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Disaster: Day of Crisis

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It's somewhat disheartening that Monolith Soft will be the ones working on this project. It sounds more like a game Monolith Production would be working on. Monolith Soft does RPGs and this game sounds pretty good; it would be a shame to waste such a good idea with a team that's still pretty new to the type of game I think Disaster is. I hope I'm wrong.


Incidentally, anyone remember this game:



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IGN Interview. :)


IGN Wii recently interviewed Hirohide Sugiura, producer of Baten Kaitos Origins for GameCube and president of Japanese development studio Monolith Soft. Readers can click over to our GCN channel for a wealth of new details on Origins. But Sugiura offered a nugget or two about the company's forthcoming Wii game, Disaster: Day of Crisis. Here's what he had to say:


IGN Wii: Tell us a little about Disaster: Day of Crisis if you will. What's the story?


Hirohide Sugiura: The official announcement has not been made yet, so you may want to ask Nintendo regarding this. When you see it, you may feel that this something different from the types of games we have worked on before.



The main character in Disaster: Day of Crisis for Wii



IGN Wii: Monolith is known for RPGs. What motivated you to start a non-RPG product like Disaster? Or does it have more in common with the role-playing genre than we realize?


Hirohide Sugiura: I think it is only because our company started with RPGs, but we are always examining various ideas and various possibilities. Disaster is one of them. But, it does not mean that we have changed direction. We are also developing a RPG game separately. Please wait for detailed information about Disaster to be disclosed in the future.


IGN Wii: With E3 gone and passed, when can we expect more info on the game? When can we see it in action?


Hirohide Sugiura: The development of the title is reaching to its climax, so I think you can see this some time in the near future. Please ask Nintendo for the timing when it can be revealed.


IGN: Games like Baten Kaitos and Day of Crisis seem to add a more adult feel to Nintendo consoles that are often not seen. Why are mature games such an oddity for the Big N? Do you find that the adult nature of your games add to their success, or hinder them?


Hirohide Sugiura: I do not think Nintendo is not making games for adults. I think Nintendo is creative many new projects and opening up new markets. I believe Disaster falls within this category.


Also, we are not really comfortable when we are considered a developer who develops games only for adults. We do not think we should deny our unique characteristics, but we believe this is an age where we have to pursue a variety of possibilities. I hope you are looking forward to our future announcements as much as we are making them.

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Hirohide Sugiura: The development of the title is reaching to its climax, so I think you can see this some time in the near future

Could this game be released this year???

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I thought this game was expected for the end of 2007, wasn't it in very early development at E3?

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Yeah looks like there are some parts of Disaster seen in the trailer.


I so long for new information for this game...

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The idea is very promising but the silence around this game is quite worrying. If this is a Q1 title we should have heard more about this, right?

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Maybe its just me, but the animation in Disaster looks weird, not to say bad.


agreed.The animation Looks bad imo.

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new image.



That pic reminded me of the Ghost Hall blg in Shenmue II :heh:

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After having another look at the first few seconds of gameplay footage to be shown, it doesn't look that bad, Wii needs games like this and its good were getting a game like this. Disaster and Project Hammer just look similar to each other with respect to combat, appearance, story line similarities, graphics etc.

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Storywise Disaster will probably rock, as Monolith Soft has quite good track record on that side:


# Xenosaga Episode I: Der Wille zur Macht (2002, PlayStation 2)

# Baten Kaitos: Eternal Wings and the Lost Ocean (2003, GameCube)

# Xenosaga: Episode I: Reloaded (2003, PlayStation 2)

# Xenosaga Freaks (2004, PlayStation 2)

# Xenosaga Episode II: Jenseits von Gut und Böse (2004, PlayStation 2)

# Xenosaga: Pied Piper (2004, Mobile)

# Namco x Capcom (2005, PlayStation 2)

# Baten Kaitos Origins (2006, GameCube)

# Xenosaga Episode III: Also sprach Zarathustra (2006, PlayStation 2)

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Storywise Disaster will probably rock, as Monolith Soft has quite good track record on that side:


# Xenosaga Episode I: Der Wille zur Macht (2002, PlayStation 2)

# Baten Kaitos: Eternal Wings and the Lost Ocean (2003, GameCube)

# Xenosaga: Episode I: Reloaded (2003, PlayStation 2)

# Xenosaga Freaks (2004, PlayStation 2)

# Xenosaga Episode II: Jenseits von Gut und Böse (2004, PlayStation 2)

# Xenosaga: Pied Piper (2004, Mobile)

# Namco x Capcom (2005, PlayStation 2)

# Baten Kaitos Origins (2006, GameCube)

# Xenosaga Episode III: Also sprach Zarathustra (2006, PlayStation 2)


I hope so because normally Monolith games are only good because they are co-developed by Tri-Ace.

The storyline seems to be something fresh so I guess it shouldn't be too hard to make a great game out of it.

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I think Disaster looks pretty good,though i'm not that interested in Project H.A.M.M.E.R.

Nice list Teppo,this should have a good story and maybe some twists.I can't really see this coming out within the next few months though due to lack of news.Here's hoping we get some soon.

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I was hyped when I knew nothing about this game.. now I've seen screenshots it looks uninspiringly boring.


No sale.

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This game SHOULD turn out better than Geist.


I'm getting that smell of Geist too:


Great Idea, Poorly Executed.


Hopefully Monolith will manage to make this a great game.

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It's going to be like that game on the PS2 isn't it? Wheres theres a earthquake and you have to save people. Forgot the name, but it's not a bad game.


This is looking very promising.

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