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why does the lexical content of my posts matter ? I write my posts in my own style and basically mind my own business. Everyone can do what they want in their own posts within the rules of this forum. Please get a life and talk about video games. ;)

  ZeldaFreak said:
I feel sorry for the guy, he has more respect, doesn't matter if its news, rumours or whatever it should be what the editor wants to post.




well done, you've changed my mind. i agree that it is the journalist whom generate content. But at the end of the day it is the editors decision to moderate and select what material makes the final output. Maybe it is a little less formal online than in magazines given the ferocity of updates. They should both be sacked!


Who is "editor" on n-europe?


More Joystiq news. :rolleyes:


Fighting over IGN.

  Joystiq said:
It seems like just yesterday that we wrote this post warning readers to think twice about who they trust down in the wild and wooly Joystiq comments section. Well, how prophetic of us. We just caught an IGN staffer clumsily pimping IGN (without disclosing that affiliation) this very evening.


IGN staffer "GSI" has been trolling the comments here on Joystiq for quite some time now, leaving 699 comments as of this evening. (How do we know? All Joystiq comments are verified via an email sent to the address commenters enter into the comment form, and "GSI," aka "Jago" has been verifying all of his comments through his official IGN email address.) We were content to leave him be so long as he was serving up a daily dose of the usual fanboy diatribe (examples of which follow), but a post this evening crossed the line.


When one Joystiq commenter wrote about the "writers and editors at Joystiq," "GSI" responded, "CORRECTION: The bloggers of Joystiq. Don't give them too much credit. This isn't a real gaming media site such as 1Up, IGN, GameSpy, Gamespot, etc."


Hey, if these are the tactics of a "real gaming media" site, GSI's done us a favor by counting us out of that list. But to be fair, this is likely the work of some low-level employee and not a marketer with a mandate to sway opinion. At least, that's the charitable interpretation.


Advice to IGN: put a leash and a muzzle on him, he's doing you no favors. More comments, by our new favorite IGN staff member follow after the break.


[update 1: At GSI's request, we've removed any mention of his name from both the post and the comments below.]

  • In response to another reader, who suggested anti-American sentiment retards the sale of the Xbox in Japan: "You are a complete moron. Ignorance must be bliss huh? Sorry but the Japanese DO buy American...go there for one day and you see it everywhere you go."
  • In response to readers who question whether the price of the Wii might be too high: "If you (and the other people complaining about a measly $250) think $250 is too much then sure as hell better not buy a 360 or PS3. IF you do then you are a god damn hypocrit and a 100% biased fanboy."
  • In response to a reader who shared his age: "Jeez...if you really are 31 then you are a pathetic human being b/c I would expect posts like yours to come from little snot nosed teenagers. Let me guess? You also live in your parents basement too right?"
  • There are many hundreds more comments not unlike these. We'll spare you.


  Evil Avatar Forums said:
I know we don't often have editorials here at Evil Avatar, but I've decided that I need to step in and say something at this point. In a strange post over on Joystiq, editor Vladimir Cole has called out IGN, claiming that a frequent poster at Joystiq, now banned, was actually an IGN writer shilling the site. This insult was based on two pieces of information:


1. He had an "official" @ign.com e-mail address.

2. He had one post where he called Joystiq writers "bloggers" rather than "editors" and said that Joystiq was not a "real gaming media site such as 1up, IGN, Gamespy, Gamespot, etc."


Unfortunately, there are some major flaws in Vladimir's logic. First off, anyone who subscribes to IGN's premium service can get an @ign.com e-mail address. This likely was not an editor or writer from IGN, but a fan with a subscription. As Food Nipple so kindly pointed out in the original thread, no editor on IGN goes by either of the names that Joystiq has published in this article. The other comments that Vladimir lists as "proof" of that this guy is an IGN shill have nothing to do with IGN or gaming media at all. Some of the comments are troll-ish, but nothing worse than many of the replies in that very thread -- certainly nothing bad enough to warrant a news post on one of the most visited gaming blogs online publishing his name and e-mail address.


Ironically, all Vladimir really accomplished with this post was showing why the poster called Joystiq a blog that does not compare to the "real gaming media sites" in the first place. They have published false information that not only could lead to harassment of the poster involved but almost certainly harms IGN's name in the eyes of the many people visiting Joystiq -- many of whom may just take a passing glance at the article and never look deep enough to realize Vladimir's mistake. I have enjoyed and respected Joystiq for a long time, but in the last couple weeks with the "major news coming!" disappointment, the drama around Robert Summa's firing, the weirdly negative tension surrounding the Wii announcements, and now this, Joystiq has slowly but sadly been declining in quality and trustworthiness. And I'm not alone in feeling this way; the number of "I'm never going to Joystiq for my news again" posts I've seen in the last couple of weeks is staggering and surprising. And even the people not going that far just generally seem disappointed.


