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Wii vs Cube


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Games of solid design, Monkey Ball, Mario, Metroid.. and indeed some of the yearly franchises like Madden and Call of Duty have very little reason to improve.


Because they are solid titles already.. established at what they do.


I don't see the need to improve hugely. More to the point I don't see the need to discuss it.

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Mario Sunshine to Mario Galaxy looks like a massive difference.


You were being sarcastic when you said that right? At this point, Luigi's Mansion looks like more of a leap than Galaxy (of course its a smaller game so its understandable)

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A lot of the Wii games look a lot better in motion. I think a lot of Wii games can run at 60fps, Mario Galaxy looks a lot better in motion than Mario Sunshine. Plus most Wii games will be 480p.

Where the graphics seem to be let down is the fact that at the end of the day games like metroid prime are still running at the same resolution as their predessors. 720p would of allowed the Wii to distance itself from the GC graphically.

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A lot of the Wii games look a lot better in motion. I think a lot of Wii games can run at 60fps, Mario Galaxy looks a lot better in motion than Mario Sunshine. Plus most Wii games will be 480p.

Where the graphics seem to be let down is the fact that at the end of the day games like metroid prime are still running at the same resolution as their predessors. 720p would of allowed the Wii to distance itself from the GC graphically.


Well said.

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Im sure some of these games environments on the Wii are bigger. Something that cant really appreciated on these screenshots.


Plus even though Mario Sunshine looks nice it wasnt consistantly aesthetically appealing where as im sure mario galaxy will be.


Though I prefer the old super monkey ball graphics.

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Comparing Monkey Ball on the Cube and Monkey Ball on the Wii is kinda pointless. The graphical style is kept simple on purpose, they could have gone for RE4 style realism, but.. that just wouldn't fit. Same actually goes for Mario.


I think it's fairer to compare graphics-heavy games next to each other. That said, I believe we'll be seeing some awesome looking games for the Wii after the initial launch. Just look at Red Steel, that game is coming along very nicely, because it's made from scratch. If the developers take the time, they can churn out graphics that both the Cube and Xbox couldnt do.


And since many games will be tailor-made for the Wii, we can bet we'll be seeing some high production value titles. I do care about graphics, but I care about the gameplay and fun-factor much more. Never ever forget that people.

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I think there is a need for both innovation like the Wii-mote and for better graphics. Why do so many on these boards act like good graphics and good gameplay are mutually exclusive?


The same point will keep arising until the Wii has either been a success or a failure. Will the comparatively poor graphics hurt the system? I think yes, in the west. Some seem to think that selling last generation hadware with a new controller is a sound business plan, I hope for Nintendo that it is.

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when i saw this thread i thought it may be interesting but as soon as i clicked on it i saw a thread comparing graphical differences.


why are you comparing the grapics of the wii and and xbox if the thread is called wii *insert fancy "vs" icon here* cube.

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Quite honestly it doesn't look much better. I mean, Metroid Prime 3 is underrated and Mario looks fantastic enough, but other games compared have graphics that are ported over from PS2 or even Dreamcast. Take away a few added shader effects and you are left with Cube graphics in most cases.


Again I'm not attacking Wii graphics, but we mustn't pretend they're way better than the Cube.

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Quite honestly it doesn't look much better. I mean, Metroid Prime 3 is underrated and Mario looks fantastic enough, but other games compared have graphics that are ported over from PS2 or even Dreamcast. Take away a few added shader effects and you are left with Cube graphics in most cases.


Again I'm not attacking Wii graphics, but we mustn't pretend they're way better than the Cube.

Then again next gen is all about crisper textures and loads of shaders... nobody is talking about polygons anymore, as they might be using even less. (in a lot of cases they are).


The thing is not that Metroid Prime 3 has bad graphics (quite the oposite), it's just that metroid prime 1 and 2 were already the very best of last generation graphics... Although Metroid Prime 3 is so superior, it's predecessors are already in a photorealistic level, they could pass as next gen next to some third party/amateur attemps.


