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mcj metroid

Great horror films!

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They are so many great ones most of which are funny!Holloween,evil dead(1 and 2 i dont regard army of darkness as a horror)nightmare in elm street,the thing,the omen and so many more....whats the best i think holloween 1 and 2(the rest are cack especially ressurection and h20)Ring(japanese one)and the ring(american one the second one was awful)


watch evil dead and try not to laugh.i dare u!


and post some scary moments if u can also

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The Child's Play movies still shit me to death at the age of 21. I think it has something to do with how Chucky moves, it's just creepy.

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The Child's Play movies still shit me to death at the age of 21. I think it has something to do with how Chucky moves, it's just creepy.


Haha. Quality films. I still enjoy watching them.


That would be my choice, too.

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i dont think any film actually scared me.event horizan terrified me for some reason.but thats not even a horror

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The Omen scares me; it more of a psycological thriller compared to the slash n' gore films. Very good though - might see the remake.


As for the "jumpy ones" - Scream is king.

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The original Omen, the Frighteners, Flatliners (with Keither Sutherland practicing commin back from the dead before trying it out in 24) and the Poltergeist was also amazing. My personal favourite has to be ol' Jack in Kubrik's The Shining. Superb.


"I'm not gonna hurt ya'... I'm just going to bash your brains in!"

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The descent was pretty good horror film, but the best horror film's got to be ghostbusters! The only film thats made me hide behind a sofa (granted i was like 4 or some shit) and so from then on the horror rating for a film is based on if it sends me diving behind a sofa in fear. Seeing as that's never happened since I'm either tough shit or ghostbusters has damaged my young mind, which in all probability is pretty likely.

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The descent was pretty good horror film, but the best horror film's got to be ghostbusters! The only film thats made me hide behind a sofa (granted i was like 4 or some shit) and so from then on the horror rating for a film is based on if it sends me diving behind a sofa in fear. Seeing as that's never happened since I'm either tough shit or ghostbusters has damaged my young mind, which in all probability is pretty likely.



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Best horror films made today come from Japan and Korea, hollywood can't compete.... in fact they actually have to copy :p

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I really liked Cabin Fever just for how totally hilarious the ending was.


I was also scared by Event Horizon, but that may be to do with good old Sam Neil turning evil.

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Event horizon was funny, especially when the woman chases the vision of her boy over a drop, duh bitch! Someone spoke about korea, A tale of two sisters is pretty good, watch it 3 times to get you're mind completely around the plot, watch it once if you just wanna freak yourself out.

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yeah how freaky!He got his eyes cut out for gods sake!im upset now!..................ill find a pic

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Mostly into the Asian movies, Horror movies in the US recently have been remakes or film where i am sure the director is just taking the piss. My favorites include:

Ring 1 + 2

The eye

The grudge


Blair Witch (i do actualy find this scray!)

Wrong Turn

The excorsist


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The excorsist and the grudge are the funniest films ever.My friend took the living piss out of Buffy(dont know her real name and dont care she will always be known as buffy)

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Scream is shite like alot of Wes Craven Films, exception being the 1st Nightmare on Elm Street (possibly Last House on The Left its meant to be great but I aint seen it). Romeros Dead films, fuckin' classics. Friday The 13th (ignore part 8), The Thing, Evil Dead 1 + 2 (and 3), Texas Chainsaw Massacre, Hellraiser 1 + 2 and loadsa others. Apparently they are gonna remake Evil Dead :cry: . The Dead remakes have been good so far so I have hope for the Day of The Dead remake. But Evil dead shouldnt be touched, although many said that about Romeros films.

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Apparently they are gonna remake Evil Dead :cry: . The Dead remakes have been good so far so I have hope for the Day of The Dead remake. But Evil dead shouldnt be touched, although many said that about Romeros films.


I agree there dosent exist a person with the coolness of Ash

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I'm going to be very arrogant here ;) because I'm very opinionated about horror.


I don't accept "Gore" movies as horror movies!!!! Gore movies are 'Gore movies', not 'Horror movies'.


"Gore" horror cheats by "shocking" you in a realistic way, like showing heads flying across the room and human body getting mashed into a red potato salad. To me, that's just a "Gore & shocking movie", and don't qualify as "Horror movie".


For me, the real horror is internal, not external. A real horror movie taps into the greatest fear that lives inside you. This isn't about what you see with your eyes, but it's the feeling. It's nothing to do with amont of blood or limbs flying across a room with lots of tomato ketchup. I suppose you could call them "supernatural" or "creepy" horror. The likes of Grudge and Ring (Japanese versions) did very well in this area.


The point is this. Sometimes, just sometimes, when I'm alone in a room typing away on my PC, I feel a presence behind me. I know I'm alone in the house. Nobody else is here. but I just feel it. But I don't want to turn around, because I know I will see something horrific. I might see a ghost staring at me. I might see a monster's face right behind my shoulder. I don't want to know, so I don't look back. When I get up at 3am for a wee, I don't want to look in the mirror in the loo. If I do, I might see something I don't want to. I might see an old woman staring at me in the mirror, behind me. I'd rather not know it. If there's something going on, I'd rather not know. I just want to go back in my warm bed and sleep. Forget all about it. Let that parallel universe shift.


Now, I'm scared. I keep looking back over my shoulder every 20 secs because I feel something is creeping up behind me. But everytime I do so, nothing is there. I'm relieved. But I know, one of these days, before my death, I will turn around to see something I didn't want to see; a being of another world, taking my life away. I wish I didn't see it, but that would be too late.


That, ladies and gents, is the real horror - it comes from inside you, not outside. A real horror movie taps into that side of your mind.

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Doesn't seem arrogant. Imo, at least.


I would regard Alien as a good Sci-fi-horror. Sure, the chestburster scene is terrifying, but what about the sequence near the end when Ripley is running through the corridors trying to get off the ship? Not knowing whats around each corner. I find that terrifying. The claustrophobia, the darkness, the sense of being alone and not alone. I think thats what makes that sequence so powerful.

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Yes, I think Alien is a valid Sci-Fi horror because it doesn't rely upon gore to create horror. There is a genuine terror of unknown, and it creeps inside your mind as the element of unknown. That is a valid way to "tap into the horror inside you" as I put it earlier.


I'm not saying inclusion of Gore automatically disqualifies it as horror. A perfectly good horror may use Gore as a utility to set up the scene. The point is, Is the Gore primary or secondary in scaring you? With aliens, it's secondary.

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Some horror classics use very little gore anyway.

For example, if you watch the texas chainsaw massacre, there is a minimal amount of gore. You see the woman placed onto the hooks, but you only see it from the front view. You 'THINK' you see more than you actually do.

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Yeah, I think you got my point :) Subtle difference, but it's huge. Many people I've talked to about this just don't "get it". I've come across too many people who say "I'm not scared of Aliens or Ring because I know they used rubber and ceramic to make those monsters". And I'm like, dude, you're missing the point of what constitutes as "horror".


It's not what you see, but what you feel that creates a real horror. Many movies like Chainsaw massacare combines various elements of it and that is valid to me.

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I really liked Cabin Fever just for how totally hilarious the ending was.

CAbin Fever sucked my balls, it was so un-scary that they even had that guy jump out from behind the counter to make his friends jump.

The ebst bit is when theyre telling the stories, that guy bashing the heads in with a hammer, and the guy bowling peoples limbs


Jepers Creepers was another one of those un-scary movies, ugh :(

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