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Definitive Wii speculation/rumour thread


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It's the speaker. It doesn't make sense, the speaker is very cool.


With a slight modification it could serve as a mic and that would mean intuitive voice control. Headsets won't be nearly accesible enough.

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I think it's a given that we'll have a wireless headset for Wii, because it cannot be wired to the Wiimote, or it would occupy the expansion port for the controller expansions, such as the nunchuck. They could always put a connection on the back of the plug that connects to the expansion port, but i hope it's really wireless.

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*RUMOR* French blog claims insider Wii info


As I was searching through various blogs, I came across French blog ActuJV. The owner of the blog has posted a little information concerning the Wii, and its graphical capabilities. This same person claims that they have obtained information from a trusted source.


Nintendo has been showing a lot of Wii trailers lately. We have just recently seen the trailers for BWii and Mario Strikers Charged. I would say that the graphics in these games are very good, but that is just me. I realize that they aren’t up to 360 standards, but I don’t think they need to be. I can appreciate a system for what it can do…just as I would say that StarFox Command has good graphics. I know there are still a few out there that find the Wii graphical capabilities less than passable, but ActuJV says not to worry!


According to him, or his source I should say, Nintendo has been playing us the fool all along. They have been showing us trailers for games that have deliberately downgraded graphics compared to what the Wii can actually do. This is to create an element of surprise for the press during Nintendo’s next media event. I am guessing that would end up being the September 14th press event. During this show they will show off Wii graphics that are “of a quality far exceeding the Xbox”, shocking us all.


I thought all these graphical debates were over and done with, but I guess I was wrong! As far as I knew, everyone has long since dealt with any issues they had with the Wii when it came to graphics. Now we have a blog claiming we will all be surprised very soon. I couldn’t resist posting this on the weekend, I am guessing it will get a pretty good debate going! My stance…this story is total bull. The only element of it that could be true is saying that Nintendo hides things from us. We know that they love to do that!


lol more BS...::shrug:

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. During this show they will show off Wii graphics that are “of a quality far exceeding the Xbox”


Better than the Xbox... Mario galaxies Is allready better than anything on Xbox. And TBH. Wii games should all be better than what we have seen on Xbox 1.


And if they mean 360 they just talking BS!

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The Wii may launch 10/11/06! One week before PS3?


Honestly Nintendo may not think PS3 is a threat! but i think they need to release it earlier!


Still the 10th November isn't that bad i suppose......


As long as the Wii is on shop shelves on or by the PS3 release date that's all Nintendo need. The Wii needs to be there for people disappointed about not being able to get a PS3.

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I'm pretty sure that if the Wii was more powerful, developers would have shown it off already instead of showing their games being just 'alright' in the graphics department...unless Nintendo is actually telling them to shut up about it.

Anyway, I'm going to let this news get to me because I was left disappointed by GDC so I'm gonna approach Nintendo's conference like a blank canvas. Only surprises for me!

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The company (Nintendo) also went out of its (way) to deny a report suggesting their production partners are encountering troubling issues with the Wii and its motion-sensing controller. Based on these purported problems, the rumor claimed Nintendo would be forced to push back its launch announcents for the Wii, and possibly even the final launch of the console itself.


"The reports are entirely rumour and speculation. I can confirm that the Wii is very much on course for a Q4 release, as Nintendo originally stated" the spokesperson said.


Good good!:grin:

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