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Things that make you angry...

The Bard

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“Reality” TV: Don’t let the name fool you, “reality” TV, has absolutely nothing remotely to do with reality. It is not real. It is, in fact, un-real, but that’s really not fair because seeing as it actually exists, it defies both these labels, so you can feel free to ignore the past sentence. Honest to god though, “Reality” TV ruins people, and I mean the people involved just as much as the viewers, it’s just a testimony to people’s boring, unsatisfying lives that they need to go and pry upon others’. Television and entertainment is not supposed to be used as a means for shameless voyeurism! What happened to the family sitcom? What happened to good natured fun like Happy Days, The A Team, Sanford and son and M.A.S.H.? Why is real TV dying out to be replaced by these pointless hunts for the next worthless celebrity? It is sadistic, and harmful, Christ, will people go to any lengths? You see people on TV everyday, sacrificing their dignity for money and whatever half-assed, undeserved fame they might reap from it.


The Celebrities of yesteryear were celebrities because they were important. The celebrities of today are important because they are celebrities.


Seconded. There's too much of this crap on TV. Stuff like Big Brother is as annoying as hell. These kind of shows lack any depth imo and many decent and great shows are getting cancelled because of this.


Modern Rap: My god is there any real way to sound more like a pretentious jackass than Snoop Dog or 50 fucking cent? So he got shot 9 times, fucking hell, he really picks the most odd things to boast about, how’s about I add a tenth for good luck eh? Nobody cares how “gangsta” you are or claim to be, turns out that you’re just illiterate dumbasses who, despite being 30 years of age, are still completely unable to correctly pronounce basic English words.


Also way to go, yes, I’m talking to you, you rampant infidels, what’s the deal with parking your car, winding down the windows and cranking up the stereo in your “ghetto mobile” real loud just so that everyone in the vicinity with an IQ over 75 doesn’t think you’re cool, and in fact, thinks you’re an absolute insult to this already embarrassing breed of mammals we call “humans.”


Again, seconded. There's seriously not point to this crap. I pefer music that is catchy, has depth and is interesting. I dont wanna hear some guy singing about how though is is.


Chavs: I don’t have the energy to go into this one because if I remind myself of all the reasons I might just go out hunting with a fishing knife, but let’s just say they should be the chief recipients of the Darwin awards.


This is deffo seconded by me. I think some of you have already seen my thread on what happened to me a week ago, so 'nuff said.

McDonalds, KFC, and every fast food corporation: Primarily it’s the fact that we are turning into a nation of fat, ugly good for nothing confoundits that have nothing better to accomplish in life than flaunt our material possessions and wonder if those oh-so-sexy hot pants actually are available in XXXXL. Another thing is the animal cruelty that occurs, are people forgetting that animals can in fact feel? That they’re capable of experiencing emotions such as fear or pain?


Unfortunately, I have the displeasure of working at a McDonalds. I hate it there. I hate having to run around a kitchen all day with people shouting at me. I find that most people who don't work at fast-food places think it's all "just flipping burgers all day." Let me tell you now - It 'aint! There are a few great friends I've made there though, so that's all good.


I also hate these half-arsed videogame to movie adaptions. I admit, I can be an elitest when it comes to these things, but does it hurt to make a good script and stick close to the game? Hopefully Silent Hill will get directors/producers thinking more carefully (even this film was't accurate, but I don't want to nit-pick atm. That said, it really pisses of a few friends of mine.)


Oh, and arrogant and opinionated people can be annoying. I just find it so shallow that they can't see your point. Mind you, I am a hypocrite by saying this (as in being opinionated at least, though I rarely mean to be 100% serious these days) - we all have our moments.

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To be honest if you cant accept what he said without incriminating or slandering him, you have a one-dimensional sense of maturity.

Even though i may disagree with him on a couple of points, im going to take it with a pinch of salt and add my two cents. and im only 17...


Modern Cinema- Been mentioned before but yeah its one of my biggest gripes with society. The fact that mindless crap makes more money than great films in the past few years just sickens me. Everything is Illuminted, perhaps my greatest experience in film EVER was only shown in 20% of Britains cinema screens is shocking.


People who Jump on the Bandwagon - We have all seen it happen, especially with the football and all sports.


