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I'm sorry, you can doubt Nintendo but that article is just plain stupid. It completely washes over the revolutionary aspect of Revolution!


"Instead of a marvellous leap forward in technology and step towards the true future of gaming, we loyal Nintendo fans get a remote control and grey banana."


Er, no, we get a marvellous leap forward in technology in the form of the 3D motion sensing and on screen interaction.


No point writing anymore, that article is really badly thought out and the writers response will be "that's my opinion". Opinion needs to be based on some logic. Anyone that thinks the Revolution looks bad immediately gets put into the Dunce category in MY opinion.

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I just got the paper revolution controller, pretty impressed tbh, by the size that is. when I first looked at it I expected it to be about 20% bigger, but its just the right size. that HUGE gap between the d pad and the home button isn't so huge after all.

in fact, even the b button is in reach.

feels comfortable in both hands as well. using it "nes style, I can easily see myself using the A and B buttons as well as the d pad and a and b buttons, and the select, home and start buttons are all accessible too. I imagine that by release the controller will be contoured that much better, hopefully it will be fairly light.


as for the final revolution, we don't know what hardware will be like, we don't know what special little work relieving algorithms will be in there, so we don't know how it will compare in anyway to even the XBOX360, yet alone the PS3 (which afaik we good as know nothing about, as it could all change by next E3).


also, looking at the cube, I'm more than content with the graphics it is capable of, and looking at how technology increases I imagine I'll be wowed by the graphics the revolution will produce.

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lol! yeah i agree with yas that article was pyure crab poo! lol and i think the revoilutions controler is defnately gonna be a big succes no doubt about it!

i carent wait to try it out!



Take The quiz yourself!


i'll have you know crabs are very pyure and decent creatures thank you very much...


boo y'all!!!

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The author is remorselessly illogical, pointlessly antagonistic and probably has a very small penis.


Such an astute observation by someone, completely ignoring the fact that it's the first of a two part editorial which seems to have been deliberately writen to provoke debate, on whether Nintendo have made the right move. How about using your apparently very small brain to write something constructive in response to it, instead? Yes, I am throwing around an insult, but, if you read what I've written in the official thread for the editorial, you will see that I did at least engage my brain before putting fingers to keyboard.

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Your apparently very small brain, it seems, if the best attempt you can make at debate is to try and insult me.


The article does not raise interesting issues for debate, it simply makes everyone think the author is an idiot. You are only defending him because you know him.

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No, knowing him means I know where he's most likely coming from, with his editorial. If you had read the posts in that thread you could have possibly understood that, then made a more sensible comment, rather than just stepping up to the mark and making a lot of personal insults. The simple fact of the matter is, if you have nothing constructive to say, don't say anything; a lot of people seem to have forgotten that little maxim, when it comes the internet, you would do well to take it on board.


Also, if you'd bothered to read the rest of my post, beyond the very ironic insult I made, you would have seen that there was something worth your while reading. You have shown an incapacity to read what has been posted before loosing your opinion, or rather lack of one, in every post relating to this matter, so far.

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Your apparently very small brain




Your apparently very small brain




Your apparently very small brain



Your apparently very small brain



Your apparently very small brain



Now that's clear:


Your apparently very small brain, it seems, if the best attempt you can make at debate is to try and insult me.



So wait, he's apparently very small brain for trying to insult you, but you're rhetoric involved making very witty comments about a an editor's penis size after reading his article.


This is all apparently very small brain to me.

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It does indeed say that the next article will be looking at the other end of the argument and I think that's quite a good idea. Posting an article such as that to spark debate and controversy so people can see what they really think. If they ended up accepting the points and agreeing with the article (doubt anyone actually did though) then it shows their real opinion of Nintendo.


Most, if not all of us will have disagreed with it and that's why a second article is being written - to show both sides of things so we can see what other people may think, seeing as most of us can easily prove the article wrong in many places I think more people will see the Revolution as something great.


I hope part two isn't just a lot of fanboy rubbish though and actually explains why the Revolution is going to rock.

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So wait, he's apparently very small brain for trying to insult you, but you're rhetoric involved making very witty comments about a an editor's penis size after reading his article.


This is all apparently very small brain to me.


... :lmao: What?

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Heh, the author isn't really against the Revolution - he can't think of good reasons. He doesn't really make a point; he says the controller is stupid and isn't the way to change the industry but doesn't say why it won't work.

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