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Resident Evil: Umbrella Chronicles


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Playing on normal here. The final boss on the RE Zero stuff took me ages.


Basic jist for me so far:

RE Zero stuff = hella boring tbh.

RE1 stuff? Fucking awesome.

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Guys, i need help.


On the day 16 of December, i will receive a Nintendo Wii and the game Super Mario Galaxy.

At day 24 i will receive money and i want to buy this game :D.

But im only 13 and my mother will not let me if i show the game and then tell her "Its a cool game, please, let me buy it!!!"


Also, is the game too scary? I want to feel the fear of the character and it will be a delusion if that doesn't happen


Oh, and sorry for my english, im portuguese so i don't know if you are undertstanding me :X


There is no swearing in the game, and there is not that much blood, only when you get headshot's really.


Game is not really scary, but I have jumped once, when I turned a corner and a fast running zombie came at me. There are big scary looking spiders in the game tho, which are not very nice to look at if you don't like them :indeed:

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Played Co-op today at my friends. We're mad RE fans and I actually enjoyed it so much more than i thought I would. Sure it's no where near perfect, but its great fun like a game should be. Also the graphics aren't half bad you know. Gotta be loving those cheesy as hell one liners too, classic..

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Oh cool, i thought they were unlocked just by completing a level.


I'll have to go back now I guess.... I beat the man part to the "Umbrellas End" level, had a quick go on the first bonus level of it and I suck :heh:


If you think you suck now, just wait till you get to the 2nd bonus level on that scenario. It's a pain in the arse! I managed to complete it after a few tries though. Also, watch until after the credits (when completing the 2nd bonus level.) It's not much, but it's pretty interesting.


I'm on the 'Fourth Survivor' bonus level now, it's great. :)


I like how it was mainly Wesker that was the reason for Umbrella's takedown. It makes more sense than the "stock crash" excuse. Also, during the end credits, when the reporter says that "a witness close to the suspect was able to provide information on Spencer's involvement", anyone else think that it was Wesker that did this? Although that's probably obvious

:heh: There seems to be a lot mentioned about Spencer too, I have a feeling we're going to see him very soon.



I think this game is fantastic, I'd give it an 8.5/10. There's definitely a lot of flaws though...


"I think so too"


"It looks that way" :heh:

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Yeah, RE4 really didn't excel in lighting due to its large open enviroments.


RE UC graphically would look far nicer if someone added some FFAA in there.


Question: Has anyone seen any Wii game that doesn't have jaggies?

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Yeah, RE4 really didn't excel in lighting due to its large open enviroments.


RE UC graphically would look far nicer if someone added some FFAA in there.


Question: Has anyone seen any Wii game that doesn't have jaggies?


I give out a hearty 'none' even though I haven't played all Wii games. Its just that on some levels Gamecube visuals look better, I guess it depends of the amount of effort a developer puts in, but from what I've been seeing on the Wii (looking more at realistic visuals - not colourful Galaxy types) I could easily agree to a statement which states the Wii is slighty less powerful than the Cube...Gamecube launch games like Wave Race and Rogue Leader looks better than of this tripe.

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One question, what's your favourite level?


PS: I need to know what's about the level to see if i like the game, cause i don't know much of the Resident Evil

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Yeah, RE4 really didn't excel in lighting due to its large open enviroments.


RE UC graphically would look far nicer if someone added some FFAA in there.


Question: Has anyone seen any Wii game that doesn't have jaggies?


Nope ... maybe because it is extremly difficult to achieve something similar to Full Scene AntiaAliasing on both Cube and Wii. There is some built in smoothing effect which helps a bit but its not the same as decent AA.


Galaxy looks awsome but it stil has a lot of jaggies in each level. So we have to live it until the Wii successor arrives.

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OK just beat the game (the main levels and all bonus levels).... The final boss in Dark Legacy 2 alright, only took me two tries... when i did beat him it was so damn close, i had the tiniest sliver of health left i couldn't believe it, haha.


Thoughts on things I liked and things i didn't...


I was bloody loving the fact that they kept mentioning Ozwell Spencer through the game and especially in the ending, hopefully Capcom have finally realized that they need to use this guy soon, i've been waiting to see I hope will be the ultimate personification of Evil in a human.... and not just another psycho he has to be perfectly sane (like Wesker) but totally evil (...more so than Wesker)


I loved that Ada was used in one of the secret missions, that was unexpected and bloody brilliant (though it does give that bad reminder that they didn't use any RE2 story), was awesome seeing the Mr. X Tyrant too however hadn't Leon blown him to pieces? And talk about staring a level in a hard spot, bloody healt down to the last 1/4, awesome.


Hunk also was great (though not as tough or great as the actual 4th Survivor from RE2) and begs the quest.... where is the Tofu Survivor? :heh:


Seeing Wesker do what he did in the end, downloading all of Red Queen and erasing everything was great, and a much better way to see Umbrella fall than a "stock crash" ... though I would much prefer if there was a big scene involving Chris, Wesker, Leon, Ada, Jill (at the very least, ideally Barry and Rebecca should be there too) facing a massively mutated Ozwell Spencer at the top of an Umbrella HQ tower. But who knows with Spencer still around we might get that someday still.


Things I didn't like however were the few loop holes that they left that I had hoped would be closed with this game.


