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Mario Strikers Charged Football


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Great Game!!


I try to connect in NWC and says Error Geting Stats..Has anyone the same error?Is this because of the servers?


Yes, And I was just about to post to say the same thing.


Glad its not just me, but upset its not working lol.


Played the tutorial and a few matches on the cup, I think its a great game! Im glad that ;


A) You guys made me buy it

B) Another good Wii game after the last two I bought I found HORRIBLE controls, and was really disapointed.

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Well here are my impressions.


So far so good is my basic feeling about the game. I think the graphics are pretty good, nice lighting etc... Nice 3D crowds...(no different coloured blobs like in baseball on Wii Sports.) I don't feel the graphics would really benefit from being any better, the camera angle is pretty far out to keep all the action in view. The bright colours of the teams uniform are enough, I mean if the graphics were as detailed as Smash Bros I don't think it would make any different. In my mind the graphics work in a similar way to F-Zero X on the N64, serve the purpose and still look great, but the odd person will still likely say they aren't that great.


So as for the gameplay. I love it! Even though at the moment I've hit a goal scoring rut and can't score! The gameplay is very balanced, there are some great special moves to be pulled off, I love Boo's disappearing trick, Hammer Bros Shot. There has been something made of Birdo's over powerful shot (think it was in ONM), but it doesn't really seem overly powerful, she/him/it (when did transgendering get into games?!) is pretty slow and the shot can only be pulled off if you get plenty of space. Each of the captains has their own advantages to playing with them, some are better defensively and shoot awful, some are balanced though (the usual suspects Mario, Luigi, Yoshi!)


The online mode is robust, theres been some disconnect and error codes affecting a few people, but its the first day, so doesn't surprise me. I've had a bit of a change of heart about the friend code system just because it works so well. Effectively speaking inputting the friend numbers is little different to putting in someone's gamertag which is a name in most cases but also contains numbers sometimes, it would be great if as rumoured the friend code you assign to each Mii is attached to that Mii, so when you pick that Mii in future titles, it uses the same online data...only time will tell! I'd still prefer knowing for sure that we have a centralized system but nevermind! If you want some friend codes by the way, don't forget the friend code thread: http://www.n-europe.com/forum/showthread.php?p=452957#post452957


One slightly annoying thing is that you can't have ranked games against friends, but I see why not as you can change game modes etc..and the rankings system relys on a level playing field (I'm ranked somewhere in the 2000 at the moment)


My arms hurting a bit, so unused to playing games....havn't had to touch the Wii for ages...


Can't wait for the N-Europe Tourney!

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during connecting to WFC it downloads that statistics and during that part I get an error: Unable to download statistics (or however it is called in English)...

Does anybdoy know how I can "fix" this?

After all I got already logged in...

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Is Boo just a side character? He looks cool on the box-art. How good is he/what does he do?

Can you select more than 1 side character then?


Boo is a sidekick - Which IMO are more useful than the captains, especially the charged shot. Boo's charged shot requires you to be close to the goalkeeper, then he simply goes through the keeper and scores. Cue the roundabout theme from the Ghost house level in Super Mario 64.


I must say that they have the "feel" of everyone right.

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the camera angle is pretty far out to keep all the action in view


That annoys me a fair bit as I have lost count of the amount of times I have lost track of the ball or worse still and go chasing after a poxy shell but that could be due to the frantic nature of the game or just my inepitude. Perhaps I should check the options for different views.


The only thing I dislike about the single player mode is that you need to start the Road To The Cup right from the off each time (unless I am missing something) and I would imagine that going through the Fire Cup each time could get tiresome.


I can't complain about the online side of things (barring the connection issues) and it seems to be better realised than I imagined.

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during connecting to WFC it downloads that statistics and during that part I get an error: Unable to download statistics (or however it is called in English)...

Does anybdoy know how I can "fix" this?

After all I got already logged in...


The servers are busy. Just be patient, trying a couple times can work as well. Don't worry, it's not your connection.



The only thing I dislike about the single player mode is that you need to start the Road To The Cup right from the off each time (unless I am missing something) and I would imagine that going through the Fire Cup each time could get tiresome.


