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I think I might just get the GC version.......I can't afford to get a Wii just yet (maybe sometime next year), so I think I'll just pick this up as my last game for the Cube.

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Not that I'm not getting the Wii version eventually, but this is the one I'm most looking forward to (even though it comes more than a week later, and yes I'm still expecting a December 15th release). In fact, yesterday I pre-ordered this game. I just don't think I can afford a Wii at launch (to be specific, a Wii, 3 remotes, 3 nunchucks, 2 classic controllers, Zelda, Red Steel, Super Monkey Ball & probably Rayman, and probably a Wii point card).


Damn, I have to wait another month!! :D. Oh well, it's worth it! It's been a while I think that I was looking forward this much to a game, those were Zelda OoT & Zelda MM :D.


Anyway, this won't be my last Cube game, I still have some catching up to do, there are plenty games I still want (RE 4, Batallion wars & Fire Emblem to name a few).


Have pre-ordered the GC version.


My Wii fund has taken a serious knock so that will have to be put on hold for a while.


Saw the advert for this game last night on Paramount between episodes of South Park and now Dec 15th seems so far away.


I know i'm not up to date that's why i'm asking this, but i just checked for Twilight Princess (GC) on play.com and they have it listed for release on 8th December. I take it this is the US release and the UK is still set for 15th?


Ugh, i was getting excited too. I was going to try and get the 8th off work. That's why i need to get it right! I have to time my skiving right.


Yep, I've pre-ordered this game as well. It's a bit frustrating though, somebody just put to my attention the Wii's being released this friday, and while all Wii players will be able to play Zelda form that day, I (/we) have to wait another week.. Well, at least we're playing the real version :P.

(note: I'm not saying the Wii version won't be fun, I'm buying that one too when I buy a Wii eventually)


Hmm, allthough.. I wonder if I can contain myself. I could get impulsive and say "fuck it, I don't need new pants, I'm gonna buy a Wii instead".


Still, I'll play the Cube version of Zelda first either way. Argh, 2 more weeks!

Anyway, to me Zelda is now part of my Christmas feeling.. A Christmas isn't truly complete without a new Zelda :D..


Why on earth would anyone actually perfer the cube version. The control on the wii is far superior. The shield bash with the nunchuck feels fantasic and I don't think that I ever want to go back to aiming weapons with an anolog stick again. The controls for wii only take about 5 seconds to get used to, and don't even think about how ausome fishing is on wii in comparison.


PS> I have already played and beaten TP on Wii so I do know what I am talking about.

Why on earth would anyone actually perfer the cube version. The control on the wii is far superior. The shield bash with the nunchuck feels fantasic and I don't think that I ever want to go back to aiming weapons with an anolog stick again. The controls for wii only take about 5 seconds to get used to, and don't even think about how ausome fishing is on wii in comparison.


PS> I have already played and beaten TP on Wii so I do know what I am talking about.


I'm getting the GC version purely because of my financial situation mate.


Basically what I'm tryin to say is that I can't afford a Wii and therefore I'm only getting it on GC.




I've played 5 hours of the japanese version now. School starts in 4.5 hours, but before I go to sleep. I've gotta inform you guys of one thing:




This could seriously knock Ocarina of Time out of my "favourite game of all time" spot :shock:


Its crazy :D


Oh well, I'm tired.. Off to bed =)


Less than 10 days to go before Twilight Princess is released on the GC in Europe. Just looked on Gameplay top 10 pre-orders, and Twilight Princess for the GC is 1 place higher than Red Steel on pre-orders.


any of you folks in the uk know any shops selling twilight princess? Everywhere I've tried (i.e. Virgin, Game, Gamestation) have stopped selling gamecube games and aren't planning on starting again and there's no way I can afford a Wii! I've even booked the 15th off work so I'm hoping that there's some shop I can pop into the second they open on the 15th. :grin:


PLEASE help me!


The closest I've got is bleedin' Debenham's who have put me on a list of people to call in case they start selling it! That's just not good enough


OMG WTH, have I been living under a rock or something?!?! I thought the Cube version was out in Feb next year?!? Ur shitting me right?


Last exam is on the 15th, that means...if I can get a copy....Zelda for Meeeeeeeeeee:grin:


EDIT - Ok, you're not winding me up...I'm gettin in the car and going to the shops to pre-order it now!!


LOL - you should have seen me jumping around the room! >.<

any of you folks in the uk know any shops selling twilight princess? Everywhere I've tried (i.e. Virgin, Game, Gamestation) have stopped selling gamecube games and aren't planning on starting again and there's no way I can afford a Wii! I've even booked the 15th off work so I'm hoping that there's some shop I can pop into the second they open on the 15th. :grin:


PLEASE help me!


The closest I've got is bleedin' Debenham's who have put me on a list of people to call in case they start selling it! That's just not good enough


They're only selling it online, best bet is Play.com


Hmm... Does someone know how many memory blogs on the momeory card the GC version will use?? I would really appreciate if someone knew! Otherwise I don't know if I have to go buy another memory card or not...


Btw, after seeing some of those vids of the GC version, it pretty much made it clear for me... I'm so much getting the GC version! There's absolutely no graphical differences between the GC and the Wii version, and that just makes me so happy! I was really worried that I would miss something out if I got the GC version, but now I know I won't! It's so beautiful... :D

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