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Things that make you angry...

The Bard

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Well, I wasn't talking about your views Arragaun, as it is of course known, I love your opinions on everything.

Oh you're so sweet.


Really though, why are you bothering to do this? It's obvious that you're pissing off a fair few people.

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The thing is, I got over this sort of stuff when I was 15.


PS. Don't worry about it. Many of my friends even now are still locked in their childish secondary school mentalities. I was just lucky to grow up a little quicker.

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Guest Jordan

I'll just say this ass 'The Bard' annoys me. He doesn't give a crap what anyone else says but thinks what he says is obviously gold dust.


Oh and that red text makes me want to go over to his house and pull his nuts off, its not like he's gunna need them.

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Animal Rights Protesters - why do they exist?!


Vegetarians/Vegans - Some people are so stupid. We are not equal to the animals, humans are superior to animals. It's called the food chain people: meat -> us. What do you think we were given canines for then? To help ingest grass? And vegans are completely retarded. Still at least they won't become...



I don't think that's a very convincing arguement at all. Human chauvinism doesn't excuse our actions. Just because we can, doesn't mean we should. Surely, if we're all that 'superior', we can extend our capacity for nutrition beyond animalistic desires. Unless of course, we give into them, in which case we're much the same as animals. We've developed plenty of substitutes, and there is no longer a need for an evolutionary system where by the dominant species preys on the creatures lower down the food chain in a self serving society.

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Oh you're so sweet.


Really though, why are you bothering to do this? It's obvious that you're pissing off a fair few people.


Well, It's my opinion, and I don't really care if it pisses people off, I mean you can't be afraid to do things just because there's a chance that it'll rub people the wrong way right?


I have to agree with this. A lot of your points seem really anal and pointless, and trust me, I know. I used to hate the stupidest of shit, and now I look back, and think, why? It's so easy to hate anything, but so much more rewarding to be indifferent.


The thing is, I got over this sort of stuff when I was 15.


PS. Don't worry about it. Many of my friends even now are still locked in their childish secondary school mentalities. I was just lucky to grow up a little quicker.


It's rewarding to be indifferent towards all that is wrong with the world? It's a sign of maturity to stop caring? Well if so, I damn sure want to stay as immature as possible.

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It's rewarding to be indifferent towards all that is wrong with the world? It's a sign of maturity to stop caring? Well if so, I damn sure want to stay as immature as possible.


Wrong? Big Brother is 'wrong'? Rap music is 'wrong'? the Government is 'wrong'? Fast Food corporations are 'wrong'? Says you, buddy.

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Well, It's my opinion, and I don't really care if it pisses people off, I mean you can't be afraid to do things just because there's a chance that it'll rub people the wrong way right?

Oh man, you are a ****.


Censored eh. Well you can probably guess the word I wanted to use. There's only a couple to choose from.

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McDonalds, KFC, and every fast food corporation: Primarily it’s the fact that we are turning into a nation of fat, ugly good for nothing confoundits that have nothing better to accomplish in life than flaunt our material possessions and wonder if those oh-so-sexy hot pants actually are available in XXXXL. Another thing is the animal cruelty that occurs, are people forgetting that animals can in fact feel? That they’re capable of experiencing emotions such as fear or pain?

Its not the corporations, its the stupid people tha decide to eat it. By blaming the corporations, your blaming every single member of staff employed by them, when most of them are good honest people trying to make a living.


Also, i hate animal cruelty as much as any person in the right mind would, but you got to think of it this way.

Most of the world eats animals, most of the world hates animal cruelty, cruelty is NOTHING compared to killing for our own sake. So we all look pretty stupid dont we? We go to all these legnths to stop animal cruelty, and when we get hungry we go eat the meat of an animal which has been sliced at the throat.


The thing that angers me? When the government constantly lies. Which is all the time, which i guess makes me an angry person.

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Wrong? Big Brother is 'wrong'? Rap music is 'wrong'? Says you, buddy.


Yup, I'd say big brother is wrong, not rap music, just some of the jackasses that listen to it, just like some of the idiots that listen to black metal who go around stabbing homosexual people.


To haver, yeah, great, products of different cultures means that they're perfectly harmless, wouldn't you say suicide bombers are a product of middle eastern, muslim and japanese cultures?

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Guest Jordan
Ah yes, got to hate those priapisms.


What about jism?

Oh god i love being such a kid :D


EDIT to what El Bardo just said:

Saying that is not only hurtful but down right racist.