Like where the hell is Rebbecca? We know she survived the mansion, but we've never been given any info on her status after Raccoon City was bombed?


Same with Billy, I know there's got to be more to him than we were lead to believe, I have this obsessive theory that Billy was in fact working for Umbrella and his prision transport was a cover to get him out of the army so he could "dissappear" and start work with Umbrella.


Was kinda hoping at the end of Hunks level that when he took his mask off it would reveal to be Billy, but alas no... and yes I know there was a picture with Hunk without his mask and he was blonde.... i'm sure Billy could bleach his hair if he wanted.


Also disappointed William Berkin didn't turn up in Hunks level, i was expecting that for the boss, that would have been so great.


And no mention of what the hell happened to Sherry? From Weskers Report 1 we know he has her, you'd think they could have thrown something about her in there.


(note: for all i know there could be a file that i haven't found yet that details some of this stuff, if so just ignore my ramblings and tell me to finish finding the files :heh:)


It was great that they filled in a few things especially with the bonus missions, but there was so much more they could have done, i wonder why they didn't. :(






Just started on Hard mode now also, beat the first part to the RE:0 ep so far, wasn't actually that much more difficult, though i can see future eps being much harder.

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One technical question: How is it possible that this game looks worse than RE4 or RE1 for that matter?


Easy. RE4 was made by one of Capcom's primary development teams, who're probably doing RE5. It was a main entry in the series and had a HUGE ass development time, it was tailored to push the system to its very limits.


Umbrella Chronicles on the other hand... well it's basically just here for the sake of having a new RE title on the system. Probably handled by a "second string" team who dont quite have the technical prowess of those who worked on RE4. Also the perspective means that you see everything up close all the time, so it's harder for them to get away with lousy textures than it is in a third person game with a more zoomed out view.

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Finally got the game in today. Enjoying it a lot. Worked through the RE0 scenarios. Those boss fights are the best. The game is actually quite a challenge at times (Ive started on Normal), both on difficulty and ammo conservation. Quite like a true RE game actually.


The tricky bit is finding the secrets and picking them up before the camera swoosh away.


Having played through the original RE0 and the first part of REmake, it's kinda odd how the storyline plays through. It skips on some things and certain parts are rewritten, obviously to fit the 2P game. I especially like the extra scenarios that are filling the holes in this game's main story.


Overall, like it a lot and cant wait for the first 2P session!

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Played through RE0 and RE1 part in Co-op too today. Damn, that was easy! Haha. The RE3 part is my favorite part so far. It really grows on you and the zombies are getting tougher each time.


It sure isnt the same as playing through RE4 with a friend, it goes way too quick for that. Still lots of fun though. Hopefully there's enough content in here. As it seems, you can rush through it pretty quickly. It's long for an on-rail shooter, but short for a RE game.

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I just tried this out with the Wii Zapper, seems like the bad press in regard to Zapper controls was justified after all.


It would be loads better I reckon, but the problem is that reloading gets switched to the Nunchuck and for some weird reason that makes it almost impossible to reload effectively while the Nunchuck is fixed to the Zapper. ::shrug:


Looks like you're supposed to leave the Nunchuck separate, but that really defeats the point of using the Zapper in my opinion, as you're then holding two controllers again, only with a much bigger and slightly heavier gun shaped Remote. :heh:


It's obvious that Zapper controls were a bit of an afterthought for this game, it works so much better with Crossbow Training, put it that way.


Anyway, I'm up to the final stages of this now, at least I think so. Really enjoyable game though and quite a lot of content too. icon14.gif

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I think you're indeed supposed to play this game with a separated nunchuk. I believe the Wii Zapper manual even shows two ways to play. But yeah, i see where you're coming from. It is kinda useless, apart from having a 'proper' gun in your hands.


I've finished the Raccoon city part. That definitely was my favorite part! The end of level bosses were giving me quite some problem. The best parts are the amount of (tough) enemies and the flashlight parts. Loved it!


I also replayed the first section of Raccoon city, because I had a horrible rating © and i played as Carlos, while previously as Jill. I was making critical after critical, very satisfying! I wonder if I had improved, was just lucky or that Carlos is the better shooter. Still, having 26 criticals at the end earned me nothing better but a C -_-'

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I also replayed the first section of Raccoon city, because I had a horrible rating © and i played as Carlos, while previously as Jill. I was making critical after critical, very satisfying! I wonder if I had improved, was just lucky or that Carlos is the better shooter. Still, having 26 criticals at the end earned me nothing better but a C -_-'


It depends on your other stats too, though I think it can be a bit harsh sometimes. I so was soo close to an S rank on one level. I had some S ranks, A's, but I got a C, so it ended up as a B overall.


Here's a scoring guide on what's needed to achive certain ranks btw... http://www.gamefaqs.com/console/wii/file/933020/50969 Hope that helps. ^^

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Reached the final boss yesterday on Normal. Man, that was a tough one. I didnt saved up enough ammo, so basically I was shooting with the handgun mostly in the 2nd part.

I still wanted to see the end of the chapter so switched to Easy and see if I could make it. :) I like how this game is becoming more challenging after each chapter. The Wesker one's can be a tough one.


As for the scoring, my main problem are usually the critical hits, though finding the hidden items in the later levels are kinda hard. Is it true that you need a handgun to get your criticals? Cos I dont see the blue flashing light with other guns, while I do hear the same sound effect.

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