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My thoughts on Metroid Prime 2...

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As I said in the MP3 topic I started playing this for the first time this week. Its been sitting on my shelf for over a year and I never played it once. I kept hearing about how hard it was and bad compared to the original.


After 3 days play im nearing the end of the game now. Im after getting the last of the Keys that I need and the overall experience of the game for me is meh.


It lacks something which Prime 1 had, its hard to put my finger on it. The music in the first game really set the atmosphere and although the music is still decent in this game it just doesnt set the mood. I also find the bosses not to be hard but really, REALLY annoying.


I know alot of people complained about the part which im upto now as they didnt like getting the keys but exploration is part of the series so it doesnt bother me.


One last thing I thought my game glitched last night. Most people no that if you shoot a few of the locks in a certain area and then leave without shooting them all then the game is glitched and you have to restart if you saved. I thought this happened last night as I went into that room and turned my visor on and couldnt see the locks I had to shoot. I went off it and knocked the game off. About an hour later it occured to me that I was using the Dark Visor and not the Echo one. I felt like an idiot. :grin:


Overall I have enjoyed the game but not as much as the first, oh and Light Suit Samus is awesome!

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I have only just started playing it about a week ago; Just got the light beam yesterday.


I know I am still very early into the game, but I am enjoying it a lot more than MP1; i think the whole setting is just that much more daunting than the original and the storyline is fleshed out quite a bit more.

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My thoughts on MP:Echoes...

The first Metroid Prime got me hooked from start to finish, the second never got my attention because of it's boring light/dark world travelling. The bosses were kinda like a rushjob and the overall enemies were'nt as exciting as in MP. I found myself stuck on alpha blogg because I did'nt get enough energy pellets to finish him off. The game is sitting on my shelf ever since and I'm not keen on playing it again ever. The first Metroid, I finished it three times without arguing, Echoes? Nah...

I wish MP3 will be the overblowing experience I am hoping for!

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Guest Jordan

I couldn't agree more, i hate Echoes... but i love Prime.

The lack of freedom, the stupid enviroments, the annoying weapons and by far the worst puzzles in a Metroid game ever made.


Prime was a near perfect game, how a developer can go from awesome to awful is beyond me.

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Lack of freedom? Linear environments? Seriously, you guys must have played a different game than me.

You gotta realise that the first one was revolutionary, so it will never feel like that again. The musics aren't as good, but they're way more moody. The game is only linear if you do what they tell you to, I just wandered around getting upgrades and ended up getting the artifacts. Also, I like that it broke free from the typical fire, ice,... settings. Even though the alternate world isn't very original the level design is awesome, even though it's more confusing than the first one. The game is also more challenging and the upgrades let you feel more of a difference than before.

I respect you a lot Jordan, but saying it's an aweful games is just shamefull :)

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By the time I had reached the part where you have to find all the keys in Echoes, I was sick of it. The whole 'evil parallel universe' has become such a cliché in video games. At the moment, I’m really not interested in Corruption, but that could change if there’s a decent twist on the usual gameplay.

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I've still got to play them, gonna pick them up after I complete Sunshine..


I'm a little disheartened by comments about Echoes. I'll let you know what I think because I'm a total virgin to the Metroid thing not playing any of the 2D games (and no intention to do so either)


Perhaps I'll have a different viewpoint on them.. from what I've seen of Prime I can't see how there is anything anyone would ever hate about that game. It could easily be a contender for my top 5 games.

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Well I have just beat the game, wasnt easy only had 1 min left on the clock. I managed to finish with 100% on both scans and items so I got to see the full ending which has left me all set and ready for MP3. I just have to beat it on Hard now to unlock the finally gallery.


Like I said before a great game but not as good as the original although the return of the Screw Attack almost makes up for it.

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They both seemed very similar to me. The atmosphere was identical. I wasn't too fussed about the original and Echoes was just frustrating and annoying. Any good bits were overruled by this. The light and dark worlds weren't a welcome addition as time wore on because it felt like another way to make you retrek your steps.


The spider ball boss was utterly horrendous and it was far to easy to get lost and disoriented. I spent most of the time trailing back and forward trying to figure out where i was supposed to go next and looking for various items. I know this is the basis for all Metroid games and always has been, but it used to be FUN, not painful.


The only thing that was truely impressive was the presentation. The best bits of both games were the opening credits.


I gave up on Echoes when i encountered the game breaking glitch that makes it impossible to progress. It happens quite late on in the game so you lose a LOT of progress. Can't believe they could overlook such a serious glitch in such a major release. I've often heard people mentioned the game breaking glitch in Broken Sword that makes it impossible to progress and i always think "but what about Metroid?? No one ever mentions THAT game breaking glitch!". I'm bitter...

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I haven't started it yet, got it from the Stars Catalogue and its on my shelf sealed waiting for me to start as soon as I've finished Metroid Prime. I'm piss poor at it and have got stuck many times and not been motivated to go back to it, thus why I haven't completed it. Once my exams are over I need to do a lot of gaming, especially completing games I haven't, and I need to complete both by the time Corruption is out afterall.

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I haven't started it yet, got it from the Stars Catalogue and its on my shelf sealed waiting for me to start as soon as I've finished Metroid Prime. I'm piss poor at it and have got stuck many times and not been motivated to go back to it, thus why I haven't completed it. Once my exams are over I need to do a lot of gaming, especially completing games I haven't, and I need to complete both by the time Corruption is out afterall.

ye that basically sums up my thoughts too, i have lots of games (including metroid prime 1+2) to complete before wii so I've got lots to do while waiting.

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I actually liked Echoes. It wasn't as awesome as the first one but I loved both of them. I found the dark world disturbing only when I was fighting the boost guardian because it has to be one of the most hardest fights in the game. But all the other bosses are great. Especially the last fight <3

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Its still a great game just I thought the first was better.


I have to agree, i would like to place the blame on those begging for multiplayer in metroid prime 2


a strange thing i realised, the first 2 metroid games with multiplayer end up having underwhelming single player modes.




My views on echoes is that as a standalone game it is superb, but compared to prime it just doesnt have the shazzam that prime did. echoes was a lot harder, and even longer somewhat. altho with most trilogies the 2nd act is normally the weakest. its not a bad game, but i never really felt like replaying it. i could never rate it above prime 1 however.

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The games are almost identical, you people just like to bitch.


I wholeheartedly agree; when I played MP I felt like I was being ushered in a linear path very much like MP2. Apart from the two world thing, they are almost identical.


Alas; this is OOt/Majoras Mask all over again.

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As most have said, as a stand alone game I think it is superb. But I think there are a few things that put people off about it:


3. It's a hard game. Best for those who like a bit more of a challenge

2. It's not based on a world that contains every environment on earth (snow, larva, desert, inside of your nicotine addicted auntie's lungs etc.)

1. Comparing it to MP1. It just shouldn't be done. There are so many differences.


Must admit though that I thought the weapons and visors from MP2 needed a bit more umph. Dark visor was a rip off of the heat visor and the Echo visor wasn't used enough or in many different ways. Loved the look of the Echo visor though. Need I say much about the weapons? But all these things aside I did really enjoy this game,

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