Musical Ignorance - I used to be one of theose people who would not stray into "labeled" genres. How many times do i have to tell people, Slipknot are not a chaotic calamity of sounds, they are actually a very accomplished band who can do as much stuff with their instruments as Jimi Hendrix did with his. They are great performers, the masks and makeup is just a show for the fans really its great fun, just because they look like gimps doesnt mean they sound like gimps. Its also to be noted that Slipknots debut album was recently voted in the 200 top albums of all time by a collective list of the finest musical critics in the UK.

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Things that make me angry:


1. old people.

2. babies.

3. people who complain about things, but dont do anything to help themselves.

4. annoying camera angles on videogames

5. those really tiny dogs that people carry around in bags and things.

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People who Jump on the Bandwagon - We have all seen it happen, especially with the football and all sports.


I know it annoys me too. People who claim to know a lot about football when they support Arsenal and they've never actually been to a match ever. Yeah I'm sure you support Arsenal a lot mate. And the amount of people who pretended to know stuff about cricket during the ashes...


Another thing that annoys me is glory supporters. "Why do you support Chelsea?" I ask. "Because they're the best," is the reply. Ever since I started watching footy matches when I was 7, I've seen Oxford United relegated from what is now The Championship to the Conference, and seen them go through 11 managers in that time, yet I still remain faithful, having been to 100+ games now home and away, and I am still going to buy that season ticket to see the club I enjoy watching and supporting. And when all these Chelsea/Arsenal "supporters" boast about their teams' greatness... well it just pisses me off.


Rant over.

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Musical Ignorance - I used to be one of theose people who would not stray into "labeled" genres. How many times do i have to tell people, Slipknot are not a chaotic calamity of sounds, they are actually a very accomplished band who can do as much stuff with their instruments as Jimi Hendrix did with his. They are great performers, the masks and makeup is just a show for the fans really its great fun, just because they look like gimps doesnt mean they sound like gimps. Its also to be noted that Slipknots debut album was recently voted in the 200 top albums of all time by a collective list of the finest musical critics in the UK.


*Applauds.* I really couldn't have said it better myself. I hate it when people go around slagging off bands just because they're (apparentley) a different genre. It's really amazingly stupid how people also degrade bands/artists by thier looks. I remember when Lordi won Eurovision. I was texting my friend saying how great it was for a joke (as she wasn't too keen.) One of her replies was along the lines of "look at how they look, do you really call that justice?" All I replied with was "Yes. Yes I do." So Lordi isn't the best example to some people, but it's still anoying


Keeping within this kinda topic - I also find it silly when people label themselves/are labeled to a genre in everyday society. I don't really hate it, but I don't see the point. For example, just because someone likes emo music they're instantly an emo? Wtf!? What if they like other genres? I just think it's pointless to stick to a "faction" and slag off/abuse anyone else who isn't the same. At the end of the day music is music.

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Musical Ignorance - I used to be one of theose people who would not stray into "labeled" genres. How many times do i have to tell people, Slipknot are not a chaotic calamity of sounds, they are actually a very accomplished band who can do as much stuff with their instruments as Jimi Hendrix did with his. They are great performers, the masks and makeup is just a show for the fans really its great fun, just because they look like gimps doesnt mean they sound like gimps. Its also to be noted that Slipknots debut album was recently voted in the 200 top albums of all time by a collective list of the finest musical critics in the UK.


I completely agree. The amount of criticism Slipknot had in the past is a joke. They're a great band and extremely talented. Who cares if you personally don't like them, that does not instantly make them any less talented. A persons opinion does not equal fact as so many would like to think it does. I think this probably applies to heavy metal/rock as a whole. It seems there's a huge divide between people who like the former and those who listen to the stuff you get in the charts. Obviously everyone has a preference but is there really a need to shit on other peoples'.


Something else I can't stand is this chav mentality that's seen everywhere these days. It's like a widespread "15 year old, i'm angry at my parents" teen angst, except coming from those a lot older. People who literally HATE others simply because of their opinions and preference. Or even worse, hating someone because of their appearence. Which leads me onto my other point. Basically I can't stand anything mainstream. People who wear and listen to certain things just to fit in. I mean Jesus, get some individuality.

