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In a society where respect and honor holds great importance, there is an even higher regard for these traits within the one organization that is most feared by all: the Yakuza.


Kiryu Kazuma - a former rising star in the Yakuza who is rebuilding his life after serving a 10-year prison term for murder - suddenly finds himself caught in a spiraling underworld plot involving a mysterious girl known as Haruka and a missing \100 billion ($100 million). Kazuma must use his fists and his wits to stay alive as he unravels the complex web of truth and lies that surrounds the notorious Yakuza.


For the first time, enter the Yakuza world in a thrilling adventure created by noted producer Toshihiro Nagoshi with novelist Seishu Hase. A critical and commercial hit in Japan, Yakuza authentically re-creates the city streets and illicit haunts of Tokyo¿s nightlife district, with memorable characters, cinematic style, free-roaming adventure, a gripping story, beautiful but deadly fighting, and deep gameplay.




Cinematic Story - Award-winning Japanese novelist Seishu Hase and producer Toshihiro Nagoshi create an engrossing storyline packed with complex, captivating characters. Yakuza spans more than a dozen intricately detailed chapters as Kazuma unravels the complex web behind the Yakuza.



Authentic Tokyo - Freely explore the hidden nightlife district of Tokyo from sprawling neon-lit streets and nightclubs to actual shops licensed specifically to deliver the authentic feel of this enticing metropolis.



Stylish New Fighting Engine - Created specifically for Yakuza, the game¿s engine allows players to string together attack combos to take out multiple enemies simultaneously in street brawls or grab and use in-game objects to defeat opponents. Add strength, stamina, and skills through combat and build your heat gauge with perfect combos to feel the rush of pure fighting power.



Deep Gameplay - Build skills and attributes by gaining experience, accumulate weapons and items, engage in numerous side missions, interrogate and bribe informants, gamble, and even hit baseballs in a batting cage.



Just wondering if anyone is picking this soon to be released game up. Many are saying its the closest Sega have come to making another Shenmue so im sure that will please alot of people.

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I'm so getting it. The link with shenmue is supposedly all about the way you can go around shops and play loads of mini games and crap. It's Yakuza Shenmue. I'm hyped for it and now that there is also a sequel coming, sounds like it could be a good franchise. Oh and also Takeshi Miike is making a film about it, triple YEAH!!!

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thats a very scary avatar<<< :S

Theres 26 of those little guys in the room next to me who would disagree....no im not joking...they get a bad rep but they are the coolest little critters. :D


Now back on topic...I wouldn't mind giving this a rent to see how it is, I just know it wont be anything near Shenmue....That game has made my expectations too high!! :blank:

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September 15th in Europe and September 5th in USA.


Cheers mate.


Right now I don't have alot of cash so what I might do is buy this game from GAME, play it for ages and complete in a couple of days and then give it back. It makes sense. :grin:

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I'm going to extend my overdraft with the bank tomorrow (because of Uni), then lay down a pre-order on this badboy!


Apparently it is nothing like Shenmue.

It's the closest thing you'll get to Shenmue nowadays......like it was stated in the original post. You can't go picking up this game and expecting it to be Shenmue all over again..........as I don't think that was how it was intended. I've got a PS2 though, so won't be missing out.


Yazuka's review score in Edge was a very nice 8/10, so I doubt many people will be disappointed with this title.


And a certain somewhere has got its pre-orders up for £24.99.

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Yazuka's review score in Edge was a very nice 8/10, so I doubt many people will be disappointed with this title.


And a certain somewhere has got its pre-orders up for £24.99.


8/10 from Edge!!! Thats very very good. I always thought that this was just an above average game but I think I will definately get this. And where can I preo rder this for £24.99????

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8/10 from Edge!!! Thats very very good. I always thought that this was just an above average game but I think I will definately get this. And where can I preo rder this for £24.99????

You can pre-order it here at Gameplay for £24.99.


