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Advice needed

That Guy

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I need some advice on my current situation.


Last December I left a really shit production job at a factory that was paying minimum wage. I literally couldn't stand it anymore, and I thought I'd easily get a job elsewhere so I left. I've been unemployed ever since.


So I recently did a fork lift truck course and passed, and I really thought I'd have a job easy, but so far I've not found a single vacancy. I decided I'd go to a couple of agencies to help me get a job driving a fork lift truck.


Trouble is, all they've given me so far are shitty packing, and production jobs. I did one day last week and the whole day I just wanted to die, I actually stood there and wondered why I'm even bothering to live.


My parents are having a go at me to get a job (I do want one, I'm not really lazy) and they say I can't turn down anything, but when the agencies call and offer me work I'm making excuses saying I can't do it. My parents don't know.


I can't go on like this. What do you think I should do? Should I leave the agencies? I've been applying for office jobs and any fork lift drivers jobs that come available but there aren't really any at the moment. This is making me really miserable, and I'm already on tablets for depression. Like I said I'm not lazy, if a job came available in an office, or driving a fork lift I'd snap it up in a second.



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I have C's in English, Maths, and Science at GCSE level, I have a D in A2 ICT. And obviously I have a fork lift license. My only experience is 2 shite jobs in production and my day last week packing bits of wood.


I want to do more courses in IT and Computer courses. Thats my main interest. I'm not looking for a massive ammount of money, all I want is a job where I can work in a quiet environment with a few people, and a job where I don't get so stressed I wish I wasn't alive.

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What kinda career do you want ?


Does an office Junior appeal to you at all ? Could be a good way to get a stable job and regular income. Is there many office type job opportunities in Tamworth ?


You'll probably start at the bottom of the pay scale but if you asert yourself could work your way up. You shoudnt have a problem getting a job in an office with your grades but thats if you fancy doing the mundane office stuff such as typing letters, photocopying, telephones etc.


As you say you're quite interested in IT, so perhaps after a few years you could move over to the IT part of the office or something.


I think perhaps you should do some shop work whilst you sort out what career path you want to take...i.e go to college and learn something new, do extra IT courses etc etc.


Shop work should be very easy to find and are always good as a temporary job so you can get a bit of income whilst doing courses or looking for another full time job whether it be in IT or not..

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What should I do about my parents though? Should I just not tell them about anything? Should I tell the agencies I'm not interested in production work?


What kinda career do you want ?


Does an office Junior appeal to you at all ? Could be a good way to get a stable job and regular income. Is there many office type job opportunities in Tamworth ?


You'll probably start at the bottom of the pay scale but if you asert yourself could work your way up. You shoudnt have a problem getting a job in an office with your grades but thats if you fancy doing the mundane office stuff such as typing letters, photocopying, telephones etc.


I think perhaps you should do some shop work whilst you sort out what career path you want to take...i.e go to college and learn something new etc etc.


Shop work should be very easy to find and are always good as a temporary job to get a bit of income whilst doing courses or looking for another full time job.


Office junior is something that does interest me. Even mundane stuff like typing letters, I wouldn't mind in the slightest, I like doing things like that on computer, sad as I am, Obviously I would like to work my way up. If I go to college, I'd like to do night courses rather than full time study.


Oh, and apparently, job opportunities are a bit low at the moment. I sent out about 15 letters to shops recently and got nothing but a couple of 'we've got no vancancies' replies. I'm going to a connexions office tomorrow, so I might look for Office junior positions.

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I was definitely thinking about telling the angencies, the trouble is, my parents are not very understanding people. They tell me I have to have a job, and if they knew I'd turned down 2 jobs this week they'd have gone mental at me. I can understand that they need money and it's not like I'm against paying board, they want £30 a week but I can only afford £15 at the moment. I really don't think I can tell them.

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Maths is your main asset there I feel.


I say get an OK job that isn't to boring, then once you have more money start looking for a course in computers. I know it's a little boring, but you being good at maths and computing makes me think of a course on programming...I think it could be worth looking into.

