language altogether. it fucks everything up, besides i'm tired and pissed off with shirty little shits who haven't got a fucking ounce of humour in their retarded little heads, thus i end up swearing more.




Saying "there didn't even need to be a trial" just makes you look like even more of a goon. Execution without trial was one of the things that the Coalition went to war to stop from happening. If the West wants to bring democracy and freedom to the Middle East, what better way to do it than by putting a former dictator on a fair and just trial? If the trial's got more holes in it than a mass orgy video, then what does that look like to the people whose country has been attacked?


when i said there didn't need to be a bloody trial i didn't mean we should have just shot him and have been done with it. i simply meant that it wasn't needed in order to know that he was guilty. the verdict was obvious from the start anyway, only thing that wasn't was the sentence.


its all bollocks any way, best thing they could have done is never told anyone they'd found him in the first place or arranged that he died during an attack in order to find him. would have caused alot less shit more than likely.


death is probably too good for him any way. its not even like he's going to have a long painful death that some sadists would like to see. when they do a propper hanging its pretty much instant, you take that long drop, the rope snatches and your neck breaks and thats it. no blood boiling like in the electric chair or any of the other nasty sides to other methods.

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Er, you do need a trial to know someone's guilty. Otherwise it'd be wonderfully easy to frame someone then lock them up without the hassle of a trial. Even when you're dealing with a well known dictator, it still has to be done properly.

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I don't think Bush or Blair should be killed. I have severe problems with them both, but I don't think they should be executed. I don't think anyone should be executed. Why did you think I think they should be killed?




Saying "there didn't even need to be a trial" just makes you look like even more of a goon. Execution without trial was one of the things that the Coalition went to war to stop from happening. If the West wants to bring democracy and freedom to the Middle East, what better way to do it than by putting a former dictator on a fair and just trial? If the trial's got more holes in it than a mass orgy video, then what does that look like to the people whose country has been attacked?


I just found it funny how you saw Fords post as a joke post. And not the one to kill Bush and Blair.

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Guest Ford Prefect
Er, you do need a trial to know someone's guilty. Otherwise it'd be wonderfully easy to frame someone then lock them up without the hassle of a trial. Even when you're dealing with a well known dictator, it still has to be done properly.


are you completely fucking stupid or what or aren't you reading what i am typing? we didn't need any show trial (which is all this has been) to know he was guilty. it would hardly be framing him now would it hmmm? how many people vanished/died under his direct rule? if the west had the balls he would have been put out of the way back in 1991.



funny how you're attacking me but all the other people in here ready to prance on his grave saying "good riddance bastard, etc" don't get owt.




FUCK OFF! the lot of you

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Even though Ford here is presenting his point(s) in a rather.. Well, somewhat offensive matter, he's still damned right and you should all just shut up.

Also, I do find it funny how people seem to hate Bush more than Saddam.. Come on people, quit being silly. :horse:

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I just don't understand how somebody at the age of 21 can be so immature and childish. There are good reasons why society and governments established courts and laws because otherwise our so called civilization can go back to the survival of the fittest.


Yes there are a lot of cruel crimes which should be punished HARDER in our world but not without a trial because without one you just become like the person you want to judge.


Just to make myself clear and I normally don't want to use such phrases but it seems Ford Prefect either lied about his age or his parents thought that proper education might be wasted on him...

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What Ford meant was that there was no need for a trial to know the outcome. Yes, there will be a trial as that's the way things are done but every single person alive knew that he'd be found guilty. Therefore, it was a staged waste of time, though I still think it should be done. It just wasn't necessary, apart from the fact that that's just how they do it.

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What Ford meant was that there was no need for a trial to know the outcome. Yes, there will be a trial as that's the way things are done but every single person alive knew that he'd be found guilty. Therefore, it was a staged waste of time, though I still think it should be done. It just wasn't necessary, apart from the fact that that's just how they do it.


I agree with you. But I think they had to do it for the reason that it shows a transition from the rule of a tyrant to the rule of law. They would be seen as being just as bad as Saddam if they didnt give him a trial and his supporters would go mental.

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I agree with you. But I think they had to do it for the reason that it shows a transition from the rule of a tyrant to the rule of law. They would be seen as being just as bad as Saddam if they didnt give him a trial and his supporters would go mental.


Exactly the point.

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