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Marvel ultimate aliance wii screens


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Meh, the Cube could do those. i wont be getting this game anyway so it doesnt bother me really (To clear up, the graphics arent the reason, Im genuinly not interested in it). That being said some of the character moddles look nice.

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Im curious Munky, is your sig quote in regards to the Sony press conference? :laughing:


Hahaha no, though it is appropriate. Its the words at the end of a KoRn song/interlude. Trippy bagpipe and voice effects with what sounds like the music from Resi 4 when the trader is around and heavy breathing. Trippy.

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  • 3 months later...

Ugh, I guess the shots in the original post weren't Wii version after all then, the Thing looks far worse in the new shots. In fact, EVERYTHING does, they don't even have proper shadows in the Wii version, just terrible circle ones, the 360 ones will at least look good in motion. Bah.


http://www.playerone.be/galleries/images/WIIMUALI/Screenshots%20Editor/wiimarvel%20(14).jpg what is this shit meant to be?


Comparing it to this is an absolute joke and neither of the shots look anywhere NEAR "360 level" to me.

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there barly ds, psp levels the texture quality is not all that great and there is nearly no detail on the faces. im pretty sure in a video interview activision said the wii version was using normal mapping like the 360 and ps3 version but with lower rez models.

im calling fake on these screen shots untill activision releases some offical ones for the wii.

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