You can save & continue where you left off. There only seems to be one save file though.

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Too much a big deal is made out of Nintendo's online service. Apart from the downside of having seperate codes, there is not really all that much left to complain about. The lobby system for this is pretty sound. I think they're learning.


Edit: Flamedude, notice how it was fine during the day. It's because people have got home from work and everyone is connecting at the same time. Hmm, this may bode well for sales.


Another thing: I'm now in the mood for a full online proper Footie title. Fifa, pro, WE, I don't care, just fancy it now! I love the tactical nature of this game. The ability to choose your sidekicks, and them having different attributes is great. It adds depth.

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Too much a big deal is made out of Nintendo's online service. Apart from the downside of having seperate codes, there is not really all that much left to complain about. The lobby system for this is pretty sound. I think they're learning.


That's what I said in my little mini review up above...about how robust I think it is!




Yeah Flinky I just said that to Tellyn on MSN!

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I have to say it doesn't bode well for the servers....not letting people connect on day 1!


Everything was fine yesterday, not a single disconnect. This weekend will probably be hell, after that it should be fine...i hope.

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Too much a big deal is made out of Nintendo's online service. Apart from the downside of having seperate codes, there is not really all that much left to complain about.


Apart from the servers going down on day 1... :heh:

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Another thing: I'm now in the mood for a full online proper Footie title. Fifa, pro, WE, I don't care, just fancy it now! I love the tactical nature of this game. The ability to choose your sidekicks, and them having different attributes is great. It adds depth.


You know, I think Nintendo decided on Mario Football first so they can show how the Wii can do "normal" games, The control scheme has most of what you'll need in a football game (pass, 2 forms of tackle, shoot, lob, "trick" with ball, move, plus an extra button ©, they could even use different D-pad directions), so EA and Konami don't mess up the Wii versions of their games by making stupid controls.


The other sports are quite obvious.

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Ok, so I can have a game when people are going to their beds...?!


I agree with you on how good the online system is working, but this downtime right now is just horrible.


I don't think it's helping when people are busily trying to re-connect. Like when people keep hitting refresh on this site during E3, for example. :D

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Guest Stefkov

aww I come back after going out for a while and I keep getting Error getting stats..it was perfectly fine 3 hours ago.


The games great though. I don't understand why I didn't get the original.

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You know, I think Nintendo decided on Mario Football first so they can show how the Wii can do "normal" games, The control scheme has most of what you'll need in a football game (pass, 2 forms of tackle, shoot, lob, "trick" with ball, move, plus an extra button ©, they could even use different D-pad directions), so EA and Konami don't mess up the Wii versions of their games by making stupid controls.


The other sports are quite obvious.


I agree. After playing this, I have no doubt in my mind that a 'proper' football game can work and work well with the Wiimote controls.


Maybe lobbing the ball could work by flicking either the remote or the nunchuk upwards.

A for passing and B for shooting is a no-brainer.

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If it are the servers: WoW wasn't different on the first day (to be more exactly the first days)... That only means probably that there are more players than expected... I just thought it was something with my Inet-conenction...


One question: The friend-code will it the same for every game per Mii (would make sense after all they are doing WFC over the Mii)? Of is it different for every game and Mii?

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Quite cool game. I like the Wiimote addition - feels a lot better in my opinion. Graphically it seems to look a bit better, but I also noticed the same few slowdowns the Gamecube iteration had. Really a very good game with some minor flaws. Without the slowdowns and the rather slow loading times (I expected faster loading than on the Cube not the same/worse) it would be a AAA game - now it is just AA :)

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Loading times aren't as bad as Red Steel, it's after you connect to WFC and log in that the piss taking starts. Why does it take damn near two minutes to 'download statistics' or whatever the hell it does before you can even play? What in god's name is the point of WiiConnect24 if it's not always on and you have to wait ages to connect to the Wii Shop Channel, Forecast Channel, News Channel, Internet Channel, Everybody Votes and the online mode in this?



So Caris, are you not selling your Wii after all or is this just a final game before you sell it?


EDIT: Argh, Caris disappeared!

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