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Im against possetion of knives, but only in public places, my mate got threatened at knivepoint for his phone a couple of wqeeks back, and so did a couple of others, all by different people


Knives look cool on your mantlepiece, tried ebay?

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Fuck the amnesty, I have knives and I aint giving them up just cuz BBC are scaremongering by reporting on more knife crimes than they used to. Why not have an amnesty on screwdrivers and hammers while were at it? I'd love a katana, thanks for the link.

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Yeah... Kunai Knives! They're cool. I don't think real throwing knives look anything like that though. The ring on the end can't be practical for aerodynamics :D


Katanas are cool. I would never buy one unless I was rich and wasting money didn't matter.

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I have this old sword, I don't know much about it, it was my grandads, a friend told me it's a slashing sword or something, it has decoration along the blade, though most has faded, it has stabby bit at the end, were both side of the balde can be sharpened, I'll post a pic of it when I put some more credit on my phone.

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Sweat, are they working replica's (do they fire pellets/bb's). I have a nice m92 berreta replica, full metal, (airsoft pistol), has annoying trade marks on the side, but it's overall look, feel and performance make up for it.


Theres a japanese online store called poseidon that do working replica anime guns. Gunsunlimited do a Socom, WITH silencer AND laser



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Oh man, there's a dude that goes to a Sunday market nearby, that has a whole set of the things. Often thought about picking one up, though I haven't dared asked how much they were, I'd probably get a shock. Beautiful things they are, the markings on the handle.. Spose it's an idea for a B-day prezzie.

"So, what did you get for your 18th?"

"Well i got a friggin 3 foot long blade of destruction"

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Here in the city mall there is a shop that sell all kinds of swords. For collection and recreational use. They have famous swords from movies too like LOTR, my Mom wants the Arragon's, Frodo's, and the Witch King's sword just cause LOTR is her fave movie. They sell the Katana's in a chest like box, very beautiful and elegant.:heart:

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