You just can't turn Metroid Prime 1 and 2 (and RE4) graphics into bad ones. When 128 bit consoles came out (DC, PS2, Xbox, GC) the leap was so great that all the graphics before it (specially PSone) turned into low-polygon "crap" almost instantly, this is no longer true, games nowadays need more time, budget and talent than a powerful system; and a good last gen game is by no means low polygon.


Wii is leaps and bounds from Gamecube (on what it matters), if a developer wants to take advantage of that.




[Made by some guy from Beyond3D forums]


The diference we've seen from PS2 to PS3 (although big since Ps2 was underpowered) is nowhere near the diference the Psone had to PS2 in the first place.

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The diference we've seen from PS2 to PS3 (although big since Ps2 was underpowered) is nowhere near the diference the Psone had to PS2 in the first place.


The first 2 look like the same graphics on PS2/PS3.

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Yeah, you're spot on, Wii is 'leaps and bounds' on from the Gamecube. That's why all the games look soooo much better. I mean, damn, why is anyone complaining at all? [sarcasm]
First of all wii would be leaps and bounds from GC with the controller alone.


And there's a lot of people complaining because there's lot of "experts" like you in the first place. :indeed: and I'm spot on on this one too. :hmm:


It seems like some guys want desperatly to believe games like TH downhill and Sengoku Musou Wave are pushing Wii to it's limits, what can I do besides laugh?


GC was considered to have perfect fill rate for SD, and Wii has several times that power... aswell as more space to store textures and more shader capabilities... what can I say? Wii is a monster considering it's still in SD.


the fact that it shares the same architecture is not bad when that architecture has reduced handycaps/bottlenecks, is stable (frame per second wise) and it was simply the best (by far) architecture from last gen.


Wii is still the most balanced next generation system when it comes to architecture. And it's more powerful in every aspect than a last gen console, so why and what are "we" exactly complaining about? sometimes it's about "but it doesn't support HD" other times it's "Wii is not more powerful than xbox/gamecube" what next?


Get over it, Wii is fine for Standard Definition.


I'm getting sick of this thread theme lately, it's just one after the other.

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I'm getting sick of this thread theme lately, it's just one after the other.


yep people should get over it-do people care about the comparitivly poor graphics of the DS when compared to PSP??? FUCK NO! but hey ho i can understand why its interesting to look at this type of stuff though it has been done to death!!! :horse:

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yep people should get over it-do people care about the comparitivly poor graphics of the DS when compared to PSP??? FUCK NO! but hey ho i can understand why its interesting to look at this type of stuff though it has been done to death!!! :horse:


Well the DS was still an upgrade compared to the GBA


plus, Handhelds arent actually supposed to have super graphics.


I dont think there is a major difference if nintendo just released a controller for the cube as a peripheral.


A much better comparison




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its so sad when the majority of consumers are obsessed with polygon counts, no wonder EA tops the charts with its boring yearly updates and 90% of ps2 games are glitter covered turds


if the wii is 3 times more powerful than the cube then I'm happy, call me old skool but i prefere gameplay over shiny bonnets and geek porn (DOA: beach volley ball)


if the wii can produce 3 times that of F-Zero GX then I'm more the happy and i don't give a rats ass if it aint got HD bollox in it, what makes people think I want to spend £1k on another tv lol


laugh on sony fanboys but i'll have the last laugh wen yer machine dies 3 days after the warreny for the 4th time, see how good poo-ray is then muhahahaha

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I don't agree with that last image, at least not for now. It's misleading of what you're currently getting graphics wise.


bullshot: (E3 2005)



in-game: (TGS 2006)



Also doing a fair comparsion with last gen:




Sure, it's still a whole lot better, but Snake on Ps2 was modeled to look good despite being low polygon. Snake used 5.000 polygons with no bump mapping, there's models with more complexity on GC and Xbox. On GC's RE4 each villager has 5.000 polygons.

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