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I believe that our perception of what a 'God' is is completely man-made and by default wrong. I mean, our word God is just a title that we've put on this vast unknown. 'God' is like saying 'so's your face', it works as an answer for pretty much anything.


Going from teh other thread about einstein; isn't God just a name for teh absence of knowledge? Plato believed that knowledge = good, so maybe what i have just said is a contradiction.. HMM!


yeah maybe i should of just used the other thread! but this question is defferent! sorry to religious people if this question offends you! sorry



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Yes, but Plato is not omniscient. As Friedrich Nietszche suggested in 'Beyond Good And Evil' (not the game), morality is simply a human construct. I do agree with Nietszche about religion being a form of opium for the masses, but I also believe that they've been purposefully construed for the purpose for a man from an origin of truth.


I'm not particularly religious, but historically speaking, there have been articles through time indicative of a God's will.


I think it's ignorant to out right say that there is, or isn't, a God. Flawed logic can never lead to solid conclusions, and no argument for or against the existence of God is without flaws. Believe what you will, but under the conditions of this current time, your beliefs will be beliefs, and nothing more.


Réne Descartes would humbly disagree.


The first precept was never to accept a thing as true until I knew it as such without a single doubt.


And where did his lead him?


Cogito, ergo sum.


Descartes is also one of the reasons I believe in a God, the man is a genius. I recommend reading his meditations I-V. He goes from proving he exists, all the way to almost proving the existence of a God.

And what exactly is your conscience? A moral guideline erected by whom? And do other animals have this conscience too?







I believe that our perception of what a 'God' is is completely man-made and by default wrong. I mean, our word God is just a title that we've put on this vast unknown. 'God' is like saying 'so's your face', it works as an answer for pretty much anything.


Was going to say the same in slightly different words.

I would imagine that those sharkies don't have much of a conscience. They're all eat now, think later.

Damn those hedonistic pigs!


i think there is a god, he created the universe, altho god isnt a white man, nor is he old, nor does he have a big white beard, i believe him to be a force that keeps the universe together. i personally dont think he controls our lives. thats my understanding

i personally dont think he controls our lives.

That'd be the free will gifted to humans. I agree with that sentiment that God is less of a 'he' and more of an abstract concept. Something along the lines of God being a collection of all the forces in existence.

i think there is a god, he created the universe, altho god isnt a white man, nor is he old, nor does he have a big white beard, i believe him to be a force that keeps the universe together. i personally dont think he controls our lives. thats my understanding


So baisicly what your saying God isnt santa :p.


Yes I do belive there is a God, Im not a die had christian but I do belive and pray at least once a day. I suppose its something you either belive or you dont.


Judging by some of the people I've met on the internet, I'm going to have to say no.


I can't take the idea of God seriously as it is too contradictory, vague, and generally shambolic. Some type of universal power? Well, at least that's too vague to be self conflicting.


I do think there is something 'more' to life: spirit, the Force, gaia, whatever. However, there is too much that is known that I don't yet understand to get caught up with something that has had its existence contested for thousands of years.


I'd like to point out that science already has a lot of proof on how the universe was created. So the theory of god creating the universe seems a like a fantasy story to me tbh.

Personally i don't believe in god, or a certain higher force. I believe in cold hard facts, science, math, the laws of physics and evolution.

Personally i don't believe in god, or a certain higher force. I believe in cold hard facts, science, math, the laws of physics and evolution.

Science is just another form of belief. I'm not belittling it, I'm just saying that if you want 'cold hard facts' then not even the guys in white coats can give you a definitive answer.


Do I believe there is a old man with a white beard, sitting in heaven controlling everything with his PS3? :p Not really.


I agree with the unknown statement. Its humans way of grasping the ungraspable.




Do I believe in a higher intelligence? Yep. A conscience beyond our normal grasp. Only visible by the divine. So, eat that. :p

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