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I believe we are still yet to see the final secret


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Everyone seems to be assuming that the speaker on the wiimote was the last secret, but it definately isn't. In the conference the guy (that demos Zelda) clearly says something along the lines of "this is ONE of the wii's last secrets"


So there is definately another secret/secrets.


Okay now watch Matt's interview with Perrin Kaplan from E3


She completely tries to ignore the question of more hardware secrets. Its so obvious you have to see it [about 1/2 way through I think]

See says something about how the hardcore gamers should be very interested in what Nintendo have to show

(I watched this the other day so can't remember it all exactly)

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I dunno how big it is but there sure is something, you can just tell! I think it's most likely going to be a combination of little things. TGS is where we'll get the final full info I reckon!

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That is actually genius.

Most hardcore gamers like to use tactics in online games, so like the xbox live service, the NWFC could do something similar with headsets.

Most people want this any ways, communication is the best way to enjoy a game, but will be limited to those who are your friends to keep things on the safe side.

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I hope its not a microphone. I've believed all alone there'll be something special visually, and I don't care what anyone says or thinks of my prediction, its what I believe. And to those that say 'but we've already seen it on TV screens so it can't be' well Nintendo always said the console would play on a TV/Monitor but a special form of 3D would be optional.

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Guest Stefkov

i hope its a time machine, that would blow sony right out of the water.


on a serious note, ive seen that video and she did ignore hat question, didnt they say there was one moer harware secret or something?

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The controller, GameCube connectivity, SD, DVD playback, little speaker, new colours, the shell, nintendo connect24 and the games cumulatively are quite revolutionary.


However.. the only one that stands up as revolutionary itself is the controller.. and we had already seen that.

I think there could be something else- I don't think a microphone will be a secret.. it's going to happen for Mario party games or something.


I think it's probably some nunchaku add-ons which are really radical.

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MEGATON!!! is coming lol just had to pull that joke!

A microphone will probably come to Wii but if there is a final secret that is not it.


TGS? naaa. I reckon nintendo have their own show this year and september would be a bit late to unveil the last secret as the console is rumoured to launch in one territory in either september or October.

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Might be a little simple- but the last secret might just be as simple as

the price of the system-

games- (launch and more)

accesories- (prices and nunchaku selection)

online content- (back catalogue and services)

the release date- (pretty important and still a secret)


Collectively while it is possible to estimate it- to know it for fact is quite a big secret.

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I'm sure someone said they saw Reggie talking to Steven Spielberg at it... I think that they were planning to announce the final big secret but when they saw that Sony had copied them they decided not to...

Yeah that was my theory, afterall Sony said they had a secret to show at TGS *cough*

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*3 years later



Stocka: I still believe that there is a big final secret *stereoscopic 3d helmet visor*


Haha. :)

To be honest, we're being spoilt enough as it is. I really don't think there is one almighty big secret left. There may be some small neat touches, but i really don't expect one final all-encompassing secret.

Right now, we need the games.

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I think if there are going to be any overwelming secrets it will be the price tag as im sure Nintendo realised the negetivity towards the price tag of the PS3.


Im defintely not expecting any big secrets other than that.


also that flap (not the gc controller ports) that everyone talks about, wouldnt that be for whatever memory they are using to save ur games on? i mean they wont reveal the flap until they make it offical how we would save our games, thats all i genuinely think the flap will be about also.


reason why i said this which would seem offtopic is because many people think this will be something big.


I think we have seen the best of the Wii in terms of secrets and im already shitfaced impressed!

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