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I've just left school, and have nothing really to do this summer or go anywhere important where I'll be expected to look respectable, so I've made the bold decision to grow my hair, to just past my neck. Someone suggested I Photoshop myself with a long hairstyle, and I have to say I liked the look! My hair's been short for years and years, so I know it's going to be a challenge.


Does any of our long haired members have any tips for me for coping with the growing process? Anyone else planning on growing? My hair is wavy and will just look like a mess in the coming months :indeed:


Pic included:



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I've been trying this actually. What you must understand is that you cannot just leave it and see what happens, you have to go to a stylist every so often to keep it tidy. If you don't do that, you'll end up looking like a right scruffy beggar.


Try to ignore the annoyingness it might give you at first. Go the the hairdressers every now and then when it's getting longer to have them trim it a little (helps it grow), if it starts to poke you in the eyes, either flick it to the side at the front, or have it trimmed off. . Which reminds me.. i neeed to go get mine trimmed..


Depends how long you are planning to ha

ve it


I'd planned to leave it until there was some sort of length to it, and then head to a stylist and ask advice on how to achieve that style in the pic when the length is right. My hair's still quite short at the minute.


You should go to the stylist now to see what you should do to get it to look like that incase you need to get it trimmed now so it grows in the right way.


OK, more tips:


You've also got to wach it everyday, and preferably blow dry it. Also consider investing in some hair straightners if it starts getting all curly. Hair bands are useful for keeping it out of your eyes, and look uber-sexy.


Wow, that was slightly camp.

I've been trying this actually. What you must understand is that you cannot just leave it and see what happens, you have to go to a stylist every so often to keep it tidy. If you don't do that, you'll end up looking like a right scruffy beggar.


Hmmm, this must be where I'm going wrong. I can never last the whole growing process as at a certain length my hair goes all Hugh Grant-ish and I hate it so much I go and get it all cut off yet it grows back insanely fast, I'm talking a matter of weeks. Currently I think I'm off to get it cut tomorrow as my hair is an horrible combination of messy emo and Hugh Grant at the moment and I feel like throwing up everytime I look in the mirror.

Guest Stefkov

meh i grew it because i was bored and wwanted a change. i just let it grow over time, it got pretty long, an inch or two below my ears i think.

if you dont mind being asked all the time why you grew it and having grown men say you look like a girl and other peopel constanly asking why your growing it.....then grow it. well thats what hapened to me..i got bored of growing it so i cut it.

mine hasnt grown back that much, its been cut about a couple months and its hardy gtten anywhere.

tips for growing

be bored

be patient

OK, more tips:


You've also got to wach it everyday, and preferably blow dry it. Also consider investing in some hair straightners if it starts getting all curly. Hair bands are useful for keeping it out of your eyes, and look uber-sexy.


Wow, that was slightly camp.


Happens to the best of us mate lol my sister has straighteners but I don't know if I want to get into the way of straightening my hair - if it becomes waved out to the max, I could always go for that straightening relaxant you can get put in your hair.


It's going to be strange no longer going to the barbers, but a hairdressers lol full of ladies and camp gentlemen toying with my hair :shakehead



I think i know the guy on the left

Lol probably just someone you know that looks like him. We're from Belfast, it's unlikely it's the same guy you know!


I dont need straightners, a lot of girls envy my hair because it is naturally straight :P


I blow dry mine though, otherwise it takes an age to dry


make sure it stays out of your ears lol when i had long hair it would always poke my hair and i would always hit myself thinking it was a bug or something lol yah thats not a good thing to constantly hit yourself in public...

OK, more tips:


You've also got to wach it everyday, and preferably blow dry it. Also consider investing in some hair straightners if it starts getting all curly. Hair bands are useful for keeping it out of your eyes, and look uber-sexy.


Wow, that was slightly camp.




But yes, definitely. Everyone should wash their hair every single day, if not twice a day, I can't stand greasy hair. I would quite like my hair to be long just so I could tie it back, but I don't have the patience to grow it long, I can get to that stage where it looks shit no matter what you do with it and it gets really annoying so I just get it cut then.


I went to grow my (blond/brown) hair and then it curled, but the annoying thing was it didn't curl, it fluffed like a white mans afro, so I got it cut and now its short.


Great story.


