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European Wii Preorders


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I actually registered my interest ages ago, i mentioned ages ago, that i had ddone it, i wonder if ive been put on the same list twice then....:)

2 Wii's for me lol.

anyway when it come to launch, i should have hopefuly saved up to £200. I currently have £80 in my bank, with an extra £30 on me.

Theres 12 weeks to go, i work every thursday for £10. £120 in those weeks.

£120 + £80 + £30 = £230 :D:D

maybe a bit more with working behind a bar on som occasions, I might, and hope to have, well over £250/£300. I'd be well happy.

If i go my what i know i'll earn, I'll get a Wii, and maybe 2 games......(damn i just realised, £180 teakes off nearly all what i earned, I'll only have £50 to buy other things)

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Actually that begs the question...if e go in to pre-order...will we be put under the people who have registered interest

I wouldnt think, i think the interest one is just a list for the purpose of GAME knowing who registered interest, not an actual list of who gets their Wii first.

Th guy i talked to said that I'll get a phonecall to say when i can preorder, so i think what i said above is right.

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I think im gonna get mine from Gamestation, £20 off if you pre-order, also, if i get it online i won't be in when it arrives, and ill have to wait till the next monday to get it.


you don't mean a £20 discount do you. Its the £20 from the initial deposit is subtracted from the normal price? or am i wrong.


(PS dont bother with gamestation online. They are a shambles. )

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I've had a definite 'NO' to me going to the midnight launch, so I'll pop into my local Gamestation tomorrow and preorder.

I'm unsure as to when I'll actually be able to pick it up, because I can't go at midnight (unless my mother has a serious chang of heart), I leave early for school and get back late, and then I've got a fencing competition the next day. Also, I don't want someone to pick it up for me, as they're bound to get the wrong stuff or miss out on any special bundles.

We'll see, eh?

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I've been having great fun reading this thread.


You know, guys, that the world will still carry on revolving, you'll still be alive and everything will be OK even IF you don't manage to get the console on release day.


Yes, sure it's nice being one of the first (but then being European you won't be!!) but the amount of paranoia being shown by some people is laughable (or possibly even worrying).


I know I'll probably be flamed for not being a true Nintendo fan (even though I am), but just calm down.


Having said all that, I probably will be pre-ordering, but will wait a week or so while all the companies get their bundles and prices sorted out.


Oh, and can I take the crown for the youngest 43 year old?




Whats wrong with me just thinking about a postal strike and if it snows? (Because both have happened alot in my area and United Kingdom).


Thats laughable is it? Planning ahead? and slightly worrying?


Jesus. i've had enough with this forum lately.


People are so bloody opinionated!

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Im pretty sure it's a £20 discount, that's what my mate said. I havent been into town yet.


It wont be a £20 discount, he probably just meant you pay £20 now, then you pay the other £150 later.


I realy really really want to go in at midnight. I hope I've passed my driving test by then!

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Whats wrong with me just thinking about a postal strike and if it snows? (Because both have happened alot in my area and United Kingdom).


Thats laughable is it? Planning ahead? and slightly worrying?


Jesus. i've had enough with this forum lately.


People are so bloody opinionated!


In his defence, you dont slightly worry you panic.

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It wont be a £20 discount, he probably just meant you pay £20 now, then you pay the other £150 later.


I realy really really want to go in at midnight. I hope I've passed my driving test by then!

I actually asked my mum if she could take me to midnight launch, but with her back problems and actually might be going back to work she said no.

But luckily my dad works shifts, and on the week of the 8th, he works 2-10.

So he gets back for 10pm, and can take me to Manchester Fort.

Even though I have a full day on Friday, from 8:40 to 3:55

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I actually asked my mum if she could take me to midnight launch, but with her back problems and actually might be going back to work she said no.

But luckily my dad works shifts, and on the week of the 8th, he works 2-10.

So he gets back for 10pm, and can take me to Manchester Fort.

Even though I have a full day on Friday, from 8:40 to 3:55


I'm not even going to ask my mum. I'm going to tell my Mum "I'm going out to a friends house - not sure when I'll be back" and that'll be the end of it. She can phone me later on if she wants. :heh:

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Game's situation


Customers can 'register their interest' which is basically leaving name and contact details.


When we know the exact stock allocation (hopefully within a month, but nothing is known) this is what will probably happen;


Everyone on said list will be rung and will be told "We will be taking a £20 deposit (fully refundable blah blah blah) as of.... it will happen on a first come first served basis so ensure you get there soon."


You will come in, deposit £20 which will just be put on a giftcard. Get a schmancy deposit slip and a receipt. Keep that and on 8th dash into store and hand over your giftcard. You will then get the £20 knocked off and have to pay the rest.

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You don't know how i'm saying what i'm writing though? I was actually relaxed when i wrote that!


What when you started being "Scared" of what the price would be last Wednesday night, then when it came out started talking about importing, then buying a PAL one as wel,l now Importing, now getting a PAL one and worrying about the weather so pre-ordering at 2 places. :indeed:


Face it your a drama queen :P

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What when you started being "Scared" of what the price would be last Wednesday night, then when it came out started talking about importing, then buying a PAL one as wel,l now Importing, now getting a PAL one and worrying about the weather so pre-ordering at 2 places. :indeed:


Face it your a drama queen :P


WOW, you have been taking too much notice of my posts.


Whatever plans i have about the Wii aren't going to be changed because of you, and seriously, go give you advice to someone else, i prefer not to have it.


EDIT: I'm preordering from 2 places because my local Gamestation couldnt gurantee me one. I was scared about the date not price, i wanted the price to be as low as possible, £180 seems too much for a Wii but i'm getting one anyway. It always snows where i live in December, this could stop it from being delivered and sorry! I don't want to wait any longer then i have too. I'm still preordering a American one! It was a blessing having a USA and UK GC so i'm doing it again. Frankly, i have no-idea why i'm even correcting you, but i've had enough of so many people voicing there bloody opinions as though they're always right, these last couple of days.


Sorry if you don't agree. You won't obviously. I end it there before someone else comes into the argument and i end-up being shouted at by about 4 people at once. I don't need it.

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