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There's still a possibility that if they do give us an Xmas present, it could be given to use next week instead of Today. I mean next week it's only 3 days after Xmas whereas just now it's 4. So they might do it that way.


But if they uploaded it already then we could have it downloaded and ready to play a bit over Christmas Day and Boxing Day. Its a very Christmassy game so to unleash it on us now would be the optimal time. Atleast ReZ knows what I'm talking about here. :(


Glad to see you began your DKC pilgrimage Shadow my boy, get yourself to Gorilla Glacier over the weekend and enjoy the atmosphere in some klassic levels like Snowbarrel Blast!

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Just done the very first world on DKC. Was really fun playing through it and the 'Barrel Cannon Canyon' was really fun blasting through it all. And it's funny at times aswell cause I constantly die at the same bits for 5 time in a row and eventually get passed them.


Thanks a lot for making me get this, great series to play :)

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I'm almost certain i seen someone talk bout this but can't find it.


Anyone else have a problem with Super Mario Bros. 3 where when you play it is off center to right a bit. But oddly it's fine on the title screen and map screen?


I tried changin the wii settings screen position but the amount i have to move it over by messes up the wii menu (and likely any other games), don't want to have to be consistantly changing the screen position just to play one game... hope they update it soon

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I'm currently playing Kirby's Dream Course, absolute gem of a game! I remember playing it years ago when it came out on the SNES, but only briefly and I never tried the 2 player mode back then either. Have done on the VC version though, and it's so much fun. :hehe:


Golf + Kirby = Awesome! :grin:

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Mokong I think it was Tales who mentioned a problem with Mario Bros. 3 but it was that he was stuck on the world map and unable to progress. Did you ever get that resolved?


I've been playing more Shining Force, I'm up to chapter 4 now and things are heating up. Some of the weaker characters aren't getting a chance at making any kills and to get some exp, and the A.I is starting to wise up and actually attack me now. Good stuff, doubt I'll get it finished by Christmas though at this rate- but I could.

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Mokong I think it was Tales who mentioned a problem with Mario Bros. 3 but it was that he was stuck on the world map and unable to progress. Did you ever get that resolved?


I've been playing more Shining Force, I'm up to chapter 4 now and things are heating up. Some of the weaker characters aren't getting a chance at making any kills and to get some exp, and the A.I is starting to wise up and actually attack me now. Good stuff, doubt I'll get it finished by Christmas though at this rate- but I could.


No, I haven't. I have that flickering border too.

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Yeah, most games I have bought I haven't bothered to complete.


SimCity: Well, got 400 000 in one city althought the ultimate goal is 500 000. Beat all the challenges except one. Completed in my opinion.

Super Mario Bros: Too difficult for me. I'm more fan of the 3D games. Spyro was one my first games ever. Think I got to level six with pipes or something like that.

Super Mario Bros 2: Got stuck very early. 1-2 I think. There was this huge wall I never got past.

Super Mario Bros 3: Stuck on the world map. Literally. I could delete it and download it again but I know I will never be able to beat it, or get any farther at all so I don't see why should bother.

F-Zero: Beat all the races on the lowest difficulty. Never unlocked any other difficulty, don't why, I'm sure I have beaten them all.

F-Zero X: Let me see, I think I unlocked three out of five rows with ships, and beaten all the races on the lowest difficulty. Never could win on any higher.

Kirby's Adventure: Beat it but never bother to look for secrets. Didn't use much time on it.

Mario Kart 64: Beat it on all difficulties. 100%

Mario's Super Picross: Beat all ten Mario levels and Wario's first three or four levels.

Metroid: Didn't get very far before I got bored. Didn't meet any bosses.

Military Madness: Ten or so levels. Like Advance Wars this is way too difficult for my simple mind.

Paper Mario: Completed. I will say I got about 70-80% of all secrets.

Sonic the Hedgehog: Got to world 2 before I got bored. The game sucks hard.

Super Mario 64: Completed with 120 stars.

Sword of Vermillion: Must be the worst RPG I have ever played. The world map is a complete mess so I never got anywhere, just kept wandering in sircles and dead ends.

Yoshi's Story: Loved it when I was younger but now it just isn't as fun anymore. Reached world 4 when I quit playing.

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Revisit Donkey Kong Island and join the Kong family for their latest adventure. The Kremlings have a mysterious new leader named KAOS and are up to their usual mischief, even capturing Donkey Kong and Diddy Kong. Now it's up to Dixie Kong and the newest Kong, a giant infant named Kiddy, to rescue the two missing apes. They'll travel across previously unseen parts of the island in their search, and even take to the skies in a rocket at one point. Lucky for them, Dixie and Kiddy's powers complement each other (including Kiddy's talent for rolling like a barrel), so they form a powerful team capable of major Kremling damage. They're not completely on their own, either, since returning favorites like Funky Kong and Enguarde the swordfish provide help along the way. And in a series known for its abundance of secrets and high replay value, this entry doesn't disappoint, with enough hours of game play to satisfy Donkey Kong himself. Anyone else have a sudden urge for some bananas?


From Cubed3. Who writes this stuff? Is it not D.K Isle? Donkey Kong Island is a bit of a mouthful. This game takes place in the Northern Kremisphere, they coulda mentioned that, galoots.


(I could be wrong and it really is Donkey Kong Island. I'll maybe just check me Snes DKC 3 instruction booklet later.)


The Hanabi Festival, I imagined it was a September thing. If there is a festival in January then there is a chance something similar could happen.

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