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When I was about ten I remember seeing some episodes of an anime, and I really liked it. I'd love to know what it was called but I really can't remember. It involved mechas and an alien princess (who looked humanoid).


Does anyone know what anime I'm describing? It's a vague description, I know, but it's all I can remember.

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The intro from Lucky Star has got me somewhat interested.Had a weird effect on me.I'll watch it after Azumanga and some other anime i'm watching(can't remember name)

There are a lot of otaku in-jokes, so some people might not pick up on them... I'm sure I missed/didn't get quite a few.

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DB have released the 3rd Naruto Movie :) This movie has fights animated by Norio Matsumoto, who animated awesome fights like the Hokage battle (71) and the amazing you-know-who fight (133).


DL'ing it surely but slowly as we speak, wasn't all too keen on the 1st and 2nd but I like the look of this one.

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Naruto, Sakura and Sasuke have a battle like the Sanins had. I want to see manda again!


That would be awesome however they shouldn't have sidekicks in it like the Sanin battle, just Team 7. But has Sakura learnt how to summon yet?


What the fuck happened to Sai? :(

Sasukes new cell is pretty awesome and the next big fight you can tell is going to be amazing. The death of Itachi finally?



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That would be awesome however they shouldn't have sidekicks in it like the Sanin battle, just Team 7. But has Sakura learnt how to summon yet?


What the fuck happened to Sai? :(

Sasukes new cell is pretty awesome and the next big fight you can tell is going to be amazing. The death of Itachi finally?



Well as awsome as that fight would be, we're assuming Sasuke can summon and control Manda anyway. Itatchi best hadn't die as easily as orochimeru!


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Guest Stefkov

If I'm not up to the Shipudden can I not watch the movies without having been spoiled or are the movies just spin offs?


(ps Naruto)

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That would be awesome however they shouldn't have sidekicks in it like the Sanin battle, just Team 7. But has Sakura learnt how to summon yet?


What the fuck happened to Sai? :(

Sasukes new cell is pretty awesome and the next big fight you can tell is going to be amazing. The death of Itachi finally?



I don't think Sasuke can summon at all,be useless to him and plus if Sasuke summoned him he would need sacrifices.Also i'm confident in saying Itachi will beat up Sasuke.I really don't think Sasuke has a chance of beating him at all tbh.


Maybe Suigetsu can put up a fair fight against Kisame,but i'm not expecting Itachi to die,since we still need to know some of his background about why he killed everyone in the Uchiha Clan,and what the Uchiha secret is.


And Sasuke said himself Itachi is stronger.Also if Itachi did die then there isn't very much left of the manga is there?


I'm expecting Sasuke to get pwned,Naruto team arrives,Naruto tries to save Sasuke and fights Itachi and puts up a fair match,Sasuke asks himself how he's so strong,Kakashi says will of fire stuff,Naruto ends up losing and gets captured by Itachi,Sasuke joins Kakashi and goes to help Naruto or something.


So yea,I don't expect Itachi to get beat or killed by Sasuke,even with 2 teams on him.


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