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Wii Sports, Animal Crossing Wii and Connect24 Details


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Interview with Starfox DS, Wii Sports + Animal Crossing creator:



Mr Eguchi, what was idea behind creating Wii Sports?


"Initially when I was told the features that would be included in the Wii, because of the motion sensor I thought that swinging is very natural. And when I was thinking about different applications for that swing I thought sport is something that everyone understands; everyone's picked up a racket at some point in their lives or swung a bat, so that's kind of how we came to use tennis, baseball and golf."



Will there be other sports featured in the game?


"Within the Wii Sports category there are action sports like tennis, baseball, golf and then we have motor sports, so you might see something like a jetski or a bike. There could be various applications within motor sports but they will all exist within the Wii Sports title.


"What's on the show floor is just kind of a sample. We don't know exactly what we'll have yet. There will probably be more action sports and motor sports."



Will the Wii Sports games be multiplayer?


"The baseball game that we have on the show floor is just a home run derby but there are also versions where one player is the pitcher and one is batting - both players using Wii Remotes. It's actually a lot of fun. I don't know if you've had chance to play it but there is a real battle between the pitcher and the batter because the pitcher could throw a fast ball and then on the next turn throw a slow ball, and throw the batter's timing off."



What can you tell us about a potential Animal Crossing game for Wii?


"Unfortunately there isn't a whole lot I can tell you right now but I can tell you that, because of the controller, you'll be chopping down trees by swinging your arm, you'll be digging holes by kind of making a digging motion at the ground, you'll be fishing just like you're holding a fishing rod.


"In addition, through WiiConnect24 even while a player isn't playing in their town, a friend could come visit them and leave them a letter or gift - so there's that aspect of the Wii that will definitely affect the game."



Can you give us any more examples of what WiiConnect24 will offer?


"If a player is playing a game where they have a score, it could be posted to a scoreboard showing all the rankings of people throughout the world. That might be one application. Unfortunately I can't really share any more than that because right now we're still very much in the planning stages.


"Also, you know the caricatures of Mr Iwata and Mr Miyamoto playing Wii Sports Tennis at the media briefing? Miyamoto-san has actually expressed a desire to allow people to create several such caricatures and send them out over WiiConnect24. That could be a possibility. Maybe if you have a member of your family that's particularly good at art, they might be able to pick up the Wii controller and create a caricature very simply. The images of Miyamoto-san and Iwata-san were also created very easily."



You're also working on StarFox DS. We were really impressed by the single-player game on the show floor. What will the online gameplay be like?


"It'll be similar to Mario Kart in that you can play online with friends and strangers, with four pilots in one match and everyone using an Arwing. So just think of Mario Kart as a guide to how StarFox will work."

As big fans of multiplayer Mario Kart, we can't wait to try it with StarFox! Mr Eguchi, thanks for your time.

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Hmm jetski in wiisports, could WaveRace be part of it or will it be a seperate game?


I think its quite possible Wii Sports will have simple versions of all these games (Motorbikes, Jet Ski's, Tennis, Golf, Baseball, Airplane etc.) with maybe one or two levels and the simple controls and then they'll be expanded into full deeper controls using Nintendo's existing franchises and be full games :)

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Guest Stefkov

i was right about people being able to visit your town over the connect24. however will it still work when the game isnt even in the wii?

cant wait to do al that in animal crossing. harvest moon should be quite funny, use a proper milking motion to milk your cow. hehe

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I hope the quantity of Wii sports titles doens't scare off developpers from pursuing that space for a dedicated title.

There is no doubt when you add more games you must compromise on depth and quality.


Wii sports will be fun but it's a bit of a proof-of-concept game, it's a bundle of mini games and they're not amazing.

It wont satisfy someone who wants a simulator.


For example I'd really like a proper Tennis game for Wii.

Might be shooting themselves in the foot on this one.

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"In addition, through WiiConnect24 even while a player isn't playing in their town, a friend could come visit them and leave them a letter or gift - so there's that aspect of the Wii that will definitely affect the game."

:shock: That's brilliant.


If Wii sports is a bigger collection than the three games they had it's more interesting. I doubt they're going to ask full price for it. Maybe they'll just include the disk with the Wii.

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I hope the quantity of Wii sports titles doens't scare off developpers from pursuing that space for a dedicated title.

There is no doubt when you add more games you must compromise on depth and quality.


Wii sports will be fun but it's a bit of a proof-of-concept game, it's a bundle of mini games and they're not amazing.

It wont satisfy someone who wants a simulator.


For example I'd really like a proper Tennis game for Wii.

Might be shooting themselves in the foot on this one.


I can see where you're coming from. They could have made big individual titles, and maybe that would have been better because then that would have been an extra 4-5 titles for the Wii.

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Yeah, they're just trying to do too much.

Having little characetures or however you spell it.. (characterchure) doesn't make up for not having licensed pro atheletes.


The kids might like it, but I think many adults will be drawn to titles that they can see their favourite atheletes in.

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I hope the quantity of Wii sports titles doens't scare off developpers from pursuing that space for a dedicated title.

There is no doubt when you add more games you must compromise on depth and quality.


Wii sports will be fun but it's a bit of a proof-of-concept game, it's a bundle of mini games and they're not amazing.

It wont satisfy someone who wants a simulator.


For example I'd really like a proper Tennis game for Wii.

Might be shooting themselves in the foot on this one.


There will be proper games for each genre - This is just a test, a way of appealing to everyone especially the kids and adults for whom a game where you control with a stick and use the fhc as a tennis racket would be too comple. Bringing out a load of short, simple games at a budget price means its something everyone and can enjoy and for those who want a deep experience we're sure to see full, big games at some point (Even if they are just using existing franchises)

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  • 4 months later...
Wouldn't it be cool if Animal Crossing Wii uses the data from the forecast channel to mimic the real weather conditions? That would be taking it one step further than just having the days follow the clock in the machine :)


yeah that would be cool. Weather and news could filter into the animial crossing experience. I hope when bird flu strikes we see death of biblical proportions.

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Wouldn't it be cool if Animal Crossing Wii uses the data from the forecast channel to mimic the real weather conditions? That would be taking it one step further than just having the days follow the clock in the machine :)


Yeah, I have been wondering that too. It would be perfect fit for games like Animal Crossing. :)


yeah that would be cool. Weather and news could filter into the animial crossing experience. I hope when bird flu strikes we see death of biblical proportions.


And tornado strikes all buildings down in your town! :)

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There will be proper games for each genre - This is just a test, a way of appealing to everyone especially the kids and adults for whom a game where you control with a stick and use the fhc as a tennis racket would be too comple. Bringing out a load of short, simple games at a budget price means its something everyone and can enjoy and for those who want a deep experience we're sure to see full, big games at some point (Even if they are just using existing franchises)


I agree, Wii Sports is just a way for Nintendo to turn heads and show everyone how the controller really works.


I had hella fun just playing the mini-games from super monkey ball 2, monkey tennis owned.

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