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Wii to be the E3 winner?


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So what console do you think it will be this years E3 winner?

If i remember correctly the DS was the winner last year.


Here's Info that makes me belive Wii will be this years E3 Winner.


To play a PS3 you have to wait in line for 30min (Small Que)

To play a Wii you have to wait in line for 4Hours (Huge Que)

Source: http://www.maxconsole.net/?mode=news&newsid=7148


And Pressconferance wise:


Gamespot Poll [at the time of writing this]:


Which E3 2006 press conference made the biggest impact?


Sony!!! 19020 (25%)

Nintendo!!! 30750 (41%)

Microsoft!!! 24852 (33%)



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I think Wii is the winner.Good to see that there is a long que to play it compared to the PS3.Shows a lot of popularity and fans getting drawn in.Great to see people thought the Nintendo conference was good,I severaly enjoyed it.

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It has to be the Wii, i'd surprised if when all the various awards are annouced if the Wii and its games are getting only a few. From the conference to the hype around teh booths and the amount of people playing (and enjoying) the games and the controller, surely Wii is a sure winner.


There is also a poll on Gamefaqs today. "Which systems Games most impressed you at this years E3?"


at time of writing Wii has a comanding lead of over 1100 votes over the PS3:yay:


Wii - 57.43% (21132)

PS3- 26.68% (9817)

360- 10.11% (3719)

PC - 2.63% (968)

DS - 2.3% (845)

PSP- 0.85% (312)

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I have posted this in general E3 discussion but it applies here too...




I just seen that on YouTube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mFQz98jAcg8


Its freakin amazing, all the trafic is racing to the Nintendo booth (actually amazed i still saw people walking...but it was still towards the Wii), the Sony reps at the end was funny, i can only imagine what would be going through their minds after seeing that.


If i was there i'd prolly try get a pair of roller blades with mini rockets attached, haha

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Here's one i found on YouTube when someone walked the enitre queue line, damn its long




And here's someone singing a song (in Portuguese) about this years E3



Can someone translate?


And God himself (Miyamoto-san) justifying the Wii name to Kotaku


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God damn it, it's Portuguese!


And his saying crap about everything, sony conference that copied the controller of wii, Nintendo conferece was full of fanboys and that the games had gba graphics, and microsoft that had nothing to show so said that gta4 was exclusive.


In the end was a pretty crappy song and he was smart enough not to show his face.

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I agree it'll be Nintendo's show. They've really caught everyone's attention. Microsoft did well too, I watched some of their conference and thought it was very well presented (but it didn't have Reggie or Miyamoto!).


Sony just stank. Plain and simple. The "new" PS3 joypad is dreadful, perhaps they should have stuck to the boomerang!


Just seeing all the reaction to the Wii was, and still is, amazing. :D

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If anyone wants more videos of this kind, Gamespot E3 blog has one of each, one stampede, one waiting line. (Scroll at the bottom)


Now that i got 15 post... here's the link to the blog :



Actually, the guy who took his camera and walked from the tail of the line to its head took six minutes to to it, talking a bit with the people waiting.


Side question : Which game will win the expo ?

My choice : Spore



Edited by Philoss
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Sony just stank. Plain and simple. The "new" PS3 joypad is dreadful, perhaps they should have stuck to the boomerang!


The boomerang was dung ugly, but it could not have been as uncomfortable as the normall pad, it leave me with sore fingers after playing on it.

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All these polls on the internet, all these reactions to Wii, all the people waiting to play it and running to the booths, have stated one thing in my book and that is Nintendo are back with a vengence.


Last time I checked the gamespot E3 one had the wii ahead at 42%, rembering that gamespot users are normaly sony made so normally every poll gets a million sony votes.

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Your dad went to E3 and didn't take you? Shame on him


Shame on Goron for not holding onto his dads leg and not letting go until he agreed to take him.




Acording to Matt from IGN all the IGN Editors are in agreement that the Wii stole the show. :)

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