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I'll check it out. I loved Evangelion, but it's way too complicated, they just didn't give enough information to fully understand the plot. Looks like these films will fix that problem.

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Guest Stefkov

There's another one to watch, Evangelion. Damnit.

Guest Stefkov

Hayate episode 15 I'm getting now. That shit is crazy, if you havnt started to watch it then I really do reccomend it.


Would you guys recommend Bleach? Can't quite decide if it's worth downloading.


Next thing I'm gonna watch is Blood+, though. Peoples thoughts on that?

  Gizmo said:
Would you guys recommend Bleach? Can't quite decide if it's worth downloading.


Next thing I'm gonna watch is Blood+, though. Peoples thoughts on that?


Bleach is one of my personal favourites. You have to watch about 20-25 episodes to really get hooked, but after that its hard to leave it. The first 50 episodes are just gold. The build up is long and it hits the climax just right, ending in a finale that is just breathtaking. Give it a try.


So much anime to get back to.Got the last episode of Deathnote downloading along with last 2 episodes of Shippuden,got the last OVA for HunterxHunter downloading then after that, to top it off got two episodes of Devil May Cry.


So much to watch.


=O that Evangelion video is awesome, despite the sucky quality. Shinji looks awesome, and that part with Unit 01 after its shell's bust off, staggering along in the fire... man I cannot wait for these movies.

Guest Stefkov

Can anyone tell me what is happening during episode 64 (I think) onwards of Bleach with those 3 wierdos, who I just found out were what Kon is?

Seriously, what the hell.

  Stefkov said:
Can anyone tell me what is happening during episode 64 (I think) onwards of Bleach with those 3 wierdos, who I just found out were what Kon is?

Seriously, what the hell.


Well you'll see soon enough, let's just say they are something to do with Kisuke Urahara.


Urahara Kisuke. See, it's because you watch HKDVDs that you say everyone's name the wrong way round! Next you'll be telling me that Naruto stars Naruto Uzumaki. Eugh.


Anyway yeah, it's the start of Bleach's filler arc. It's not as bad as Naruto's fillers, but it's hardly awesome either (though some people actually enjoyed it). I believe it ends at 110.

  Dante said:
Goodnew Shorty.


Another trailer which in better quality.

Awesome! Thanks Dante. Looking so great. I always hated that ED music though.

I just finished watching all of Eureka Seven. It was beautiful, simply beautiful. Amazing story and very emotional. There were times where I almost shed a tear, and I consider myself a tough guy when it comes to these things.


Lucky Star rocks, I'm like mix of Yu-chan and Kona-chan, but in a totally manly way!

EDIT: Guys where have you been getting darker than black and gurren lagan from? PM please.

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