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Did any of you guys do a gap year? Been wondering about doing a gap year to Japan but not quite sure how it works. I also want to do the JET thing after Uni aswell :)


theres organisations to help organise gap year which are usually taken inbetween your last year of college and before the start of Uni. basicly you run off for a year live and work in foreign lands and come back with about 200 quid and an amazing experience and desire to do it all again.


i'm lucky-i go to japan to work on my course :D

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Its just some degrees of a waste of time because people want an easy degree - examples: sociology, History, Art, Philosophy, and a few others.


I myself am doing computer science with games development - I for one think its a duty not to be partying and drinking excessively but to get your head down have a bit of R+R by watching the tv or whatever and get it done quickly.


And also I thin universities should consider redesigning all of there university accomadation to studio style.


Are you fucking kidding me? You're studying games development and calling History, Philosophy and Art easy degrees?

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I wouldn't call history an easy degree i personally think that there are very few degrees out there that are easy. i would rather use the word pointless. sport science, woman studies (yes when i was considering uni this was a course i looked at as i am already a pro at studying the females of this planet, i make a habbit of studying them at every given opportunity) i think there is a knitting degree some where as well. pointless waste of time and effort. unless you desire to teach these subjects because that is the only reason to take it, they are self fulfilling degrees.


i feel better now.

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Only child perhaps? :p


I would like to be able to chose my room mates, which is why im glad im not in halls. The people I've met so far are okay, but wouldn't want to live with them.


Bingo one cookie for you


Are you fucking kidding me? You're studying games development and calling History, Philosophy and Art easy degrees?


yes i have to learn how to programme in C#, C, C+, C++, Open GL.


I can get a job straight away. However if you have history,art,or sociolology - you need other qulifications.


Now I know a teacher who went to uni and studyied philiosophy. The last exam, the one of the questions was 'What is the meaning of life' and he wrote:'The meaning of life is to die' and he got a 2.1 degree


Thats easy.


P.S. My degree is computer science with games develoment both of those are difficult parts in themselves

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yes i have to learn how to programme in C#, C, C+, C++, Open GL.


I can get a job straight away. However if you have history,art,or sociolology - you need other qulifications.


Now I know a teacher who went to uni and studyied philiosophy. The last exam, the one of the questions was 'What is the meaning of life' and he wrote:'The meaning of life is to die' and he got a 2.1 degree


Thats easy.


P.S. My degree is computer science with games develoment both of those are difficult parts in themselves


Having done Computer Science and a bit of History whilst at university I completly disagree with you there. While at the heart of it, it may seem the Compsci is harder however with compsci there is only ever one right answer and if you get stuck you just stick it into google and 9 times out of 10 the first site will give you the answer you are looking. However with History you ahve to spend hours looking for sources to back up your opinion its very tedious and there is a lot of reading to do. That said if I had my time again I would do a History degree rather then a compsci degree. And I can assure its not as easy as you seem to be under the impression that it is to get a job once you've finished.

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Actually its quite easy in computer games programming to find a job thatsbecause more and more companies are looking for students with comp. science, plus it depends at how much money a uni puts into computer science depatrment. At hull they have put alot of money into the compsci department.


Plus in comp science coursework you have to quote lots of refs for why you did a particular thing, in writing the program

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Actually its quite easy in computer games programming to find a job thatsbecause more and more companies are looking for students with comp. science, plus it depends at how much money a uni puts into computer science depatrment. At hull they have put alot of money into the compsci department.


Plus in comp science coursework you have to quote lots of refs for why you did a particular thing, in writing the program


Ok come back to me in 3 years when you've finished and we will talk.

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Bingo one cookie for you


yes i have to learn how to programme in C#, C, C+, C++, Open GL.


I can get a job straight away. However if you have history,art,or sociolology - you need other qulifications.


Now I know a teacher who went to uni and studyied philiosophy. The last exam, the one of the questions was 'What is the meaning of life' and he wrote:'The meaning of life is to die' and he got a 2.1 degree



Yeah. You're full of shit.


Good luck!

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I was just wondering if anyone else out there is studying "Applied Cultural Studies with French"?


I dunno if any British (or otherwise) Universities offer them!


so you want to study the way french people live?


i am sure there is a shanty town somewhere you can study.:horse:


i couldn't resist, i have to be controversial.

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Bingo one cookie for you



I can get a job straight away. However if you have history,art,or sociolology - you need other qulifications.



dude i will be honest with ya, majority of the software development jobs are being outsourced to other more cheap labour countries like china/India thus finding a job with any software houses in the UK will be difficult, in this day and age to make your money in the computing industry you have go in to project management, this is especially true in the west like uk/usa, have u ever wondered why many universitys are promoting their comp sci courses with business minors? it is because they know in about 5 yrs time all software development roles WILL be outsourced, if do not believe me then ask your uni to compare the Comp sci applications from 2005 to 2006 there is a major decline and lastly many games studios take the best of the best software programmers – these are people from Cambridge, Oxford, Imperial, and Warwick they will have more precedence in that industry but if you can get a 1st from hull they u may be a shoe in, but hey this just my opinion research it and you will see what i mean - btw i am doing computing for business (which just comp sci + business admin with a new fancy name ) @ aston

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