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My favourite ball is the candy one. It's reasonably fast, which is essential for grabbing those gold trophies but I still feel I have plenty of control over it. It's easy to use at slow speeds too.


I've now completed 4 bonus stages and have done 43 of the mirror stages. It feels as though the end is in sight but I can't quite get there! Still need to complete the mirror versions of some of the secret stages and get that last gold trophy. Going away for a few days tomorrow so will be taking a break from the game (probably a good thing as I've played it every day since Friday).

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Picked up this heap of garbage today, played it for one hour (with volume turned down, what absolute boring repetive music) and almost completed the whole game. Then returned it to EB for a refund (I wasnt the first to do so).


STAY AWAY FROM THIS SHIIT. I'm noway a graphics whore, but Ive seen beter graphics on a PS1. No way is this worth the price, and how dare people insult the Amiga "Marble Madness" by saying this is comparable.


And why do devs insist on holding the remote this way? Sideways is the way to go.

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I haven't bought this one yet, but I'm seriously considering this one. From the very first videos I saw, I was interested. I like the light-hearted style. Can't wait to get my hands on it. But which one to get first? ExciteTruck or Kororinpa? I'm still playing Zelda, so I really shouldn't rush. But the March games are upon us.. Too much to play :|

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I've unlocked all the balls now, don't really have a fav, but there are some pretty cool ones. It's a shame there wasn't a bomb ball included since it is made by hudson maybe next time.


To the person that said it lacks musical depth your wrong. There are a ton of songs to unlock (Super Star Solider for Retro fun anyone?) and the credits music is also nice. Best bet is to set the music to random and just go with it.


I think the graphics are fine. I really like the cardboard style secret levels, very nicely done.

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Picked up this heap of garbage today, played it for one hour (with volume turned down, what absolute boring repetive music) and almost completed the whole game. Then returned it to EB for a refund (I wasnt the first to do so).


STAY AWAY FROM THIS SHIIT. I'm noway a graphics whore, but Ive seen beter graphics on a PS1. No way is this worth the price, and how dare people insult the Amiga "Marble Madness" by saying this is comparable.


And why do devs insist on holding the remote this way? Sideways is the way to go.



Ouch! That bad eh.

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Picked up this heap of garbage today, played it for one hour (with volume turned down, what absolute boring repetive music) and almost completed the whole game. Then returned it to EB for a refund (I wasnt the first to do so).


STAY AWAY FROM THIS SHIIT. I'm noway a graphics whore, but Ive seen beter graphics on a PS1. No way is this worth the price, and how dare people insult the Amiga "Marble Madness" by saying this is comparable.


And why do devs insist on holding the remote this way? Sideways is the way to go.



You played it for an hour and claimed the music was repetitive because you hadn't unlocked more than one music track. Graphically it's one of the cleaner, sharper, better stylised Wii games. Dunno how you can claim Red Steel's graphics 'arn't bad' then slate the graphics of this, after saying in the mecury meltdown thread "its a puzzle game so who cares about the graphics".

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Picked up this heap of garbage today, played it for one hour (with volume turned down, what absolute boring repetive music) and almost completed the whole game. Then returned it to EB for a refund (I wasnt the first to do so).


STAY AWAY FROM THIS SHIIT. I'm noway a graphics whore, but Ive seen beter graphics on a PS1. No way is this worth the price, and how dare people insult the Amiga "Marble Madness" by saying this is comparable.


And why do devs insist on holding the remote this way? Sideways is the way to go.


I don't think you gave the game a chance! I've brought it and its a great little game, unless you don't like chilled out gameplay and want to kill things constantly.


The music suits the gameplay and theres tons of tracks to unlock. The graphics aren't ground breaking but they are very clean and crisp and no way look like ps1 games, its easily on par with the other wii games and I think its graphically prettier then monkey ball


Each to their own I guess, but I've racked up about 7 hours on it so far, currently playing on mirror mode, and loved every second of it!

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You played it for an hour and claimed the music was repetitive because you hadn't unlocked more than one music track. Graphically it's one of the cleaner, sharper, better stylised Wii games.


Totally agree. I havent had the chance to spend that long on the game but it really is a gem. As I said earlier the Candy Land levels are amazing in their simplicity and I agree with everyone about the music as it totally suits the style of game as it begs you to take it easy.

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Hi just wanted to post my views on this game


Its the oddest most simple game


And uses the Wii controller in an interesting way




:shock: OMFG:shock: i love it the music the penguin and space :D


my rating wud be


7/10 for Gameplay

10/10 for Enjoyment


:) and if any one knows where you can get the cover toys from please post because i want them sooooooooooooooooooooo much :D


First ever post


cheers Kris :bouncy: :bouncy: :bouncy: :bouncy: :bouncy: :bouncy:

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I know the N-Europe staff have had trouble obtaining a review copy of this game, but that does not mean that they can just soil its name by throwing the term monkey and ball about. I think this game is 10 times better then Segas mess of a wii game.


