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Nintendo Wii Pros & Cons


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Loss: Decidedly Un-Mainstream $250 Price Tag and Expensive Controllers

For a console that was promised as "small, quiet and affordable," Wii will only debut at $50 less than the basic Xbox 360. But even that price point is deceptive, especially since the system ships with the multiplayer-centric Wii sports, but includes only one Wii remote and nunchuk. Buyers who want to enjoy Wii Sports Tennis for four will need to spend an extra $39.99 per Wii remote. Three Wii-motes will add another $120 to the $250 price tag for a grand total of $370. Don't get us wrong - even with all these accessories the Wii is still cheaper than a stripped PlayStation 3 - but when you tack on the cost of additional Wii-motes, there's simply no way Wii is "mass market friendly," as some Nintendo executives would have us believe.


I've just thought of possibly why Wii is priced at $250US.




Current Cost of Gamecube = $99US

Wii Architecture Essentially Gamecube 1.5 so add half the cost of 99 which is 49.5 after rounding is $50US

Wii Mote & Nunchuck Combination $60US

Wii Sports Game $40US [its just Wii Mote mini games]


Wii Total Cost = $99 + $50 + $60 + $40 = $249.


I couldn't care less about the price as I've got plenty of money, the only thing thats pissing me off about the system is the BUGGY software particularly Twilight Princess & Red Steel. :nono:

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I actually disagree with a lot of stuff, the price is definetly mainstream, we see lots of people buying iPods, PS2, DVD players, Tvs and whatnot for much more than that. Also, the controlers aren't that expensive considering technology. About FPS controls, only playing will I know, but turning speed is already faster than dual analogue from what I've seen in videos and it seems much more fun. Advertising already started in mags and stores, it actually started at the same time that PS3. Keeping Zelda a secret is definitely a Win for gamers, people won't stop buying because they didn's know the storyline by browsing the internet, if anything, people will enjoy the game better. I agree about the optical though, that's freaking ridiculous.

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About FPS controls, only playing will I know, but turning speed is already faster than dual analogue from what I've seen in videos and it seems much more fun.


According to IGN, CoD 3 is best on Wii (for single player) than any other system because of the Wiimote.



And Nintendork, why did you post a really ugly HD image? In that image, HD makes the game look worse - It's a lot clearer that 80%+ of stuff is 2D.

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If its as buggy as Ocarina of Time (rare gold and even rarer (i think) early gray cartridges), then It makes my want it even more.

I remember my ancient gray cartridge locking up when I threw a Deku Nut at Gohma. Prettiest thing I've ever seen :awesome:

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I remember my ancient gray cartridge locking up when I threw a Deku Nut at Gohma. Prettiest thing I've ever seen :awesome:


Mine has never done that. It had red blood, chanting music and the bugs involving dropping bottled bugs on a fence, catching them, and jumping off. Then doing various thing (A item will make Link "play" the item)

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The only way you could get perfect FPS controls on the Wii, is by letting a button compensate the lifting of a mouse.


Absolutely true. I keep thinking there *has* to be a better way of implementing FPS controls than what we've seen so far.

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If they'd reserve a button like 1 or 2 or home for disabling the motion sensing while you hold it, it'd work exactly like a mouse. Then that button would be similar to lifting the mouse if you understand what I'm saying.


That's just my 2 cents, I doubt this setup will cause major problems though.

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Problem is people aren't used to it, so they think it's buggy, lots of people played it without any problems, so that must mean something. I remember reading some previews with people that got to play an hour or more sitting down and they had no problems whatsoever.

Also, blender, you must lend me your Wii and TP copies, I know they're buggy, but I sure would like to try them out.

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1up talk shit - who do you believe rests on one comment made by their amnazing previewer


"It feels a lot more intuitive to press a button to throw a grenade than to press a button, pull your arm back, and throw your wrist forward in a straight line, after all."


This is one of the most ridiculous things I've read with regards to the Wii and a classic example of missing the point. If you agree with this statement then you shouldn't get a Wii, of on the other hand throwing the grande with the wiimote sounds brilliant then ignore everything 1up has to say!!

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Buggy? Well as you don't have a copy I won't be taking your word for it. Now i've critisced some of Nintendo's recent decisions, but I've not heard anyone saying Wii games are buggy. I think there are a lot of people on these boards who need to learn some debating skills and not attack people for posting justified criticsm, but posting up crap which has no foundation what-so-ever is just very silly indeed.

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He's probably talking about that problem where Wii "loses" the wiimote. This can be due to 2 (or more) things: 1)people too close to the sensor bar (which is very likely) 2)hardware is not final, so shit happens.

But going from that to saying Wii is buggy is ridiculous.

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If they'd reserve a button like 1 or 2 or home for disabling the motion sensing while you hold it, it'd work exactly like a mouse. Then that button would be similar to lifting the mouse if you understand what I'm saying.


That's just my 2 cents, I doubt this setup will cause major problems though.

The developers of Red Steel aparently tried that form of control but they said it was incredibly inpractical with the Wii-Mote, and decided to go with the control form they've using now.
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