I have longish hair and at last I can grow it! My school (although not leagaly allowed to, but I don't the time or money to sue) said I had to have my hair cut when it went below the top of the collar or I would be internally suspended. After a lot of arguing, and a week off school as my parents desided that it would be better to stay at home and do C/W than write out sides all day (I actually ended up doing most of my coursework then), they said "OK, bottom of the collor." I was like "Meh! Not good enough!", but with exams only a few months away, I needed to be in school (you wont here me say that often...), so I was like fine.

The thing that really pisses me off is that there are several boys in the years below me with it much longer than mine, and what has been said to them? Nothing. Nilch. Nada.

But in the 6th form (next year for me) they can't do anything about it as long as it is a natural colour, or they change the rule so it's a defined length, but then they have to enforce it to both boys and girls legaly.


And if that's not bad enough, girls below year 12 have to wear skirts, which is kind of totaly illeagal and against their rights.



But yes, definitely. Everyone should wash their hair every single day, if not twice a day, I can't stand greasy hair. I would quite like my hair to be long just so I could tie it back, but I don't have the patience to grow it long, I can get to that stage where it looks shit no matter what you do with it and it gets really annoying so I just get it cut then.


I think I overwash my hair though, its all straw like.


Delibrate mistake, I was wondering if anyone would notice.


I have longish hair and at last I can grow it! My school (although not leagaly allowed to, but I don't the time or money to sue) said I had to have my hair cut when it went below the top of the collar or I would be internally suspended. After a lot of arguing, and a week off school as my parents desided that it would be better to stay at home and do C/W than write out sides all day (I actually ended up doing most of my coursework then), they said "OK, bottom of the collor." I was like "Meh! Not good enough!", but with exams only a few months away, I needed to be in school (you wont here me say that often...), so I was like fine.

The thing that really pisses me off is that there are several boys in the years below me with it much longer than mine, and what has been said to them? Nothing. Nilch. Nada.

But in the 6th form (next year for me) they can't do anything about it as long as it is a natural colour, or they change the rule so it's a defined length, but then they have to enforce it to both boys and girls legaly.


And if that's not bad enough, girls below year 12 have to wear skirts, which is kind of totaly illeagal and against their rights.

I don't know if that's illegal or not, but no way should it be. Schools have to have standards and discipline, and if they don't want scruffy little shits in the school they should have every right to tell them to smarten up. Against your rights? To be honest, I think people have too many rights these days. Learn to deal with authority.


Biatch, all other schools in my area are just "yeah whatever" with it. A lot of my friends in them have long hair. Just my school is stuck up it's own arse. It's as close as you can get to a private school without actually being one. They are also a "Christian Foundation school" which means anyone can go there, but if you arn't a christian, they hate you (like me). The only reason I'm there is because schools around here are always full, and I was garunteed a place because my big (I say big, she is much smaller than me) sister was there when I was about to go into secondary school. She, by the way, is a christian, which is why she got in in the first place.


90% of boys below 6th Form in my school seem to have long hair.


Oh, and about skirts, thats a problem in my school. Its not that girld have to wear them (they dont), its the lengh that a majority of them have (school doesnt allow it THAT short, but the little shits dont listen).


And if that's not bad enough, girls below year 12 have to wear skirts, which is kind of totaly illeagal and against their rights.


Thats utter bull. (No offence or anything but it is :P)


Also, i'm agreeing with going to the hairdressers/barbers, every 5 months'ish, ask them to slightly trim and thin out the sides of your hair. It'll help a lot :D


(My hair is bordering shoulder length now and i'm lovin' it)

90% of boys below 6th Form in my school seem to have long hair.


Oh, and about skirts, thats a problem in my school. Its not that girld have to wear them (they dont), its the lengh that a majority of them have (school doesnt allow it THAT short, but the little shits dont listen).


We have the same problem in our school, especially on non-uniform days. I didn't think it was possible to see as many 13 year old sluts in the same place.

We have the same problem in our school, especially on non-uniform days. I didn't think it was possible to see as many 13 year old sluts in the same place.

You're complaining?:heh:


Even though the tipcs ended awhile ago I thin kI would like to share my experiences:


Leave your hair and let it grow. Wash everyday and let it fry without anyhting - no towel or dryer. Just good old wind!


Well, that's what I've done...



But yes, definitely. Everyone should wash their hair every single day, if not twice a day, I can't stand greasy hair.

If you give your hair a thorough wash with a good shampoo, there's no reason you shouldn't go a day without washing it.


My hair is a moderate length I suppose; just about down to my collar. I like it, as does my girlfriend (who has beautiful dark flowing hair herself), so I'm content.

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