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Motivation, Affirmation, and Exclamations Galore

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This thread has been an ironic idea in the back of my head for too long, so today I present you with a subheaded, overly-long post that holds a method to muscle up your motivation. But enough padding, head on down and read my indefinate amount of steps that I may alter at any time without your prior consent.


And... Go!


Pin it!

Define what it is you want to do. Make it as specific or as general as you like, all that matters is that you keep it to a single sentence. The shorter the better; the reason for this will become apparent soon.


Example: I will write something borderline presentable and post it on N-E.


None too specific, that. If I were feeling a bit more confident I might say: By 23/9/06 I will write something borderline presentable and post it on N-E. Hell, I could even drop the "borderline" if I were feeling particularly adventurous.


Write it!

That's wri— right, I want you to write your declaration down. Every day. Ten times. "You're crazy!" I hear you say, "You think you can hear voices, but we've not even had a chance to -type- a response!" Well, quite.


My sanity aside, the important thing is for you to write down want you want ten times a day. Scribble it, type it*, paint it, whatever! Just get it down and get it done.


Why? Because you have to convince yourself you can do it, because it only takes a minute, because you've several weeks before the Wii's out and not much to do. Pick a reason, make one up, run without one; whatever works for you is fine so long as it does.


Believe it!

"Hogwash!" You say, "I've never heard such hokum!"** So what if it is? So it's a stupid idea from a stupid person on the stupid internet. All that means is you've nothing to lose and everything to gain. And that you should really think of diversifying your vocabulary.


Finish it!

Okay, so you do all this stupid writing down, then what? Well, you complete what you set out to. So, using my example, that would involve posting a borderline presentable piece of writing on these very forums. Once I'd done that, well...


Alright, alright, I admit it. I haven't thought that far ahead. I was thinking there could be some kind of acknowledgment in this thread for people that posted their goals and then completed them, but I figured I'd see what people thought.


I was thinking I could buy the 'winner' a DS or Wii game or something, but I've no idea what winning would entail at the moment. Feel free to pitch in ideas.


Shut it!

No, really, I'm done now. Over to you.



*But Ctrl the urge to C and V. Ho, ho... Yeah.


**It's my head so you sound how I want you to sound, okay? Oh, you appear to have no choice.


Alright, awesome! I hope this thread lives long cause I really have a lot of things I want to do but for which I am not yet motivated enough to actually do them. Or something. I could put something really general down like "I want to be happy more often" or something along those lines, but I think I'm going to keep it a bit more specific for now.


And for my first thing that I need motivation on so I will finally do it again, is sport. My body is aching and it's because I don't move enough. So I have to start doing some kind of exercise again. Yes!




I will start doing some kind of sport again, starting this month!






Oh right!


I will sell my DS lot for over £65!

Not -exactly- the sort of thing I had in mind; I'm not asking people to play Nostradamus. Still, if that's what you're hoping to do then go for it.


Once there's a few people signed up we can, like, motivate one another. Yeah...


Please, someone help me hammer out the details. I'm rubbish at this.

Not -exactly- the sort of thing I had in mind; I'm not asking people to play Nostradamus. Still, if that's what you're hoping to do then go for it.


Once there's a few people signed up we can, like, motivate one another. Yeah...


Please, someone help me hammer out the details. I'm rubbish at this.


Go On!!! you can write out the details, go on, keep going! You can do this! Get those details down! Almost there!


(there's motivation)


I will go all out in creating a sandwich for work tomorrow. It will not be simple ham on bread created in 30 seconds like usual. I will create a sandwich fit for a king.


I don't have particularly noble goals, sorry.

Wasn't this a storyline in Sex and the City? :p

You'd be the one to know. I, on the other hand, wouldn't.


I will go all out in creating a sandwich for work tomorrow. It will not be simple ham on bread created in 30 seconds like usual. I will create a sandwich fit for a king.

You'll need to post a picture as proof of your almighty achievement.


I will attempt increasing the amount of fruit and vegetables in my diet.

That's a good one, I'm going to unofficially take that up.

You'd be the one to know. I, on the other hand, wouldn't.


It was, a character wrote it on her mirror with lipstick every morning. Its a good show, as girly as it seems.

I will start running again no matter how much it hurts :woops:

I don't think it's supposed to -hurt-...


I'll be working tomorrow so I'll think on how to make this idea work. If anyone else has any suggestions just whack 'em in here or PM me.


I wanna keep losing weight, i've lost a belt size in the last couple of months and i've cut down on alot of shit i used to eat. :)


Declarations only count if they're emboldened — that works on so many levels*.


'Fraid I didn't get much of a chance to think today; the 'day of rest' is always such a misnomer. Still, I'll give it a bash now and see if I come up with anything.


*Well, two.


Well, it seems like I might actually start doing something again. I asked my mom today about maybe going running again, and she said that maybe we could start on Saturday. Would be great if we do it and actually keep doing it. ='3

Also thinking about maybe doing something else too, but I don't know what yet...

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