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Sonic And The Secret Rings


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The "on the Thursday" was suppose to mean the Thursday before it's out :heh:


Whoops my bad, I really should stop reading things so quickly, I did it earlier when I glanced at the 'Road Pricing Pertition' thread, I originally thought it was called 'Road to Perdition' that film with Tom Hanks. :heh:

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I cancelled a couple of Gameplay orders and ordered this instead. Not expecting the world but used my £10 discount from the Wii launch/Gameplay crap, to get it for £25.


Oh, and yes Gameplay will almost definitely get you the order on the Thursday. They've never let me down.

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1UP Review - 7.5/10


Short review, not really that informative at all.


Good Points

- Fun

- Good Graphics

- Challenging

- Even when you constantly die, you'll want to carry on

- Plenty of stuff to unlock

- Controls become natural after playing for a while


Bad Points

- Music

- Multiplayer

- Controls can be hard to get used to

- Reversing is a pain

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"Gamebrink" reckons it's worth 81/100.


Gaming Age, upon inspection, gave Sonic The Hedgehog an abysmal "F" which apparently equals 5/100 (!) so it's not like they're slapping big numbers on him just cause he's blue.


*puts hand in mouth excitedly*


Dammit! I was gonna stay neeeuuuutral on this one. :o

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Didn't expect IGN to be the party crashers on gamerankings. Hopefully there are plenty of 8s to follow so that the score can pull itself up from the depths of past Sonic endeavours on there.
Still when they say something like this:


Sonic and the Secret Rings is my favorite entry into the franchise since its 2D roots. That's high praise for some, I'm quite certain. Bearing that in mind, if you really liked the Sonic Adventure titles for Dreamcast or GameCube, I think you will find much more to be excited about in this Wii-exclusive undertaking. I can tell you that the experience is more fun and more beautiful than any other – at least, as far as I'm concerned. (...) Sonic Team has taken a giant step in the right direction here.


I really don't care, giving it that score is like "I'm sorry I hit you in the face? I like you!" Reviewers... and their twisted logic.


Now tell me Matt if that is your opinion why did you give Sonic Heroes a 8.0? right --- coherency.

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Here is what world's biggest* Sonic fan, TheSonicRetard had to say about Secret of the Rings on Penny-Arcade forums.


So, I get back from playing Sonic Wii all day (I played for 5 hours straight) and, after having a blast, I see that IGN gave the game a bad score.


So I went through, and read the 3 "bad" reviews (1 ups 7.5, Gamespots 7.6, and IGN's 6.9) and I can KINDA see where they're coming from.


They're all knocking off points for the same reason - the game is hard. IGN just pussies the reason up by blaming the controller rather than their lack of skill.


The vibe I've been getting from this game is that it, to me, feels a lot like the secret levels in Mario Sunshine. I don't mean that in terms of visuals or gameplay, but rather, the game has some fiendish platforming parts that are pretty unforgiving. However, while in previous games (like sonic heroes) these segments were hard because the game would glitch, or the lock on would fail and you'd end up shooting over an edge into oblivion, or the camera would clip behind a wall, or something... the only reason you fail in Sonic Wii is because you simply aren't up to stuff.


The game compensates - reviewers complain about having to redo levels multiple times... you don't actually have to do that. If your skills are excellent, you could go through the game easily enough. Rather, you find yourself redoing missions to earn rings to buy power ups that make the game easier, like the ability to slow down time. However, just like in mario sunshine, all the intense platforming parts are doable, and if you love platformers like I do, then you WANT them to be hard like that. The game is almost prince-of-persia like when it comes to it's platforming segments. Expect to be running forward at top speed, then have to hit jump to run along a wall, then hit jump at the exact moment to fly off onto a vine that pulls you around. It's sorta like Donkey Kong Country's barrel levels.


Sad that those 3 sites knock points because their reviewers suck, though.


And yeah, the music is pretty bad. That's a legit complaint. But when has music been 25% of a game's score? I haven't even touched multiplayer yet.


I'll write up a full review when I've finished the whole game (I'm on level 5), but for right now, unless the game completely falls apart in the end, IGN is full of shit. I actually feel bad for Sonic Pocket Adventure. I used to say "That game is the best sonic game since Sonic & Knuckles," because it really was. I can no longer say that, though.


And little bit about graphics:


Really, really pretty.


Like, the prettiest Wii game thus far. Previous Wii games have looked like GCN games running on the wii. This looks built for the wii.


Lots and lots of visual effects. It reminds me of RE4 in terms of how they layer effects.


* We are talking guy who has programmed 2D-platformer development kit that emulates perfectly all important technical features of SNES, Genesis and PC-Engine. And why he did it? Just that he would have tools to create his own dream 2D-Sonic game.

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just read the IGN review, they didn't seem to slate it that much yet came up with such a bad score, ah well it doesn't put me off getting it.


According to PA-Forums users, IGN edited the review during the night and removed some parts without adjusting the score. I still can't understand current trend of editing reviews after you have published them. It's fucking lame.



Yeah, but like EGM, 1UP was Ziff-Davis publishing group magazine, meaning that most of its reviewers are either from Official Playstation Magazine or Official Xbox Magazine. Collision of interest? No sirree...

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