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Virtual Console - All you need to know


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I got quite excited then, it's a rare, momentous occasion when someone deems a Virtual Console release important enough to post about! The last post in here was July...


Let us know your thoughts on it, H-o-T, and I'm sure we'll get a good write-up from Sam in VC Weekly as well.

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Looks like we're getting Final Fantasy III (aka Final Fantasy VI :confused:) next week.


Ages ago, evil beings created powerful creatures called Espers and unleashed them against each other. The resulting battles left their world in smouldering rubble. Legend has it, the Espers destroyed themselves and most of humanity.


Magic disappeared forever.


Centuries have passed and a rational world now exists with Espers living only in myths, until one frozen solid since the ancient wars is unearthed. Suddenly, there are reports of magic attacks on civilians. Imperial Commandos launch raids using magic-powered MagiTek weapons. Magic is obviously alive and the world is in danger again.


Who or what is behind the rediscovery and redeployment of this legendary power? What chaotic plans exist that will wreak havoc on this orderly world?


Originally released as FINAL FANTASY III on SNES in North America, this game is in fact FINAL FANTASY VI from the main series chronology.



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  • 2 weeks later...

So Chrono Trigger and Mega Man X are coming to the VC, in Japan at least.


I must say I'm a little surprised at the release of CT given they made it available on the DS as well. I'm sure everyone who was interested in owning that game a second time would have picked it up then. Not that it really hurts them to put it on the VC - it's another game to say is available and whilst I can't see there being overwhelming demand, I'm sure the sales will cover any associated costs in putting it there.


Now Mega Man X on the other hand. Wow - it's been a long time coming but hell yeah!! Maybe they held off because of the MMXC (still waiting Capcom Europe) because it's not like the all the original MM games are up either for possibly the same reason.


I wonder if we'll see the sequels though. Clearly, Capcom have not trouble emulating them but it given Nintendo's reluctance to put up Super FX chip games, I wonder if these will somehow suffer too for their use of the Cx4 chip. Unless it's a copyright thing that's somehow preventing the appearance of SFX chip games rather than a technical issue.


Still, even if the sequels don't make it, the first is better than none - and in this case, the first is already amazing.

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I must say I'm a little surprised at the release of CT given they made it available on the DS as well.


Didn't they port it to iOS too? Shows that the DS port wasn't a one time thing of CT... makes sense that they would bring out the original version on the VC now that they have FF VI out. If I had the time I'd get it on the VC to see what its like, but I think the DS version will keep me ticking over.


Having said that... I do sort of want FF VI to hear the music in all its non-GBA glory...

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Didn't they port it to iOS too? Shows that the DS port wasn't a one time thing of CT... makes sense that they would bring out the original version on the VC now that they have FF VI out. If I had the time I'd get it on the VC to see what its like, but I think the DS version will keep me ticking over.


Having said that... I do sort of want FF VI to hear the music in all its non-GBA glory...


But the GBA is considered an old console. The DS version is playable on a 3DS.


It's also 900 points in Japan for some reason,but since it never came out over here, it would be at least that over here.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Chrono Trigger was listed in NoE's Q2 release list for the VC which I didn't expect to see, unfortunately it only had a Q2 release date but nice to see a good release for the service for a change.


Still waiting for Dragon Quest though Square-Enix.

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  • 2 months later...

I recently bought Mario Tennis on Virtual Console. Still a great game :)


2 things that are bugging me though. Has anyone else found that the title screen, main menu music and other areas play too quick compared to the original? It may also just be a PAL issue as a youtube video with an NTSC copy seems fine.


The other thing I would like to know is whether there's anyway of getting the extra courts that were only accessible via the Game Boy Color version with the transfer pak? Waluigi court was one of my favourites. I noticed there are some game save hacks online for the American version but none for the PAL version :(

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  • 1 year later...

I looked for a Link to the Past thread but couldn't find one. I guess all the discussions for the game went in here at the time.


With SMW and DKC1/2/3 behind me my next task was Zelda:LTTP. It's a game I have finished MAY times but one that I always enjoy playing. Here's some snaps of my adventure. :)



The journey begins....





Anyone else like to try and catch these as they hit the floor? I did it as a kid and continue to do it as an adult. Kinda like the whole Yoshi key thing in SMW. :D




One of my favourite scenes in the game. Epic scene is epic.



I remember being stuck in this room for ages as a kid. :heh:



One down 6 to go...



The last crystal.




Here I am, fully loaded and ready to take down.....



This guy!






All done.



This easily the best ending to a Zelda game, for me at least and quite possibly one of my favourite endings to any game.


