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Things that make you angry...

The Bard

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If I were to be serious, and if I were to generalize things for simplicity:


1 - I'm annoyed with the modern concept of 'justice'.


A criminal gets 10 years in prison, instead of 50, and apparently "less justice" has been done. What is less justice exactly. Justice is the means through which an error will not be repeated. It isn't about feeling good after seeing the criminal get punished.


Justice has a profound meaning, yet these days it is so lightly used, it's cheap. Often it means nothing to me because a lot of the time it seems to me like 'revenge', which isn't the same at all. I think many people mix up those 2 different concepts.

I couldn't agree more. I also find it very frustrating when people speak of five or ten year sentences as if they are nothing. Spending several years isolated from the world is not a light punishment.

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Something else that makes me angry:


You're looking for a certain clip from a show, anime or movie and find it online. Say on a site like Google Video or YouTube and all is well, right?




Some horrible little shit has dubbed over the entire piece with a piece of travesty music, like Linkin' Park or some other super "emotional" band. This very act fills me with a terrible VOLCANIC rage.

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I'll keep it mild so as not to offend anyone (and to keep the list short).


The use of the word "fucking" in every other word. This was a conversation I overheard on my school bus by some chavs who were talking about the bus driver after he wouldn't stop for their late friend.


Girl 1: Fucking hell i fuckin tried to fucking make him fucking stop but he wouldnt fucking stop


Girl 2: Yeah she fucking was an he fucking wouldnt stop he just fucking kept on fucking goin


Girl 1: fucking yeah he was fucking bein a right fucking ****



I mean I'm not one who gets all mardy everytime somebody swears (and often do it myself out of frustration) But is there really any need for that.


Another one is these stupid one liners that idiots put into arguments and think they are clever. At the moment one that is being said a lot is "prove it". Are they that thick that that is all that they can come up with yet they think they have won the argument.


I hate it when people use the word of instead of have. e.g "I would of done"


I can't be bothered to do any more as I would be here all night.

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Yeah, I'm, actually gonna have to agree with you on this one.


Yet another thing that pisses me off is chav moms on buses, here's what happened when I was coming home on the bus with a friend on Saturday night:


I'm sitting upstairs at the front and this 40 something chav with her 6 year old are sitting right at the back, and me, being slightly drunk let out a "fuck" or a "shit" or a "cocksucker" or whatever the hell it was I said. She goes and starts prattling on about manners and how she doesn't want her 6 year old to hear that...


So I say, "sorry maam, won't happen again." Five seconds later, she's there lighting a cigarette. So, seeing as I don't have all my senses intact, I say something along the lines of:


"So how does it work, I can't say "bad" words because your kid's here but you can smoke in front of him on a bus that has signs saying "smokers will be fined?"


And I started throwing every expletive that came into my head, seeing as I figured the kid would be swearing constantly by the age of 10 anyway.


Luckily for me, she only had about 2 minutes to hurl abuse at me because I had to get off after two stops, but to me this is entirely the problem, bitches like her use their children as an excuse to throw their weight around.

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Yeah, I'm, actually gonna have to agree with you on this one.


Yet another thing that pisses me off is chav moms on buses, here's what happened when I was coming home on the bus with a friend on Saturday night:


I'm sitting upstairs at the front and this 40 something chav with her 6 year old are sitting right at the back, and me, being slightly drunk let out a "fuck" or a "shit" or a "cocksucker" or whatever the hell it was I said. She goes and starts prattling on about manners and how she doesn't want her 6 year old to hear that...


So I say, "sorry maam, won't happen again." Five seconds later, she's there lighting a cigarette. So, seeing as I don't have all my senses intact, I say something along the lines of:


"So how does it work, I can't say "bad" words because your kid's here but you can smoke in front of him on a bus that has signs saying "smokers will be fined?"


And I started throwing every expletive that came into my head, seeing as I figured the kid would be swearing constantly by the age of 10 anyway.


Luckily for me, she only had about 2 minutes to hurl abuse at me because I had to get off after two stops, but to me this is entirely the problem, bitches like her use their children as an excuse to throw their weight around.


I hate people that think like that!

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Something else that makes me angry:


You're looking for a certain clip from a show, anime or movie and find it online. Say on a site like Google Video or YouTube and all is well, right?




Some horrible little shit has dubbed over the entire piece with a piece of travesty music, like Linkin' Park or some other super "emotional" band. This very act fills me with a terrible VOLCANIC rage.


why must it always be linkin fucking park.

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Custom layouts on myspace.


Old people who ahve all week to go to town, as they are retired, but for some reason, insist on gonig on saturday and hold everyone up.


I'm going to do that when I'm old. I also going to steal and simply say I forgot to pay.

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<Insert random rant about something concerning The Bard>

I´m cool right now right?


I bet this thread would be about 2 pages long if someone else would have started it and lacking all the "Cool" bashing people

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Some more stuff annoying me:

Items on ebay that say " RARE L@@K" when they a clearly not rare.

Also, buy it now item which are sooooo overpriced.


And msot of all, little kids, in the skatepark. THE QUARTER PIPE IS NOT A FUCKING SLIDE, PISS OFF, also the little kids on scooters in there, and little kids on bikes, little kids in the skatepark = AGGH

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My bedroom has a cupboard with the boiler in and its where we keeop the towels. However, nobody bothers to walk the extra two foot and put the towels in there, they just dump them on my bed.


Plus staying up late and then waking up early because you think you can hear someone in the house.

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