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Final Fantasy CC: The Crystal Bearers!


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Maybe with all of the 3rd party stuff not selling that well in Japan they have decided to shift it to say the DS? I mean its not as if we had any solid gameplay footage from when they changed it, it was just a clip here and there with some FMVs. Or was it all FMV? I cant remember now.
Third party stuff sells, as long as you know what you're doing and appealing to the right people.


This said... Square-Enix is the one company who doesn't have that problem, regardless of the console.


Yet they still support PSP with above the mark investment on both FF7:Crisis Core and now Kingdom Hearts; my point being... Money should not be the issue for Square, specially when thrying to break through a console who is leading in sales. (just like they did with DS, actually)

I really hope this isnt the case thoough as the Wii does need a good JRPG. Hell this next gen so far has had nothing apart from Blue Dragon that has satisfied my RPG needs. At least the DS, VC ( im not counting that as the Wii :) ) and GBA have gave me my fix.
Too early for Wii, but seems like it has a good amount of RPG's coming, lets hope it consolidates that position.


On PSone RPG's and game sales only broke through with FF7, despite the system already leading in hardware sales, it was actually considered a more casual system because every cross platform game released in Japan would sell more on Saturn despite the smaller userbase. Really similar right?


We just need the right games to break through, IMO.

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This is confusing. They released the original CC game on the GameCube which didn't sell a lot of third-party games to start with, but it surely would have sold more on the Wii. I hope it hasn't been cancelled since it sounded almost complete just before the Wii launch...

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well at the time of the first video I think that's all they had, a pre-rendered teaser video with some rough ideas for the game
They had "on-spec in-game ready" material though:




Lots of polygons and even crap ground textures in there; strange, considering with rendering software you could just enable NURBS (of course, even if this wasn't, probably the part with the airships would be pre-rendered). But it wouldn't be that normal to do a pre-rendered video like this (not with assets like that); specially considering it's Square-Enix we're talking about; if... this was all FMV it would be stuck in Chrono Cross era. (last Square game I've seen with Polygons showing up in the FMV's)

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Ah ok... completely forgot about the first video. It was so long ago!


Y'see, considering the amount of actual game material in the latest movie, I would have thought that completion wouldn't have been a difficult task. What could have gone so wrong?

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^ Is this it?


For the last CC game, you emphasized connectivity between the GBA and the GC. Now you have the Wii and the DS. Will there be any sort of connectivity between the two systems?


Kamiyama: There are no plans for direct connection between the Wii Crystal Bearers and the DS Ring of Fates at this time. Since Crystal Bearers is still under development, we can’t share too much about it yet. They’re entirely separate games, nothing is shared between them, although they share a similar worldview. We think that people who play Ring of Fates will find certain things to smile at when they play through Crystal Bearers, however.

Source: http://games.kikizo.com/news/200803/046_p1.asp (published in March 17, 2008)
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Square-Enix are idiots. Almost two years on from the Wii launch (when Square originally announced it for launch in America) and they clearly didn't have any intentions of releasing this or Dragon Quest (only just come out) at launch. Don't announce a date if you can't even make it two years later.

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It'll probably show up at E3 in some form, but this IS SE afterall. They are the kind of company that can tell gamers to go screw off since they are not done with development and no matter when they release it, it'll sell well. Especially if it is a FF, DQ, or KH title. They'll do what they want when they want and when a company can do that, it means they have considerable power in any one industry.


But with that said, they won't cancel this. This is a FF title, the name alone ensures it'll sell a 1+ million regardless if it sucks or not.

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