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Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn


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Please, spoiler tags, anyone?


Im glad im very carefull with that, almost spoiled there xD


Well, so far, everyone has put Spoiler Tags. (Which is very nice. Thank you all.)


If you're talking about the whole Ike/Soren/Sothe children triangle, I don't think that's a spoiler. Just...sillyness. :heh:

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Rolf killed Zihark >_> I saved on the 11th round and no matter how many times I reset either Boyd or Rolf killed Zihark, one time they killed both Zihark and Jill. I really hope this is the last time I have to use characters solely from Micahai's team. Most of them are really bad.

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Its much longer than POR. I just completed it now on Easy mode. The time reads about 65 hours. This does not include the countless times I've had to reset it.


This game is brilliant. If you love POR (which I did) this will be a joy as it's a continuation of that game in every way you can imagine.


Time to see if I have unlocked the FMV's. You get a round up of what happens to all the characters at the end. The story concludes very well in the end.


You get some neat extras like:


Sound room where you can listen to all the music from the game - some are still diabled. Maybe need to play on harder difficulty to unlock them? The music is great.


Theater - watch all the great FMV's again. They are really great.


Event - You get to watch al the conversations again - by character as well.


Records - all the games records.

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Oh that's not good. Im supposed to be working on a review for the main site, im a week late already and i'd figured 45-50 tops :shakehead


I see you are looking forward to playing it :heh:


So i reached endgame, only Ike keeps dying...what happens is that he gets put to sleep,then he gets sandwiched by two long-range spells and with 13hp left anything near can walk up to him and finish him off...The rest of the map isn't even that tough, if it weren't for those damn sleep staffs =(


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Im really struggling to get into this which is weird as I loved the Cube FE. Too many of my units are just far too under powered at the start of the game and end up die after 1 shot. Im having to rely on the same units over and over again which will no doubt cost me in the long run. Im still near the start, about 5-6 levels in, anyone got any tips on how to get about this under powered problem?

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Use Nolan alot, he's really good at the start of the game, but now overleveled like Sothe, so he actually gains something from it. Edward can also be a great unit, but he'll need some taking care of in the first few levels. Try to get him an earth support with someone ASAP.


Volug is great for weakening the monsters. He doesn't really get enough exp from them, so try not to kill them.


Furthermore, make sure you let Micaiah get enough exp, or she'll be weak for the entire game. (It might just be my Micaiah though, her is speed was like 14 at the start of part 4 =( )

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Im really struggling to get into this which is weird as I loved the Cube FE. Too many of my units are just far too under powered at the start of the game and end up die after 1 shot. Im having to rely on the same units over and over again which will no doubt cost me in the long run. Im still near the start, about 5-6 levels in, anyone got any tips on how to get about this under powered problem?


Are you playing on normal? I started off on normal and it was deadly cos Micaiah and Edward, etc, all died in one hit and it was pretty frustrating. I restarted on easy and did Part One without many/ any problems, but I haven't played the game since reaching Part Two.


Nolan is a powerhouse, but Sothe was a bit of a weakling by the end of Part One. Other characters that joined were really useful- namely the laguz and another suprise addition.

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Ok, i finally finished the game.


The endgame was great, but the actual ending was kind of weak...


It got kind of confusing at the end, I killed ashera, but she kept on coming back, even though i managed to off her 3 times in 1 turn...after which she killed off ike. So i loaded a battle save, attack her once with Ike and BAM! cut-scene & end of the game...i really wonder what happened there.


I lost Brom in the end. I was so close and just couldn't be bothered restarting that last chapter. That screenwide attack Ashera does really had me confused, I had no clue who'd be getting howmuch damage from it.


Oh and...I KNEW IT! Ike & Soren took off to have babies together!



Starting a new playthrough soon, though i suspect i won't be able to get past part 1 on hard mode.

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You have to use your weak characters whenever you can to pick up more experience points. All about stategy. Use 2 or 3 characters to kill an enemy where possible so they all pick up experience points.


Give bonus experience to your weak units. If you just use your strong characters to finish off enemies in one blow, your weak units won't level up.

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Be careful with the bonus experience. It can really hurt characters with a good growth rate. Leveling with bonus experience will always give you three stat points, no more no less. You should only use it when a character is at level 15+(regardless of class) and has maxed at least two stats. In the field the characters are less likely to get a good stat increase the more stats they have maxed.


I also use a second method to maximize the stats, but it may feel like cheating to some of you. Before attacking an enemy, save. If you level up and get one or two stat increase, reset and try again until you get three or more. There's no quick save in this game so you can reset and load the same file over and over. Remember to save after you have leveled up with stats you are happy with.

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I just got this game today. I've loved the series since I got the GBA game. Completed POR not long ago, brilliant from start to finish. This new one though, i've heard it was hard but what the hell! I consider myself a veteran so I stuck it on Normal, thinking now maybe that was a mistake. I died about 6 times on chapter 1...

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I just got this game today. I've loved the series since I got the GBA game. Completed POR not long ago, brilliant from start to finish. This new one though, i've heard it was hard but what the hell! I consider myself a veteran so I stuck it on Normal, thinking now maybe that was a mistake. I died about 6 times on chapter 1...


Tell me about it. I have completed all the GBA games on hard and was about half way though PoR on hard without many restarts (then gave up) but this is on another level! I have (just) completed the first chapter of the second part without dying which is the first level I have played iwthout a restart.


The extra difficulty is cool however.

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