You get a great sense of completion while watching it, as you get a glimpse of all the important characters that you have met during your adventure and how their lives have moved on. The music that plays from beginning to end is also fantastic and very memorable.


Not bad. 5 SNES games in 4 days. These snow days have come in handy. :)


So, whats next? I'm thinking of playing either Super Metroid or Secret of Mana. I've only played Super Metroid once and can't remember a thing about it. Secret of Mana I haven't played at all so that will be the fresher experience.

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That ending to ALTTP really chokes me up, especially when it goes quiet and then kicks back in with the old man right before building to the big finish. And then you have the credits music which is just beautiful. An incredible finish to an incredible adventure. It really is the best Zelda ever, and the finest game on the platform.


With you mentioning it the other thread, I fired up Secret of Mana again on the VC. Despite downloading it day 1, I never did complete the VC version. My new file is up to roughly where I was on my old file (about 80% of the way through) but I'd forgotten how grindy certain elements are - didn't forget how cheap knockdowns are though. Still, you are in for a treat when you get round to it... and make sure to say "hello" to Spikey when you see him for me :p

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So, whats next? I'm thinking of playing either Super Metroid or Secret of Mana. I've only played Super Metroid once and can't remember a thing about it. Secret of Mana I haven't played at all so that will be the fresher experience.[/center]


Super Metroid. Best game ever made, in my opinion (though it's only my second favourite).

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So I started Secret of Mana yesterday ( sorry Oxygen ) and its a bit weird so far.


It seems like the game is going to be a massive grind. I'm stepping out of towns and nailed by various enemies, most of which randomly knock me to the floor and give me a beating.


The game isn't explained very well either. Took me ages to find where the equipment and stats screen was. Then I went to buy some gear but couldn't check if it was better or worse than my previous stuff.


I don't understand how the weapon system works. Does each weapon have a max level? Also what's the benefit of switching weapons? Are some better than others for different enemies?

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Early on, you can get beaten up pretty quickly from enemies if you get trapped in a vortex situation with knockdowns. It really is worth doing a bit of grinding early on as until you get magic, it is very difficult to stun certain enemies for any length of time yet they seem to have a much easier time with stunning you. Not having party members doesn't help either at this point. I also stronger recommend grindy your magic levels too when you get some.


Unfortunately, there is no way to check if an item will improve your defenses or not until you attempt to equip it - the only thing you can judge is its sale price. Since armour has no other qualities than raising your defence stat, if an item cost more to buy than you last one, it will offer more protection. So you can click on sell, and see the sale value of an item (which I think is a third of its buying price) and then work back to see if it cost more than the thing you want to buy. If it did, don't buy the new one. Item price and damage protection scale pretty linearly too which helps - twice the price generally equals twice the protection. Money is fairly easy to come by in this and it will be unlikely you find yourself short though it does annoy me when you enter a stage and see a shop only to come to a new shop not long after with better stuff - South Town/North Town, I'm looking at you.


Each weapon has a max level and that determines how much charge you can build up. To improve a weapons level, and strength (plus give it bonus characteristics like Ballooning enemies or increasing damage to certain types, etc), you must have the correct weapon orb. You then take the orb to Watts, the dwarf, and pay him to upgrade the weapon. Now that the weapon has been made more powerful, you have another level of weapon experience that can be built up for that weapon. You can't charge up until you level up your weapon experience to the appropriate level but you still get the benefit of the weapon being stronger and its bonus traits.


So if you are level 0 with Sword, and the Sword is level 2, you cant do a charge attack. But using it will build exp until you cap out at level 2 with it. Once you hit level 1, you can do a level 1 charge attack. Once you level up to 2, you can do a level 1 or 2 charge attack depending on how long you charge for. And if you get a weapon orb, you can level up the item, and increase you weapon xp cap, but until you do, the weapon orb has no benefit so go to Watts as soon as you can after finding them.


Magic works a bit similarly... Every time you find an Elemental summon, you gain its magic to add to your list, like a weapon. In order to increase their max cap, you have to find the Mana Seeds in each dungeon. Every time you find a new seed, you increase the max level. Like weapons, they level up with use but since you are limited in terms of Magic Points, it's a pain to use them freely for general leveling - Popoie gets around this by eventually learning a Magic Absorb spell but that's not until after half way through the game, Purim will always be restricted.


Each item, Weapon or Magic, gives 9 - current level in terms of XP (or something like that) in terms of usage so it takes longer to level them up the better you get with them. THe MP used by a spell has no bearing on the XP it rewards so it's often more beneficial to spam lower MP attacks because you will get more XP from you limited MP points - also, attacks that use 4MP are not twice as powerful as those that use just 2MP so it's often more damaging too to go with lower MP ones.

Edited by Captain Falcon
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