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The mysterious Nintendo suitcase


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Okay, its just for show, but it is posible that wii will be able to use our old controllers rather than buying the clasic controller. I think the reason nintendo made the classic controller then would be for newer gamers who dont have every old system (like me) so wii dont have to seach a used game store every tine wii want to buy a game for a new system and als what if nintendo released game boy game boy coulor and game boy advance games on vitual consel, for the gb and gbc you could use the wii-mote but for gba games there are shoulder buttons. maybe wii dont want to conect our gbas (if wii even own them!) up to our wii.


So in conclusion i would say it could be just for show, but wii may be able to use our old controllers as well as the classic controller.

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So in conclusion i would say it could be just for show, but wii may be able to use our old controllers as well as the classic controller.


How will that happen? Nintendo would have to then release 5 different adaptors to connect the Wiimote to the the plug on the 5 different pads!


The classic controller does look strange with all them buttons, when compared to the Wiimote. I hated plating Majora's Mask with the GC controller so I hope the release the best controller of all time (the N64 pad of course) for it. I'll gladly pay for it.

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If they can emulate the games, then why not the pads?

He means that the Nintendo 64 had six face buttons (A, B and the 4 C buttons) while the VC pad only has four. Some games can be adjusted to work with it like Zelda, but I can imagine it becomes a problem in other games to use the right stick for the C button directions.

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How will that happen? Nintendo would have to then release 5 different adaptors to connect the Wiimote to the the plug on the 5 different pads!


easy the adapters will off coarse be under 5 dollars (canadian) so they would either be sold in a package together or they could be sold with the wii.

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Guest Stefkov
He means that the Nintendo 64 had six face buttons (A, B and the 4 C buttons) while the VC pad only has four. Some games can be adjusted to work with it like Zelda, but I can imagine it becomes a problem in other games to use the right stick for the C button directions.

the n64 C buttons can be moved over to he second analogue, on the right side, the n64 pad had a d-pad and 1 analogue so they woudl pprobably use it for that, wouldnt that hard to use, it was quite easy playing OOton the Gc with the C buttons as the C stick.

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I don't understand why people are assuming Edge are 'wrong' or 'jumping on the speculation bandwagon'. They were shown the display, and it's a pretty safe bet they verified its purpose with the Nintendo representatives. We're talking about a respected industry magazine here, not some random blog.


As to whether these prototypes will make it into full production, well that's another matter. I'd imagine they'd be released in Japan, at least, and importing wouldn't be a problem.

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Okay are the controllers in the picture "prototype replica" controllers for the Wii (ie: retro wii-mote peripherals) or are they just the "actual" controllers of the consoles whose games can be played on the VC?


I'm confused.....

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I think that Nintendo should release all of these controllers and allow you to buy them with the suitcase. That would be quality. I've always wanted to open a nice suitcase to reveal some guns or in this case game controllers which have all got custom slots in the case.

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a suitcase would deffinately be cool looking to carry. best of all you can go round to you mates place and wip it out and prove how much of a mega nerd you are lol! my only complaint is it looks big and bulky. it should be more like a sleek weapons case. not a plush fluffy case that would most likely be found under your bed containing wips and hand-cuffs.

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I hope they rerelease a N64 pad for the Wii, because the Retro pad thing looks like it will be fine for nes and snes games but terrible for n64 titles.


If they where to release a N64 pad though, I'd like the analog stick to be like the Gamecubes stick (fatter and shorter) then the N64 one.


All my N64 controllers analog' sticks have sunken in and lost a fair bit of their response.

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