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Sex is sex, I doruint know why its been romanticized (sp?)


It's been romanticized as otherwise everyone would probably be a {insert expletive}...... Increased birthrates and spread of STD's ftl!


Isn't it funny that I say that even though I have a baby on the way? lol I guess I consider my baby as part of the standard birthrate. lol 6^^d

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It's been romanticized as otherwise everyone would probably be a {insert expletive}...... Increased birthrates and spread of STD's ftl!


Isn't it funny that I say that even though I have a baby on the way? lol I guess I consider my baby as part of the standard birthrate. lol 6^^d


Theres a birthday card; "You were not a product of romance, but rather horny parents."

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lolol I've seen stuff like that before....... I was gunna give one to my friend as a joke, but, decided not to in the end. >.<;;;

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Sex is sex, I doruint know why its been romanticized (sp?)



That's usually the male way to think, that sex is just sex. Most girls (at least the non-whores ones) will disagree with that. No sex without love. Has to do with biology stuff, how a woman wants to have a secure relationship for her offspring to grow up in and stuff. Or something like that.

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I loves sex, i do.


Me and my girlfriend decided to wait for six months (since we started going out) before we had sex. We didn't want to rush anything, and we both believed that the first time was meant to be special.


Now, we're just at it like bunnies.

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Blimey...that makes me feel kinda shit...I only lost "it" this march...and it was good too, but yeah, I would never screw some chick just as a one nighter, or even if she was really hot. I want it to be special. Except when I'm really pissed, once I was walking round Manchester with my mate goin "fancy a quickie?" to every girl that passed by, I actually have it on my phone...:heh: Course when this one girl came up to me, I got scared and bolted, my mate was laughing his arse off...

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3rd not having had sex IS nothing to worry about. lol Once the time comes that's when you might start worrying though. rofl

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I lost mine when i was 17...(im now 22) there was nothing romantic or special about it and it doesnt bother me, i just wanted to have sex :heh:. Flinky i dont know how you waited six months for sex with your bird, damn it's a few dates and then bang bang for me.


Im going round the ex's again a bit later tonight. After wednesdays night of lust she wants more... got a txt this morning saying, you coming round tonight? x


Ermm hell yeah i am :D


Playing with fire a bit going back to the ex but meh she goes back to uni in 2 weeks.

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I lost mine when i was 17...(im now 22) there was nothing romantic or special about it and it doesnt bother me, i just wanted to have sex :heh:. Flinky i dont know how you waited six months for sex with your bird, damn it's a few dates and then bang bang for me.


Im going round the ex's again a bit later tonight. After wednesdays night of lust she wants more... got a txt this morning saying, you coming round tonight? x


Ermm hell yeah i am :D


Playing with fire a but i guess going back to the ex but meh she goes back to uni in 2 weeks.

I don't believe in sex before marraige. I'm happy with my girlfriend. So I just want to take it slow. My mates are like "are...you proked her yet?"...I was pissed off.

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I think sex is a big part of making a relationship work to be honest. It's something intimate you can both share and it also adds something extra to the relationship..ie orgasms :)

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I don't believe in sex before marraige. I'm happy with my girlfriend. So I just want to take it slow. My mates are like "are...you proked her yet?"...I was pissed off.


Wait...what's different before you're married to afterwards other than the constant bitching every time you sleep with her sister, and not being able to go out with your mates? I find this ideal thats been carved into the so many cultures utterly retarded. No offense intended to you btw, but ya might aswell doink her now rather than later...while you've still got the chance :heh:


I think sex is a big part of making a relationship work to be honest. It's something intimate you can both share and it also adds something extra to the relationship..ie orgasms :)


Thats a better way of putting it.

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You're right Bard... what difference does a bit of paper that says congrats you're married make? Just sex wee her already :heh:

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You're right Bard... what difference does a bit of paper that says congrats you're married make? Just sex wee her already :heh:

That would sort of be illegal...I'm 16 (just last wednesday) Plus I don't want to get her pregnant while I'm still at school.

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That would sort of be illegal...I'm 16 (just last wednesday) Plus I don't want to get her pregnant while I'm still at school.


Your location says you are in England if so then congrats you are now legal.

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Your location says you are in England if so then congrats you are now legal.

I forgot to add that my parent's don't know I have a girlffriend. Plus I hope to see her tomorrow at school.

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Well....i'm bi


The greatest moments in my love life was:


first: when i made it up with my buddy two years ago. When this happened i understood what freedom means. We both were bi we both had the same style and preference it was great. Laughting and making love all the time. Great...


second: some day a girl invites me to sleep at her home...i don't know how it happened but when night felt we started looking each other and then i kissed her. then i put my cloths off and so did she. we were just there. naked. hugging all the time. we didn't do it but i can say... it was much better than sex..than everything... too bad i moved last year.

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I forgot to add that my parent's don't know I have a girlffriend. Plus I hope to see her tomorrow at school.


Does it matter if they know or not?

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Does it matter if they know or not?

Like hell it does, my parents are harsh. Plus you have to think of the economical reasons for not getting her pregnant. =Þ

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i hate love and affection and liking people that live far away and never being able to make someone happy-like you know you could, but damn life has to get in the way.


fucking cunting bastarding thing!


fuck you feelings-i dont mind being hurt, having my heart ripped out and troden upon, that proves im alive.


i fucking hate it when something doesnt go where you wish it would, where you know it would if only it wasnt for the fucking bitch known as distance!!!


i fucking hate it!!!!


twating bastard!



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fucking cunting bastarding thing!

I think you best cut that out...as you did sign up for the non-searing thing...didn't you?

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I think you best cut that out...as you did sign up for the non-searing thing...didn't you?


fuck off did i!!!


i couldnt do that-ever!!!


i blame the irish in me

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I forgot to add that my parent's don't know I have a girlffriend. Plus I hope to see her tomorrow at school.


My parents don't know I have a girlfriend, good thing too cause they're muslim.


As for the getting her pregnant thing, use a condom! Use two if you have to. Consider yourself on an official mission to boing that sweet little biscuit. You know you'll feel better when you do...


And if you don't...Your dick will never forgive you.


What do you think little man? Don't you ever want to experience something new?


Penis: It ain't easy beings Minihobbsch's penis. Nothing ever happens...it feels like I'm in a coma. I wish I was your dick Bard, because this is torture. If something doesn't happen soon, I'm just going to pack up my balls and leave.

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Well....i'm bi


The greatest moments in my love life was:


first: when i made it up with my buddy two years ago. When this happened i understood what freedom means. We both were bi we both had the same style and preference it was great. Laughting and making love all the time. Great...


second: some day a girl invites me to sleep at her home...i don't know how it happened but when night felt we started looking each other and then i kissed her. then i put my cloths off and so did she. we were just there. naked. hugging all the time. we didn't do it but i can say... it was much better than sex..than everything... too bad i moved last year.


no comments for me...:(

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no comments for me...:(


Well...I suppose I could riff a list of things that I care as little about as your love life...


Lemme see, uhh.... Low-carb diets. Michael Moore. The Republican National Convention. Kabbalah and all Kabbalah-related products. Hi-def TV, the Bush daughters, wireless hot spots, 'The O.C.', the U.N., recycling, getting Punk'd, Danny Gans, the Latin Grammys, the real Grammys. Jeff, that Wiggle who sleeps too darn much! The Yankees payroll, all the red states, all the blue states, every hybrid car, every talk show host! Everything on the planet, everything in the solar system, everything everything everything everything everything everything, everything that exists, past, present and future, in all discovered and undiscovered dimensions....



Oh...And Hugh Jackman.






No matter how many times I use that....It never gets old...

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