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I don't think that's a very convincing arguement at all. Human chauvinism doesn't excuse our actions. Just because we can, doesn't mean we should. Surely, if we're all that 'superior', we can extend our capacity for nutrition beyond animalistic desires. Unless of course, we give into them, in which case we're much the same as animals. We've developed plenty of substitutes, and there is no longer a need for an evolutionary system where by the dominant species preys on the creatures lower down the food chain in a self serving society.


And eating vegetables is more accetable because we can't percieve their sufering? Not like we can percieve others animals, they're just cuter. There's no real reason as to why people should all be vegetarians.

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Yup, I'd say big brother is wrong


Haha, and what it makes it wrong? Your opinions aren't facts. It's a television show. It's probably best not to take it personally.



To haver, yeah, great, products of different cultures means that they're perfectly harmless, wouldn't you say suicide bombers are a product of middle eastern and muslim cultures?


Slight over generalisation there, suicide bombers have come from different cultures and countries. And yeah, they're not doing anyone any favours by blowing themselves up. But ever thought why? They can't afford guns or any advanced form of weaponry, so they use bombs. Give them gun and they're no different from the average 'revolutionary'.


And eating vegetables is more accetable because we can't percieve their sufering? Not like we can percieve others animals, they're just cuter. There's no real reason as to why people should all be vegetarians.


I personally don't agree with that sentiment. I draw the line because animals appear to show signs of having both intentionality and qualia, where as plants don't. At a stretch, they could be perceived to have qualia, but they lack intentionality, in which case I don't think plants are at all conscious.

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Guest Jordan



Right, and seeing as I am from pakistan, and a muslim for the first 15 years of my life means that you obviously know more about the subject


I'm half Arabic you tool.

Just because you're part whatever doesn't mean you know what people there are like.

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And eating vegetables is more accetable because we can't percieve their sufering? Not like we can percieve others animals, they're just cuter. There's no real reason as to why people should all be vegetarians.

My theory on vegetarians is that they hate vegetables. And want to kill them. By eating them.

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Hmmm everyones pissed off :-)


Well snoring makes me angry. I could punch through a wall when I hear it. Apart from that I don't really have a whole lot to moan at.


Apart from those adverts for jobs that say experience essential, when I need the job to gain experience. They make me angry. And the hold button on my iPod, since it's decided to stop working.


And people that tell me the music I listen to is 'basic'. So lots of things really :-|

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I'm half Arabic you tool.

Just because you're part whatever doesn't mean you know what people there are like.


Yes, I do, because I was brought up there and I go there every half year, so honest to god, stop whining and grow a pair.

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Guest Jordan

The Bard, why does everything you say have to turn into some kind of insult?


Are you around to start aruguments on purpose?

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The Bard, why does everything you say have to turn into some kind of insult?


Are you around to start aruguments on purpose?


To be fair Jordan, you were the one that started the argument:


I'll just say this ass 'The Bard' annoys me. He doesn't give a crap what anyone else says but thinks what he says is obviously gold dust.


Oh and that red text makes me want to go over to his house and pull his nuts off, its not like he's gunna need them.


Now really be honest, were you just trying to start an argument with The Bard? And the only one he's insulting is you because you have called him an "ass" and a "rascist" and also have mentioned to want to "come round an pull his nuts off" because he doesn't "need them." There was really no need for that, he wasn't being directly intolerant to anyone, he was writing an entertainment article.


Now one thing that mkes me angry is pointless arguments, and there are too many of them. I'm not having a go at you Jordan, but please, we want this place to be happy, and in my opinion you were obviously trying to start an argument with The Bard.


Anyway, it makes me angry when England are crap at cricket and loseat home in a series to Sri Lanka>(.

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As we are on topic with Cricket, I hate it when Pakistan - Australia series matches get worked up, and pakistan always lose 2-3, It's a pain in the ass.


And eating vegetables is more accetable because we can't percieve their sufering? Not like we can percieve others animals, they're just cuter. There's no real reason as to why people should all be vegetarians.


Well, the fact that plants don't have a nervous system kinda gives us the idea that plants aren't capable of feeling, but what the hey, you're probably right.

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As we are on topic with Cricket, I hate it when Pakistan - Australia series matches get worked up, and pakistan always lose 2-3, It's a pain in the ass.




Well, the fact that plants don't have a nervous system kinda gives us the idea that plants aren't capable of feeling, but what the hey, you're probably right.


India baby!!!!!!!!!


And i hate football pundits...ALAN HANSEN KNOWS NOTHING!

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