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Been playing this, up to the civilisation stage and probably enjoyed the create stage the most. I thought the cell stage reminded me of the game Flow quite a bit. This game is a blast and has a nice variety of gameplay elements, which stops it getting stale straight off.

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Guest Stefkov

I've been playing it over an hour now. I thought the first stage was great. I wish it had lasted longer though. I was all grown up after about half an hour.

I've been on a rampage, dominating the area around my original nest. I've buddied up with some wierd chicken type creatures.


I think I'll kill them some time.

PS: how do ye get to play as a spore of one of your own creations/get other peoples creations in your game? I didn't read the manual, sue me.


Haha, I just had an awesome idea. Spore and Yakult should do a cross promo.


The advert: You could have some evil looking creatures fighting against some good looking creatures. These represent good bacteria and bad bacteria. Then in flies some friendly bacteria on a UFO, befriend the good bacteria, and kill the bad bacteria.


Then you get Spore advertising on the Yakult packaging.





Haha, I just had an awesome idea. Spore and Yakult should do a cross promo.


The advert: You could have some evil looking creatures fighting against some good looking creatures. These represent good bacteria and bad bacteria. Then in flies some friendly bacteria on a UFO, befriend the good bacteria, and kill the bad bacteria.


Then you get Spore advertising on the Yakult packaging.






You need hiring by an ad company, that's brilliant :P

Guest Stefkov

I only wanted to play this for a few hours at about 11 o'clock.


This game is just...wth.

I love the building and vehicle creators. My Town Hall looks awesome.


the only stage I found kind of boring was the tribal stage. now I'm in the space age. I have made the most evil creatures in the universe. anything they see they devoure and I took half the planet by using nukes. When I reacher the civilization stage my creatures were dreaming about nukes and war. I even made my buildings as horrible as possible (but some really funny vehicles)

the only stage I found kind of boring was the tribal stage. now I'm in the space age. I have made the most evil creatures in the universe. anything they see they devoure and I took half the planet by using nukes. When I reacher the civilization stage my creatures were dreaming about nukes and war. I even made my buildings as horrible as possible (but some really funny vehicles)


Oh yeah? I made the Rape Monsters, a flying bipedal beast with huge muscles that shoots purple goo from its crotch. They fly in packs and attack with rage, knowing that they're only purpose in the universe was to rape everyone else. As soon as they mastered technology they built a huge Rape Hall with 6 seats outdoors at the top of the tower, where the rape sages made the their judgements and decided who would be the next victim attacked with the giant robot tank, the Rape Machine.




It just didn't start well, Rape Monster looked fitting to his physique.

Guest Stefkov

I've just gotten up to the Space stage and I've gone off and explored another planet. It's telling me to go back to my home planet to complete the mission but when I do nothing happens. The Comm button is flashing but clicking it won't do. I don't know what else to do.


Fucks sake! My mates decided to relocate their nest today, to the top of a Massive hill that I couldn't get up!

What a joke!


I ended up starting again, and in the tribal stage, I gave them all huge moustaches :D

Fucks sake! My mates decided to relocate their nest today, to the top of a Massive hill that I couldn't get up!

What a joke!


I ended up starting again, and in the tribal stage, I gave them all huge moustaches :D



Give them the wings to let them glide higher when you mash space.




Creature stage was the best IMO. They should have expanded the gameplay of that a lot more. The rest felt a bit like a heavily watered down red alert (space is fun, but still not as fun).

Fucks sake! My mates decided to relocate their nest today, to the top of a Massive hill that I couldn't get up!

What a joke!


I ended up starting again, and in the tribal stage, I gave them all huge moustaches :D


That would piss me off. Problem is, because the nest has moved, you can't edit wing's on, because you can't get to the nest to enter the editor! It happened to me on a smaller scale; I accidentally exited the editor without putting feet on, and then the bastards decided to move nest, leaving me trying to wander across the island past about 4 enemy tribes with no feet! Ended up having to hug the coast and take the loooong way round.


I did, but there were two nests so close together I always got the attention of one of them when taking that line. So I tried going round the back, and got hit by another 2 :p


Got there eventually, was all good :)

Guest Stefkov

The only other Colonies I can speak to to set up trade routes are part of the 'Wub Empire'.


I don't want to be their friends. I want to take their planets by force and show them life isn't about living in harmony with the earth...


Spore has sold well in Uk.


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