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Disaster: Day of Crisis


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The artwork is inspiring, i wonder what the storyline will be.. like, there are picture of the guy with a gun, what's he gonna do shoot tornados?


I'd imagine as its full of natural disasters it will cause people to go crazy trying to survive. Riots will preceed etc so its just for self defence.

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This beats any movie-tie in though.

Creative freedom > Movie license $$$

Actually, there's a European Monolith and a Japanese Monolith. The European did FEAR for PC I believe, but the Japanese one is making this game.


About the storyline - I don't think there'll be much of a storyline, just pure chaos. Maybe it's an end of the world scenario :smile:

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I'd imagine as its full of natural disasters it will cause people to go crazy trying to survive. Riots will preceed etc so its just for self defence.


Wasn't there going to be a game about escaping distasters, like the titanic etc? I'm sure I read about soemthing like that I while back....???

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The artwork is inspiring, i wonder what the storyline will be.. like, there are picture of the guy with a gun, what's he gonna do shoot tornados?


There is that small fact of the small Rogue Special Forces unit who happen to have stolen a nuclear warhead :heh:


I reckon the natural disasters will have been started by that group using some sort of super-weapon...

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There is that small fact of the small Rogue Special Forces unit who happen to have stolen a nuclear warhead :heh:


I reckon the natural disasters will have been started by that group using some sort of super-weapon...


*Looks at own post above*


Ya think?

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Ahh, why would you want nukes in a crisis like this, like you're even gonna need to blow it up..

Still, it does sound and look good


Propaly to seize controll of what is left, when the mayhem is over. Prpaly like:

Ah finally the storms have ended!

Great now bow down to us


*points at nuke*

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Its being developed by Monolith who traditionally make atmospheric First Person titles - I think this may well be the same. It sounds really promising :grin:

Also, Monolith are developing this. They're the people behind Xenosaga, so that's a good sign.

I doubt it is the japanese Monolith Software Group because they only make RPGs and Disaster: Day of Crisis looks more like a action adventure. So I guess the developers of Fear make a Nintendo game.


It seems you're all pretty confused by who's making this. Just to let you all know that Monolith Productions (Fear, Condemned) and Monolith Software (Xenosaga, Baten Kaito's) are not the same company, and they aren't even related as western and eastern studios. It is just one of them should have checked before they named their company.


And the studio which is making this is Monolith Software, and it's not the Xenosaga team that are making it (a good thing), it's the Baten Kaito's team which is creating it. So that's all good.


Someone from Monolith Productions (Fear, Condemned) confirmed they have nothing to do with it.

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It seems you're all pretty confused by who's making this. Just to let you all know that Monolith Productions (Fear, Condemned) and Monolith Software (Xenosaga, Baten Kaito's) are not the same company, and they aren't even related as western and eastern studios. It is just one of them should have checked before they named their company.


And the studio which is making this is Monolith Software, and it's not the Xenosaga team that are making it (a good thing), it's the Baten Kaito's team which is creating it. So that's all good.


Someone from Monolith Productions (Fear, Condemned) confirmed they have nothing to do with it.


Gamespot, IGN etc. all seem quite convinced its Monolith Productions who are making it and I can find no denial of that from the company anywhere. Neither companies official site has any mention of the game.


From a personal point of view I would much rather this be made by Monolith Productions but it is more probable that its actually being done by Monolith Software :(


Edit: Nintendo's Press Site says its Monolith Soft so that'll do for me. I have to say I'm severely disappointed by that though although I won't say its totally dampened by interest in the game as nothing has been shown, just the interest had come about in the first place largely cos Monolith Productions are such damn good developers.

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Gamespot, IGN etc. all seem quite convinced its Monolith Productions who are making it and I can find no denial of that from the company anywhere. Neither companies official site has any mention of the game.


From a personal point of view I would much rather this be made by Monolith Productions but it is more probable that its actually being done by Monolith Software :(


Edit: Nintendo's Press Site says its Monolith Soft so that'll do for me. I have to say I'm severely disappointed by that though although I won't say its totally dampened by interest in the game as nothing has been shown, just the interest had come about in the first place largely cos Monolith Productions are such damn good developers.


Just noticed your edit there, as I've just taken a print screen from there. Gamespot just have it listed as Monolith, while IGN have it down for Monolith Productions. But Monolith Productions staff have said they aren't making it.


I wouldn't be worried though, as Baten Kaito's is a superb game apparently, so this could turn out very well.


May aswell post the print screen I suppose.



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I think it will have a story tbh, if you consider the scale that things have been represented to us- and the plot seems to be revolving around disaster. Therefore it will probably rely on our resourcefulness to get out of this situation- I really think there has to be some direction if the game is going to live up to the scale by offering a good life.


I think it will have sub plots to make the experience varied.

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To clarify further:


Monolith Soft is a japanese entertainment company making console games and recently games for cellphones. They made the Xenosaga series which they are usually associated with. They also made Baten Kaitos and they are indeed making Disaster: Day of Crisis


Monolith Productions is an american game developer studio, which are mostly know for their Lithtech engine. They have made mostly PC games, the best known being: No One Lives Forever 1 & 2, Tron 2.0 and F.E.A.R. They also made Condemned: Criminal Origins for the Xbox 360 and later the PC.


Hope this clarifys things. Oh, and on topic: I think this game looks really interesting, I hope we'll see some in-game footage soon.

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