I own both - and despite monkey ball being a longer game, its very frustrating and requires more luck than skill - the direct opposite of kororinpa...Dont let the preview put you off this game - the staff clearly haven't played it yet. If you liked the original monkey ball - you will enjoy this title in spite of its short life span...What would you rather have - A long, frustrating game that uses the wiimote as a substitute for analogue control? Or a shorter game that plays well and uses the tilt functionality of the wii in all its glory? Bosses were the last straw for monkey ball, It needs to return to it roots or take a leaf out of hudsons book :P


(posted from thread that got locked)

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You played it for an hour and claimed the music was repetitive because you hadn't unlocked more than one music track. Graphically it's one of the cleaner, sharper, better stylised Wii games. Dunno how you can claim Red Steel's graphics 'arn't bad' then slate the graphics of this, after saying in the mecury meltdown thread "its a puzzle game so who cares about the graphics".


Well I could put up with the graphics if the game wasnt so simple and the music so crap. If the "unlockable" music tracks are as craptastic as the first one I wouldnt even want to bother.


For the price of the game and the ease of unlocking tracks the game is not good value. I expect ot to grop to the bargin bin very quickly, in which case it may be worth picking up.

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Well I could put up with the graphics if the game wasnt so simple and the music so crap. If the "unlockable" music tracks are as craptastic as the first one I wouldnt even want to bother.



For the price of the game and the ease of unlocking tracks the game is not good value. I expect ot to grop to the bargin bin very quickly, in which case it may be worth picking up.


While a lot of people require graphics that blow you away with new games I don't really feel it's always needed. I think it's a shame you let graphics decide what games you feel do and don't make the cut. Also the unlockable music tracks are well varied. Like I said before theres some wonderful Retro style tracks along the likes of Super star Solider, Bomberman, Lode runner and even Hector 87. But I guess been as you don't like the graphics you will quickly dimiss this Retro style music as well



I do agree it is easy to unlock stuff in the game, but I feel this tread in a lot of modern next gen titles now. Take Wario Smooth moves (lots of unlock and also unlocked easily as well) But I wouldn't expect to see it in the Bargin bin for a good while yet. The early relased Cube games took ages to drop me price. (Wave Race, Doshin, Starfox etc)


Besides once you have unlocked everything you can still try and get Gold on all Stages and get your game file to 100% :)

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Picked up this heap of garbage today, played it for one hour (with volume turned down, what absolute boring repetive music) and almost completed the whole game. Then returned it to EB for a refund (I wasnt the first to do so).


STAY AWAY FROM THIS SHIIT. I'm noway a graphics whore, but Ive seen beter graphics on a PS1. No way is this worth the price, and how dare people insult the Amiga "Marble Madness" by saying this is comparable.


And why do devs insist on holding the remote this way? Sideways is the way to go.


So have I; but not real time:indeed:


You need you eyes fixed

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I got Kororinpa this morning, £10 after trading in Red Steel (which I'm very glad to see the back of).


Had a feeling this game would be my cup of tea, and it wasn't wrong. I'm really enjoying it! Love everything about it so far, the controls are spot on, the graphics (although pretty basic) are very nice and it has a great style to it, the various balls are hilarious (the cat one had me in stitches every time it hits the floor too hard and does a really high pitch meow!) :laughing: And the music is awesome, I'm up to the city stages and the Latin style tracks on those are amazing, the retro ones are cool too.


The 16:9 / massive borders thing was weird though, it's as if Hudson didn't know the correct aspect ratio for widescreen or something. ::shrug: Anyway as pointed out before, setting it to 4:3 sorts that one out.


Looking forward to trying out the VS mode later on.


I gather it's a very short game, but is anyone that got it in February still playing? Looks like it has potential replay value in going for high scores / best times.

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I got it on release day and got 100% completion last weekend. I played it through once pretty quickly but then realised exactly what I needed to do to get 100% and had to go back through several of them to collect the green crystals (not always in obvious places). Completing all the mirror and secret stages took up quite a bit more time - it broke my heart to have to complete stage 43 again!. When you factor in getting 25 gold medals to unlock all the bonus stages, you've got quite a game on your hands. It still doesn't take ages to complete but I'd rather that than something that takes me forever and I leaves me bored/frustrated. The bonus stages are a lot of fun and you reallly see how much you've built up your skill level throughout the course of the game.

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I'm still playing. Reached 88% now and I'm halfway into clearing the Mirror Mode stages. Once I clear Mirror Mode, I want to go back and try and get Gold on all the levels. (I've already got the 25 gold needed to unlock the Space Bonus Levels-The Final Space Level is a real tour de force.

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The camera is fixed - it stays facing "north" and you roll around without it moving other than to keep you on the screen. It doesnt turn around. Some of the puzzles are built around that, and it's rarely a problem (so far, anyway)


Personally, I think the gameplay is better than monkey ball. This is how monkey ball should have been.


Multiplayer is just both of you do the same level on splitscreen, race to the finish kind of affair.

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I've got both games and had given up on SMB. However, having completed Kororinpa I was inspired to go back and play SMB. It was a really weird experience trying to control the monkey ball straight after Kororinpa. With the latter, you have far more control and can make really tiny movements whereas SMB seems more clumsy.


I didn't find the fixed camera on Kororinpa to be a problem. As Gizmo says, some of the puzzles are built around that. Everything about Kororinpa is just better than SMB - the music is less annoying, the gameplay and design is more sophisticated, the controls are more intuitive and there is more skill involved.

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