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Super Paper Mario


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What? Sorry?


I'm saying 'When has Nintendo ever released two major games in the space of two months?'.


Thats all i'm asking. I don't think it's a good idea to release two major Mario games within 2 months including Brawl and Metroid, do you? i doubt it will happen, it'll be great if it does though! :D


Do Nintendo see SPM as a "major" Mario game? It's technically just a spin-off.

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Thats all i'm asking. I don't think it's a good idea to release two major Mario games within 2 months including Brawl and Metroid, do you? i doubt it will happen, it'll be great if it does though! :D
It wouldn't be my choice either, but Mario Galaxy is the game this Winter. It appeals to just about every piece of audience the Wii has gathered so far, and Super Paper Mario is not nearly enough reason to delay it - see Teppo's post.
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  • 2 weeks later...
Hmh, according to Aussie-Nintendo, OFLC, Australia's rating board has given rating for Super Paper Mario. Really good news, as rating process can't even start before OFLC has final version of the PAL disc. Now we only need PEGI rating. :bouncy:


Yup - it's here. Good news, then.

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We have had Mario Footy as this month's first party Wii game, Mario Party is next month's offering, so I'd imagine it is possible that it will be released at the end of July. But then again, Nintendo are releasing Pokemon on the DS then, so maybe they will hold it back till August, incase it overshadows PM, seeing as everyone will be buying Pokemon really.

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But then again, Nintendo are releasing Pokemon on the DS then, so maybe they will hold it back till August, incase it overshadows PM, seeing as everyone will be buying Pokemon really.


One possibility is that Nintendo releases Pokemon Battle Revolution in july. Double pokèattack.

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But then again, Nintendo are releasing Pokemon on the DS then, so maybe they will hold it back till August, incase it overshadows PM, seeing as everyone will be buying Pokemon really.
This is ridiculous :hmm: The games are hardly related except for the fact that they're Nintendo games, they DO NOT affect each other... Likewise, Halo 3 does not affect BWii's sales, it's just too far out.
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This is so stupid.



wii needs games NOW!


I reckon there keeping it under-wraps until the six-week holiday, so i'm guessing we could see this in August still.


Alot of people (included me) complained when GC was out (and all other consoles come to think of it) that when it's summer no games come out and it's stupid because you still like to play games every now and then, just a little less.


So they maybe releasing a 'longer game' (i think Paper Mario takes 35-40 hours,could be wrong) to get us through the summer.


Good idea? I think so...


EDIT: Oh and remember we've got Manhunt 2, Trauma (hopefully), Big Brain Acadamy and Scarface all out in July as well. I think it's too good of a month to release a Mario game. August has nought, so...it makes sense.

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Alot of people (included me) complained when GC was out (and all other consoles come to think of it) that when it's summer no games come out and it's stupid because you still like to play games every now and then, just a little less.


Releasing it in summer for the reasons you site would fit in with what Reggie said at the recent Media Event about Nintendo wanting to get away from relying on the Christmas Holiday and maximising sales of key titles through the year.

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Metroid Prime 3 will come out in August. They're not for the life of them going to risk releasing it in the same month or after Halo 3, so it will come out in August in every territory (minus Japan). Pushing it would be the first week of September.


I can see Super Paper Mario filling a gap in either July or October. Nintendo don't want to put anything out near Halo 3, and with Battalion Wars 2 already set in September anything more would simply ruin a games sales.


July only has Big Brain Academy from NIntendo, and about 5 promising third party games.


October seems right to me, Halo 3 won't have as much hype around it any more, SMG and SSBB will be a bit later, and it's a good place between the last Mario Game (party in June) and next (Galaxy a few months later).


I honestly don't have a clue though, how are Nintendo going to fit all these games in? We're forgetting they still need to try slot in stuff like Fire Emblem, Pokemon Battle Revolution, DK Jet, D: DoC and Project H.A.M.M.E.R.


End of the day it seems like quite a few games are going to have to be pushed back until 2008, and although I don't see Super Paper Mario being one of them, we're going to be receiving some games alot later then we should hope.

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October seems right to me, Halo 3 won't have as much hype around it any more, SMG and SSBB will be a bit later, and it's a good place between the last Mario Game (party in June) and next (Galaxy a few months later).


Are you kidding people will still be creaming themselves over Halo 3 for years after! Ok so the hype will have died down but it will still be there, to say there won't be any...

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Are you kidding people will still be creaming themselves over Halo 3 for years after! Ok so the hype will have died down but it will still be there, to say there won't be any...


I said it won't have as much, not there won't be any. It'll still be stupidly over-hyped, but not so much that it'll ruin the sales of any game released a month after it :D.

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Your forgetting GTA as well, which will totally 100% blow everything else out of the water whatever is released around it!


The only games i can see giving it a fight in the sales department is Mario Galaxy or Brawl...even so, GTA games are a tough cookie to beat...


Not sure really, it'll be a good idea just not to release anything near GTA or Halo 3., thats my opinion anyway.

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Metroid Prime 3 will come out in August. They're not for the life of them going to risk releasing it in the same month or after Halo 3, so it will come out in August in every territory (minus Japan). Pushing it would be the first week of September.
The games don't compete. Nintendo won't hestitate to release it in September/October if localisation or their politics (releasing this game in August) require it.
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Your forgetting GTA as well, which will totally 100% blow everything else out of the water whatever is released around it!


The only games i can see giving it a fight in the sales department is Mario Galaxy or Brawl...even so, GTA games are a tough cookie to beat...


The thing is with GTA is that this time it aint on the PS2. The PS3 and 360 userbase isnt exactly the same size as that so I doubt it will sell as many copies as the pervious generations GTA games. You are right in saying that the GTA games are popular though, I personally had my fill by the time S.A had arrived, game was just too freakin big.


Back on topic with SPM, why hasnt a date been given for this game yet? Surely they must have an idea by now when it is coming over here.

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