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Pokemon cartoon chat

mcj metroid

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im new to this place if there is a better place for this to be poasted please move it.

i want to know what do u think of the show.Some regard it as a disrace to the excellent games

im a huge fan of the 1st series(indigo) and the 2nd(orange islands)

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I used to love this show - though I completely lost track of it after Tracey left. I think without the show I think the games would be very different.


I'd love to get a boxset or somthing - I'm sure the plot isn't repetitive...

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The cartoon series was what first got me interested in Pokémon, but I still didn't buy a game until Sapphire came out.


Every so often I'll watch it; I wouldn't say it's any worse now than it used to be, even if some of the episodes get a bit samey. If I get the chance, I'll probably try to watch some of the new episodes that are starting next week on Toonami, too. I'm just not looking forward to watching the episodes dubbed by a different cast.

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You have no idea.


i stopped watching it sometime during the 4th season.



My God, the plot is repetitive as hell.


After the second series the only good episodes were the ones in which there was a gym battle, otherwise it'd be the "gang" are trundling along, they meet someone with some type of problem, they become friends or rivals, team rocket comes along, both of them unite together to battle team rocket, they become friends, they promise to meet again. End of.


But still, they still hold some kind of nostalgic charm, I still cannot bring myself to delete the 22 gigs worth of episodes I have.


And I found the new characters in season 4 really weren't very appealing, I mean Tracey was bad enough, but that little geek and the girl. Gah.

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I always found it amusing whatever was happening. I have DVDs of the Indigo, Orange and the first half of the Johto League. It's a shame it isn't shown on television as much here anymore, because Pokémon was a really good cartoon.


Personally I love the continuity and how faithful it is to the source material, and the dubbed voices -always- make me laugh. Just gotta wonder how it'll all end, or if we'll see Pokémon continue on forever.

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I stopped watching it after Misty left and the new guys hooked up with Ash. As I got older I started hating it, the only thing that kept me watching was the Gym Battles. I still watched the movies when they come out on DVD though. The Rayquaza movie is awesome.

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The Rayquaza movie is awesome.


Am I the only person who found the animation and artwork in that movie to be barely movie quality at all? The other movies all felt reasonably epic, with much improved artwork over the series, but this one didn't at all. Sort of like how Ash's eyes look really weird in the Jirachi movie.

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Am I the only person who found the animation and artwork in that movie to be barely movie quality at all? The other movies all felt reasonably epic, with much improved artwork over the series, but this one didn't at all. Sort of like how Ash's eyes look really weird in the Jirachi movie.


No your not. My mates didnt like this movie either, they didnt like the music, story or the characters in the film itself.

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* maybe spoiler, but old stuff *


Orange League was awesome, partly because Ash actually had a chance without it being the end of all things Pokemon. If he won in the official championships or whatever in the 1st series, that would be it, he'd be the Pokemon Master, end of. Plus, the strories were more about tasks as he tried to get those badges, not as someone said, meet someone with problem, become rivals, beat team rocket, decide to be friends. It got annoying.





Anyway, what are some of your favourite episodes? Other than the actual Orange League tornament episodes, i liked the one with Snorlax eating all the oranges... that was hilarious. It's actually really hard to pick favourites actually! Does anyone know where i can get the series's on DVD, ive looked in HMV and shops before but they only have the films.

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I always thought it was good that Ash didnt win the league in series one. There'd have been no way to keep it going.


CAn someone remind what Team Rocket's intro goes like?


I also have the original (english) theme tune as my ringtone. And MSN name, wierd coincidence that this thread pops up now that img etting back into it all..



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Anyway, what are some of your favourite episodes? Other than the actual Orange League tornament episodes, i liked the one with Snorlax eating all the oranges... that was hilarious. It's actually really hard to pick favourites actually! Does anyone know where i can get the series's on DVD, ive looked in HMV and shops before but they only have the films.



Some eBay sellers do DVDs of all the episodes that are ripped from the TV. I doubt we'll ever see a decent set because there are just so many episodes to include and it's ongoing. We may see super expensive Japanese sets when the series finally concludes. But by then we'll all be old men and looking at May's boobs will be -really- wrong at at time.



Hm, favourite episodes.


I liked all the later Indigo League episodes that tied into Mewtwo Strikes Back. Mewtwo defeating Arcanine and Nidoqueen infront of Gary and also Mewtwo bursting out of Team Rocket's Headquarters and flying off into the distance and such.


I liked the more emotional episodes, where characters or Pokémon left. The episode where Ash lost the Indigo League was really great. Mystery at the Lighthouse had some of the best character art in the early episodes - they really looked close to Ken Sugimori's designs in that episode.


I think the best Pokémon scene is where Ash dies after getting struck by Mew and Mewtwo's attacks. The little "death" chime there is always really upsetting. I heard that the American version of the movie made the Japanese producers cry during that part, so that's really something.



Can someone remind what Team Rocket's intro goes like?


They started to use a lot of variation later in the series, but the original goes.


Prepare for trouble!

And make it double!


To protect the world from devastation,

To unite all people within our nation,


To denounce the evils of truth and love,

To extend our reach to the stars above!





Team Rocket blast off at the speed of light!

Surrender now, or prepare to fight!


Meowth, that's right!

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Gah, I was searching for an episode guide and I what I got was a some pokemon erotica. That is real bad, I can imagine wee kiddies searching the Internet for Pokemon cheats or what patch of grass to find Milktank and they get smut like this, it also disgusting involves the pokemon in the indecent acts. I never knew Pikachu had a 5 incher.

I won't post it in it's entirety as it's definetly explict, but here is a wee taster and how it ends.


"Misty?" Nurse Joy asked. "Yes?" "It seems you've been bruised in your pelvic


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Pokémon: "*says name*"

Ash: "Wow, what's that Pokémon?" *gets out Pokédex*



I used to watch it all the time during the Kanto and Orange Islands sagas, which were quite good. Then Johto came, and the quality of the show seemed to drop, at least in my eyes. It seems to have improved though with Hoenn, and nowadays when Toonami is showing it I may watch it (providing it isn't one I've seen before.) I've seen the first three movies, and they were pretty good. Haven't had the chance to see the others though.


I also watched that episode with the different voice actors. They weren't good, but I wouldn't say they were bad (well, except the voices of Ash, James and Professor Oak, they weren't that good, and Brock's voice was down right horrible.) But hey, I'm sure the new voice actors will learn over time.


Think my favourite episodes would have to be the later episodes in Kanto (starting around the time Misty got Togepi, up to Brock leaving Ash and Misty.) Though I also like the Team Rocket moments in the Hoenn episodes (especially the scenes involving Meowth's fantasies involving Giovanni's reaction to their success.)

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