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The Official N-E Love Thread.


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:heart:Share the love!:heart:


I love Fresh*, Fresh loves me.

Letty loves Jordan, Jordan loves Letty.

Tikka Masala loves Toby, Toby loves Tikka Masala.

And so on...


Just PM someone you love and tell them, if they PM you back saying they love you to Add it to your Sig like us, It's that simple!


I want to see most of N-E users with there sigs dazzled with love by mid week.














*Im not gay this is just abit of fun.

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Hmm..Deja Vu...Wait a fucking second...??!!


Yeah, theres been a love thread before. But this thread seems like a fusion of the old Official love thread and the official gay thread.


Yeah, the gay innuendo shit begins. Nice thread idea, but it'll be locked.


It'l get old soon..I hope.

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