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Lost - Series 3 [spoilers]


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Good point, I forgot about the slaves...Still, Jacob could be a ghost from the ship.


If a ghost is going to be the explaination to everything, well, I'de say they messed up over one hundred hours of television...

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I was thinking about what Ben said to Locke the other day about if you imagine it no matter what it will appear and Lockes dad turned up.


Now remember back to walt on the plane in series one? he was reading a comic with a polar bear in it. Then a polar bear turns up on the island which is all very random.


Don't know where im going with this but I think perhaps there is something way over the top happening to the damn island where whatever people imagine, happens kinda? I dunno....



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or maybe? 10char




right, highlight below here, spoiler tags wont work for me!


i think that means he got shot in the side wer his kidney ISNT, so it isnt a serious of an injury as it could of been.


Above here highlight :)

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In a Michael Emerson (Ben)
, he says Locke is alive because he gave up something long ago.


His kidney?






It's a shot where the kidneys are located!Maybe that could become his saviour. Also, the theory of things appearing everywhere.. I think you should restrict it a little. Ben can do it, Walt can do it, and Locke can do it. Those three all had a special connection to the island, Walt being 'special', Ben being an 'other' and in contact with Jacob and Locke because he's 'sepcial'. I'm only having some doubts about the 'Jacob' concept. Maybe Jacob is the final connection with the island and he can use it to dissappear or something? But why would he say 'HELP ME' and why did the trouble start with Locke putting on his flashlight, Jacob getting mad (says Ben) and then Jacob saying 'Help me' to Locke, even though he's supposed to be angry at him...


A lot of things to explain again and the countdown of 36 episodes has started...


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Platty; I think the polar bears were in teh cage that sawyer was in.



Ah good point. Maybe they decided to do tests on animals with the whole pregnancy thing and since the purge the animals have obviously escaped.

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Yeah it was good to see Rose & Bernard again. Although I did love the theory floating around that when Desmond was in the past he did something that meant that Nikki & Paulo got on the plane instead of Rose & Bernard.


Anyway I enjoyed the episode, pretty sad in places. Was nice to see the old Jack back aswell.

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