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*Applauds.* I really couldn't have said it better myself. I hate it when people go around slagging off bands just because they're (apparentley) a different genre. It's really amazingly stupid how people also degrade bands/artists by thier looks. I remember when Lordi won Eurovision. I was texting my friend saying how great it was for a joke (as she wasn't too keen.) One of her replies was along the lines of "look at how they look, do you really call that justice?" All I replied with was "Yes. Yes I do." So Lordi isn't the best example to some people, but it's still anoying


Keeping within this kinda topic - I also find it silly when people label themselves/are labeled to a genre in everyday society. I don't really hate it, but I don't see the point. For example, just because someone likes emo music they're instantly an emo? Wtf!? What if they like other genres? I just think it's pointless to stick to a "faction" and slag off/abuse anyone else who isn't the same. At the end of the day music is music.


Again totally agree. Ill be the first to stand up and say i like looking "Emo" and i do listen to certain bands of that genre, however due to society today, no matter what other interests i have or accomplishments i achieve, i will always be labeled as an "Emo" just because of the way i style my hair or because of the cloths i wear.

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I'll post a proper reply tomorrowish but;


What happened to good natured fun like Happy Days, The A Team, Sanford and son and M.A.S.H.?


Everyone looks at the past with rose-tinted glasses. What about Wheel of Fortune? Battle of the Network Stars? Theres always been crap around. At least now the crap is more sophisticated (the viewer is encouraged to build up social networking maps in their minds, whereas in the 70s it was just pure vegging out).

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You know, I find people who hate those who like the 'mainstream' to be far more annoying than those who like the mainstream. Those in the mainstream aren't going out of there way to cause anyone harm, they're just tyring to fit in. So what? It's their life. They can live it as they want. Actively hating people for doing nothing wrong is pretty pathetic.

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You know, I find people who hate those who like the 'mainstream' to be far more annoying than those who like the mainstream. Those in the mainstream aren't going out of there way to cause anyone harm, they're just tyring to fit in. So what? It's their life. They can live it as they want. Actively hating people for doing nothing wrong is pretty pathetic.


I hope you're not referring to me. I never said I hated them. I just said I can't stand those who force themselves to like something to fit in with society. I was actually going to say in my post that i've no qualms against those who genuinely like whatever music/film is around at the time. I just don't understand the logic behind changing who you are to fit in. However, it's their life and I don't go out my way to point out to them what I think because it's really none of my business.

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I hope you're not referring to me. I never said I hated them. I just said I can't stand those who force themselves to like something to fit in with society. I was actually going to say in my post that i've no qualms against those who genuinely like whatever music/film is around at the time. I just don't understand the logic behind changing who you are to fit in. However, it's their life and I don't go out my way to point out to them what I think because it's really none of my business.


It was more of a general statement than a direct one. But I appreciate the insight, I can understand your line of reasoning for disliking it.

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Guest Jordan
To be fair Jordan, you were the one that started the argument:




Now really be honest, were you just trying to start an argument with The Bard? And the only one he's insulting is you because you have called him an "ass" and a "rascist" and also have mentioned to want to "come round an pull his nuts off" because he doesn't "need them." There was really no need for that, he wasn't being directly intolerant to anyone, he was writing an entertainment article.


Now one thing that mkes me angry is pointless arguments, and there are too many of them. I'm not having a go at you Jordan, but please, we want this place to be happy, and in my opinion you were obviously trying to start an argument with The Bard.


Anyway, it makes me angry when England are crap at cricket and loseat home in a series to Sri Lanka>(.


First off, I know "we" want this place to be a nice place. I've been around here for 5 years, i'm fully aware of how "we" want this place.


Secondly, i'm sorry if i'm hostile towards The Bard. I just can't stand him, i'm not gunna pussy foot around tbh. And from the people i've talked to about him, not many can stand him.


EDIT: Last paragraph made little sense.


Besides, weren't you the guys who came here talking about how great you were at Smash bros and how what everyone did as "tactics" sucked a while back?

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Guest Jordan

I'm sorry if its not perfect for you Katie.

Anyway, as fun as this thread is I think i'll stay out. Hows that?

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Thing that angers me most, is my inability to find a job. I wouldn't class myself as one of those pricks who wouldn't work. I never put a foot wrong in school got 10 Grades B-C (RS stupid D), I've worked hard for my A Levels. And now it would appear I can't get a job anywhere. I got rejected from a newsagents, Asda ignored me, B&Q said I had the wrong personality for a car park job, I've recently applied to Wilkinson, which was a week ago with no call yet.

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