Review scores are fluctuating a fair bit. Some places are scoring it around 9/10, while Gamespot for example gave it a 7.4 I believe (but who trusts gamespots reviews anyway). Most editorials are really only grading low because of the voice acting giving a bad aftertaste, as many people were pist about the removal of Eastern voice acting.


This didn't put me off the original Shenmue though..........but once I got the chance to play its sequel you really do feel more absorbed with the Japanese voices. I think anyone who'd played both Shenmue's would agree with that statement.


Sega have already announced a follow-up to Yakuza, which'll use mostly the same game assets as the first because of production costs. I don't feel the voice acting will be retained from the East for its sequel if it's actually released here.............but we can live in hope I suppose.

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Theres a demo of this on the front of the official PS2 mag this month. I was really looking forward to it; now, Im a bit disappointed as the demo was very shallow and almost shockingly ugly. I still have it down for preorder, and I will buy it, but I was left decidedly unimpressed by what the demo showed. Also, no matter how many times I played I couldnt get the woman at the hostess bar to show me any "special" attention, no matter how much cheap booze I threw at her.


Colin - I have to admit that the only reason for me to enjoy the Japanese voiceover was to laugh at that monkey-bloke that helps you carry the boxes in Shenmue 2. Since the English voiceover was similarly laughable ("I see!" and repeating the last couple of words that everyone said being particularly overused techniques) but actually understandable for me, I stuck with that. I can see the charm in keeping the original voiceovers though.


Play.com have it for 24.99 too.


Vapir Air One

Edited by Johelian
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Well Gamespot also gave Shenmue a 7.x score too, so I mean if you like that then you'll probably like this too.

I'll most likely play through it and sell it shortly after as there's far too much gaming goodness between now and the end of the year...........although if it exceeds my expectations then it'll be a keeper.


Hopefully the release of Yakuza (and its sequel) will inspire Sega to put together a Shenmue compilation, and then release No.3 shortly after, as I remember some massive article about a year or so ago explaining that it was indeed being put together for a PS3 or 360 release................I cannot remember though whether that rumour was shot down at all.

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Sounds interesting. I love shenmue so I hope this is like it (even if it's just the way you control the character).


Can someone give a link to the review which they found the most helpful. Also some screenshots would be nice. Thanks.


I liked the english voicovers in Shenmue. But I did prefer Shenmue I anyway. It seemed more "friendly".

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IGN Review


8.5 Presentation

Explore a detailed gameworld with no glitches in sight. Clean interface and great production values.

8.0 Graphics

The city actually feels alive. Character models and environments share a high level of detail.

7.5 Sound

Decent voicework across the board. Music and sound effects fare better.

8.0 Gameplay

Enjoyable combat mixed with a riveting story never fails to impress.

8.0 Lasting Appeal

There's a lot to do here, from visiting strip clubs to gambling your cash away.


Impressive OVERALL

(out of 10 / not an average)

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Just read the IGN review as well. Looks like I'll be getting this, especially at the price its being sold for (thanks for the link Colin).


It would be good if Sega released a compilation of Shenmue, especially for people like me who never got a chance to play it.


BTW, everytime I hear about Yakuza, Shenmue is not that far away. They might as well be the same game!!

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I finally got to play the demo, after grabbing a demo disc out of a mag. Well tbh, the demo doesn't really have enough in it to help you make a decision of purchase.


I'm not too sure whether to bother or not now. With the Wii release, and the stupid amount of DS games coming out, I may just have to skip this...........or alternatively just pick it up for cheap on ebay in a few months.


Hopefully peoples impressions from here next week may pursuade me to get it sooner than later.

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The story seems really interesting, but damn when you change areas it likes to stop for a brief second to load, heh. The fighting is entertaining as well. You can do a fair few things once you level up your characters skills and so on. *Smashes a bin into a persons face*


It seems pretty good so far. I'm on chapter 5 at the moment, just gotta do some ring fights.

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