I still have faith. I still hope they can fix whatever issues have been causing the problems lately. But if Joystiq or any other gaming blog wants to truly be professional, they need to move past petty kindergarten antics like this. I intend no insult with this post, but I think it's necessary that someone point this out. If it helps even a little in getting Joystiq back to the quality they used to enjoy, then fantastic, and if not, at least I can say I pointed to the problems when they were still just starting. But Joystiq, if you're listening: publish an apology to IGN and move on from this fiasco quickly. It would be best for your site and the online gaming community in general.


Fighting over Penny Arcade

  Penny Arcade said:
Another take from the greasy bowels of Stupid Hell, comes this hideous Joystiq Editorial. When reading it, it may help you to know that "ceteris paribus" is Latin for look how fucking smart I am. Based on the scandalous announcement that Nintendo is selling the Wii at a profit, blogger Vladimir Cole pipes in with:


1. We should buy Sony and Microsoft products because they lose money on them


2. Losing money now is the same as making money in the future


3. Selling your console at a profit is a sign of fear and uncertainty


4. Nintendo doesn't believe in their own product


Awesome! It's a Goddamn retard rodeo over there. It's fun to think about the author tippity-tappin' this one in while he eats light bulbs in the last car of the circus train.


  Joystiq said:
PA's Tycho has responded to my rational gamers editorial calling it "hideous" and remarks, "It's fun to think about the author tippity-tappin' this one in while he eats light bulbs in the last car of the circus train."


[Mmmm, light bulbs. BRB.]


It seems the point was missed because I mixed too many different issues into one post. If I had instead posed the hypothetical as follows, I doubt many would have objected:


Assume Nintendo is selling a white-colored Wii at a profit of X and the tangerine-colored Wii at a profit of X+Y. That is, the price (and hence, Nintendo's profit) on the tangerine Wii is greater than the price (and profit) on the white Wii. Which of the two devices would a rational consumer choose, all else equal?


He'd choose the one with lower factored-in profit margin. That is, the lower-priced console.


In the comments below, JB Cougar (and others) wrote: "I believe the black MacBook outsells the white one, and yet Apple charges a $200 (might even be $300) premium for it. They are the same system, save for the color."


For that to be true, you're assuming inequal demand for the colors. "All else equal" means equal demand for different colors of the console.


Hopefully, the elimination of mention of "Sony" or "Microsoft" from the thought experiment makes the point amply clear. So why make such an obvious statement? Isn't this like saying that consumers will buy the larger candy bar if the price and taste of all candy bars on the shelf are the same? Yes, but this question is a required first step before digging into the following question: if gamers are showing a preference for undiscounted hardware, then what else is at play here? What are people paying for, if not for hardware?


That allows us to get into discussions on Nintendo's strategy (with mention of Reggie's favorite Blue Ocean Strategy book), the value of fun, the value of software exclusives, and the value of the "unique" control scheme. This was to have been a multi-part series of editorials dissecting the value attributed to the Wii versus its rivals. With hardware power out of the way entirely, the discussion would narrow to more meaningful topics.


[update 1: added quote from reader JB Cougar.]





Penny Arcade

Evil Avatar

  • 1 month later...
  pedrocasilva said:


Guess who's back... the one and only... Robert Summa (fired from joystick).


*reads article* ... asshole... still a asshole... (and still wants attention)


wow is he ever wrong. MS is burning threw wads of cash cause they can, but Sony is burning threw wads of borrowed cash. And no they are not bringing us new video game technology only upgrades. Thanks Robert Summa your articles keep me up to date with the wrong stupid uninformed opinions of an attention seeking Asshole.:horse:


That's exactly the lack of insight that feeds most Wii critics. Why doesn't your mom play games? Because they looks scary. Their realistic graphics make it look as though they're only there for gamers and not for everybody. The average consumer isn't a gamer, and is way more likely to choose a more mass focused console like the Wii or DS. The games actually look like games on there, and they control like a game should and not like some computer.


This guy, robert summa was the asshole that interviewed Perry Kaplan for destructoid, and all he could do... was whine about the console not having HD... "gamer's life"? more like "A wannabe life".


I mean.. he showed he knew that much of the system when he asked "so it really lacks HD support right?" still hoping for a "no, it supports 1080p HD" answer... that's a sad man over there.


I must apologise though, I posted/ressurected this thread yesterday before going to bed, and didn't notice there was already a thread for this piece of news.

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