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i think that you should get a job where your going to be dealing with people directly. a place where there is an emphasis on team work and team spirit. i think a call centre would be a good place, i know its not the most stimulating work but your always going to be talking to someone which i think helps time pass. i work in a call centre part time at weekends so its fits around my studies and i truly despise the work i have to do sometimes but i have found a great group of friends there. there is always a really diverse mix of ethnicites, ages and sex, so there is always something to talk about. a job is only as good as the people you work with. they are the only reason that i am still in that job (plus it does pay quite well!). i know its not really a 'career' but i think its a good job to meet new people in. hope this makes sense :)

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Try Job Centre Plus, they normally have a wide range of jobs - might be minimal wage and stuff, but look for ones with promotional chances. Conexions is a good place.


Ever thought about going back to college for a year and say get a qualification that could lead to a degree. Debt ahoy, but job prospects are better. Or earning a trade - regular pay (low at first) and then you get a worthy trade under your belt - i.e eletrician, plumber, engineer. See if conexions have a careers advisor. Think of it as a couple of steps backward (going back to college) for a giant leap forward in the future.


Try not to beat yourself up about it though, fulltime jobs are hard to come by at that age.

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You could try an apprenticeship course, do an NVQ as well as a job - the pay is poop - £50-100 a week - its not pay its called something else, but basically its pay.


you get an NVQ out of it, but the main thing is, if you do the job well then after completing your NVQ you may get offered a full time job (with significantly more money). Failing that (there may be no available positions) you still have office work experience which would help with later applications.

I've not got a clue if you have such a place in your area, but look for training colleges in your area, failing that a regular college may run a course you could go on.

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Your GCSE results are quite good, an office job certainly isnt out of your reach. Unfortunetly jobs can be very difficult to get. I'd recommend you keep being persistent, tell the agencies what you want it sounds like they are thinking you want production work which really doesnt seem to suit you. Try do college part time building up computer qualifications to prove what you are capable of, some courses you can do from home. I believe RSA clait is one you can do through home.


Unfortunetly it probably will take some time to get a job you like, competition for all jobs is steep, but you're young, you have plenty of time to find what's right for you.

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Your GCSE results are quite good, an office job certainly isnt out of your reach. Unfortunetly jobs can be very difficult to get. I'd recommend you keep being persistent, tell the agencies what you want it sounds like they are thinking you want production work which really doesnt seem to suit you. Try do college part time building up computer qualifications to prove what you are capable of, some courses you can do from home. I believe RSA clait is one you can do through home.


Unfortunetly it probably will take some time to get a job you like, competition for all jobs is steep, but you're young, you have plenty of time to find what's right for you.


I'm actually thinking about doing some more learn direct courses in IT. I'm feeling a bit better about things now actually, I'm going to tell the agencies that production work isn't for me.

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Listen to me and u will not be dissapointed. My opinion is to not study computing or IT, but rather after finding ANY job, go to a practical school(?) and be a plumber or electrician. As i study in London i saw that these jobs paying a lot of money and you will have a job for the rest of your life, in contrast with it studies, which a lot of other canditates will have better deggres. I have a Bsc in Computing and a Master in E-Business Management and its really hard to find a well paid job in my country.

Thats just my opinion

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So I recently did a fork lift truck course and passed, and I really thought I'd have a job easy, but so far I've not found a single vacancy. I decided I'd go to a couple of agencies to help me get a job driving a fork lift truck.


Play Shenmue, I swear I'd be a much more capable forklift driver if I were to put next another person who has never driven a forklift before and who hasn't played Shenmue. :o

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Just apply blind to companies which sound interesting. Check out how to write a good CV and send it to companies which might have a position which suits you. To be honest I can understand your situation and to be even more honest those are the moments when I think I should throw everything away and just do nothing.


I just work in my holidays and then I prefer production jobs - I work at a pretty large printing company for about 8 years every summer (sometimes also around christmas) and time goes by when you actually have to work. Also office jobs don't pay as good as jobs where you really need muscles. I get around 1600€ a month (taxes already applied) which is quite good.


Maybe if you write application letters and show them to your parents they will see that you at least try. It is hard for me to understand what you really want - right now it seems you just want a job nothing serious or permanent.

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