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best album for non sex/drugs


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I just looked that up on iTunes and it is just the sort of thing I was looking for. In fact I just ordered 'Agaetis Byrjun', 'Takk', and '( )' from CD-Wow. Thanks.

No problem. As far as I'm concerned, the more people who discover the band, the better. :)


I have to echo the Radiohead love too. They create the most deep and immersive pieces of music. "Motion Picture Soundtrack" has brought me to tears many times.

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My favourite album in the world would be Kid A by Radiohead.


But other albums that bring out all sorts of emotions in me would be Yoshimi Battles The Pink Robots by The Flaming Lips.


The Queen is Dead by The Smiths.


Closer by Joy Division.


And last but not least Cast of Thousands by Elbow.

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My favourite album in the world would be Kid A by Radiohead.


But other albums that bring out all sorts of emotions in me would be Yoshimi Battles The Pink Robots by The Flaming Lips.


The Queen is Dead by The Smiths.


Closer by Joy Division.


And last but not least Cast of Thousands by Elbow.


Hold on, so you like Radiohead?! :heh: bastardface :hehe:


I can't get enough of Larks' Tongues in Aspic by King Crimson, incredible progressive rock band from the 70s. More bands should have two percussionists, Jamie Muir's playing is incredible.


:) *Proud to start all the good music love*

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I'm probably one of the biggest Radiohead fans you'll meet [unless you go on atease forums].


I have all 6 LPs.


3 EPs [i might Be Wrong, My Iron Lung and Itch].


A Australian only double EP titled "Lost Treasures 1993-1997".


A couple of unofficial live CDs inclusing both Glastonbury sets.


Plus quite a few live sets downloaded of the 'net.

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Hold on, so you like Radiohead?! :heh: bastardface :hehe:


I can't get enough of Larks' Tongues in Aspic by King Crimson, incredible progressive rock band from the 70s. More bands should have two percussionists, Jamie Muir's playing is incredible.


:) *Proud to start all the good music love*


King Crimson are awesome. Unfortunately a lot of people in this generation don't know exactly what they represent. They are highly regarded as one of the forerunners of the progressive genre, and one of the longest running bands at present.


Good to meet another fan. Nice name too ;)

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Actually when that first came out, I was totally into that kind of music. I loved the band and the CD, and thought that I would never like any album better. Granted that was a good few years ago, and my tastes have changed, but I know where you're coming from at least.


yay thanks :)


Linkin Park suck now...i liked meteora. not as much. but now they have gone into the rap scene too much for my liking. and i hate Jay Z


i agree with soag.... snow patrol. yay.

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Wes, yeah, I'm a regular visitor and occasional member of atease, the fans on there are pretty crazy, like all that "WHAT IF RH WERE DOGS?" and "Thoms lips!" and that. Good source of unreleased and live stuff, but most of 'em can't stand Coldplay or even Muse. Respect, anyway, I have all LPs but Pablo Honey, 2EPS (I Might Be Wrong and Com Lag), a couple of their live sets (both Glasto's are incredible, and Berlin 2001 for THAT Kid A), and about half their B sides.


Also, Bionic whashis face, hey!, nice to know there are people (or person, even) on this board who appreciate prog rock past Pink Floyd, and King Crimson really are incredible.

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My best album for walking to college is probably something like American Hi-Hi - The Art of Losing as it's pretty much the exact length from my front door to my college, and it's pop-punk so I get a little rebelistic after a listen, which is good for college; keeps you on your toes! Audioslave's first album is also good as it wakes me up a little.


For the walk home I prefer Jimmy Eat World - Bleed American, I don't really know why. But then, I love that CD for pretty much anything at all.


I'm not afraid to admit that I like to blast out some cheese-tastic Linkin park when I feel particularly teenage after an argumant with a parental unit. Full blast, windows open, knowing you're annoying at least three neighbours does the trick.


David Grey - White ladder used to be an album I'd listen to jsut before I go to sleep.. Strange I know, but the second to last track (I THINK) Sail Away was always nice to start dreams with.


The Used (self-titled) is another album alongside JEW that I just love and could listen to forever, anywhere doing anything. When chosing what CD's to take to college i pretty much always take those two and.. thassit. Definately two of my five desert island discs.

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ive been to see the mars volta, it was the strangest gig ever, there were no support acts and i couldnt tell when one song ended and another began, i swear to you for an hour and half the drummer did not stop once, there was always constant noise, no gaps in between songs, it was all very strange..... im not a massive fan but i do have the album and like a couple of songs, i only went cos my mate had a spare tickets! one of his other friends walked out half way through as he just didnt like it.

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i have seen them twice. the first time was before their first album came out and it was like a normal gig.

but the second time was on the most recent tour in march, and it was just a long jam, which i loved, as i am a big big fan, but i know some other people who went who didnt like it and i can see why you wouldnt like it if you werent a huge fan. it was a pretty eleitist gig i guess.

going to see them again in november :)

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for the albums that just capture you heart and soul its gotta be Grace by Jeff Buckley. I love it so, so much i cant even begin to describe how much i like it. s'the only album to bring me to the edge of tears too.


some close runners up would be radiohead on either OK Computer or Kid A. just brilliant albums that really just make you think.


also gotta mention Turn Out the Bright Lights. say hello to the angels is playing right now and its so very good. mmmm.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Am I the only one who finds radiohead pretentiously boring? Yeah, OK computer was good, but besides that, they seem to have produced average drivel devoid of imaginaton, but rather, stacked with a unique albeit bad flavour that they hope will carry them away. That's how I feel anyway.

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How can you be pretentiously boring?


Pretentious means when you think you are thinkl you deserve merit and think you are right, most of the time when you are wrong or it is unjustified.


I don't think Radiohead do that, and I would like you to find an example of them doing this.


As for boring . . .


Well that's your opinion isn't it, I know plenty of people who will disagree.

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Am I the only one who finds radiohead pretentiously boring? Yeah, OK computer was good, but besides that, they seem to have produced average drivel devoid of imaginaton, but rather, stacked with a unique albeit bad flavour that they hope will carry them away. That's how I feel anyway.


First album okay, second great, and third amazing, then drivel.

I find that bands do that all the time, start out great and then just sink into stuff that I don't like. *curses Pearl Jam's recent offering*

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How can you be pretentiously boring?


Pretentious means when you think you are thinkl you deserve merit and think you are right, most of the time when you are wrong or it is unjustified.


I don't think Radiohead do that, and I would like you to find an example of them doing this.


As for boring . . .


Well that's your opinion isn't it, I know plenty of people who will disagree.

i think he just means that they are overblown and pretentious in quite a tiresome, cliched way. imo their second album was great but other than that they have produced a hell of a lot of mindless drivel. don't get me wrong, i like a lot of arty, pretentious music, but only as long as it's done well. radiohead's orchestral moments can touch on brilliance though, and for anyone who can listen to an entire album of theirs without falling asleep , try jonny greenwood's soundtrack to the arthouse film bodysong, it kicks kid a's poxy ass any day of the week :heh:

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